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  1. - Top - End - #271
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Natasha’s Office, Keith
    Natasha mutters something too low to hear as she goes back to typing. A minute or two later she saves her work and shuts down her computer.

    “Okay, I’m ready. Let’s get out of here,” she says as she stands from her desk.

    Drake nods and heads out of the office, waiting for them outside.

    Once the office is vacated, Natasha locks the door with a key and heads back through the main floor to the lobby. She says goodnight to the guard and takes the elevator back down to the main lobby.

    Outside, she takes a right in the sidewalk and starts done the block, pulling her phone out to send a quick text.

    East Side Rooftop, John and Keith
    Quote Originally Posted by John
    “The reason you left, I believe, is a concern for my safety—which I am grateful for, Grayson. It speaks well of your commitment to heroism and the strength of your will that you have been able to contain your dragon’s feelings about me thus far, whether it was on or before the day of your departure or when you redirecting him away from my car earlier this evening.”
    Grayson’s gaze stays firmly down and away from the two of them. “Th-that’s part of it, I-I guess. But it’s also be-because h-he told me that he would s-stop hurting me for week. Y-you guys don’t get how m-much it hurts. When he’s really an-angry, my insides are so c-cold that i-it burns. I-I couldn’t take it anymore,” he says quietly.

    “I didn’t even notice your c-car,” Grayson admits. “I just wanted to c-come home.”

    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    “Then, let me say that yesterday when he told me about some extended family, he already knew about our talk at the party. But that’s a conversation for later. The dragon though, how did-”
    Grayson glances questioningly up at Keith before his gaze returns to the roof. “John said that you didn’t know t-that he already knew about it when you t-told him about our conversation,” he says, his voice small and hurt.

    Quote Originally Posted by John
    “It’s traditional among his kind in instances where there are rival suitors for there to be a challenge—often to the death. It must be proceeded by the formal issuing of the challenge, which could be as simple as a roar as he swoops in to the attack.

    “It is my understanding that he has not shared this with you. I’ve also been told he has not shared with you his name.

    John’s eyes fixed on Grayson’s—watching him closely for any signs of change as he shifted forward in his chair in order to keep his hand close to the pocket that contained the Janus Mirror.

    “His name, Grayson, is Valèdir.”
    As John reveals his dragon’s name, Grayson freezes. He seems to stop breathing for a moment. His pupils constrict and shift into vertical slits and his nails instantly sharpen.

    You dare?! a voice roars into John and Keith’s heads. The voice is slightly higher in tone than Jaal’s, but still deep.

    Grayson’s right hand grabs his left wrist and his eyes squeeze shut. His nails pierce through the skin of his forearm as he fights to keep control.

    Who are you to reveal my name, mage?

  2. - Top - End - #272
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    East Side Rooftop, John and Keith
    Grayson’s gaze stays firmly down and away from the two of them. “Th-that’s part of it, I-I guess. But it’s also be-because h-he told me that he would s-stop hurting me for week. Y-you guys don’t get how m-much it hurts. When he’s really an-angry, my insides are so c-cold that i-it burns. I-I couldn’t take it anymore,” he says quietly.

    “I didn’t even notice your c-car,” Grayson admits. “I just wanted to c-come home.”
    You may not have noticed, John thought, but Valèdir did, which is another sign the dragon is more dangerous than Grayson believes him to be.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    As John reveals his dragon’s name, Grayson freezes. He seems to stop breathing for a moment. His pupils constrict and shift into vertical slits and his nails instantly sharpen.

    You dare?! a voice roars into John and Keith’s heads. The voice is slightly higher in tone than Jaal’s, but still deep.

    Grayson’s right hand grabs his left wrist and his eyes squeeze shut. His nails pierce through the skin of his forearm as he fights to keep control.

    Who are you to reveal my name, mage?
    I suspect, John projected to Emi calmly, that I don’t need to let you know Valèdir has joined the conversation. Things are tense but not at a point where you should try to intervene.

    “So good of you to join us this evening, Valèdir,” John replied evenly as his eyes grew hard. “I was wondering if you would make an appearance. Given your promise to Grayson, I am disappointed to see that you have.

    “Disappointed,” he continued, “but not surprised. It’s such a shame that Grayson and the rest of East Side cannot trust you.

    “As to who I am, I am the occult protector of this city and the discoverer of your name. I decide who I share my discoveries with—not you. It’s high time Grayson knew, don’t you think? It would be most inappropriate for so many others to know and for him not to.

    “You can charge that oversight to yourself, as you should not have kept it from him.

    “And as to what I dare,” he continued coldly, “I can assure you that I have dared and will continue to dare far more dangerous things than this, Valèdir.

    “So. What do you have to say for yourself?”
    Last edited by mmdeforrest; 2023-05-01 at 07:27 AM.

  3. - Top - End - #273
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Natasha’s Office, Keith
    Natasha mutters something too low to hear as she goes back to typing. A minute or two later she saves her work and shuts down her computer.

    “Okay, I’m ready. Let’s get out of here,” she says as she stands from her desk.

    Drake nods and heads out of the office, waiting for them outside.

    Once the office is vacated, Natasha locks the door with a key and heads back through the main floor to the lobby. She says goodnight to the guard and takes the elevator back down to the main lobby.

    Outside, she takes a right in the sidewalk and starts done the block, pulling her phone out to send a quick text.
    Keith tilted his head and then pushed the thought out of his head. Him and Stolas shouldn't have been bickering like that.

    As Natasha was ready to leave, he stood up and followed behind Drake outside, Stolas flying back into his shadow so the guards didn't ask questions.

    "Apologies for our bickering, Natasha." Keith says as they head back out. He nods at the guard as they pass and on the sidewalk, tilts his head again as Natasha make a right down the block.

    "Would you rather ride back? We brought one if the cars if you'd prefer." Keith says following after.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    East Side Rooftop, John and Keith

    Grayson’s gaze stays firmly down and away from the two of them. “Th-that’s part of it, I-I guess. But it’s also be-because h-he told me that he would s-stop hurting me for week. Y-you guys don’t get how m-much it hurts. When he’s really an-angry, my insides are so c-cold that i-it burns. I-I couldn’t take it anymore,” he says quietly.

    “I didn’t even notice your c-car,” Grayson admits. “I just wanted to c-come home.”

    Grayson glances questioningly up at Keith before his gaze returns to the roof. “John said that you didn’t know t-that he already knew about it when you t-told him about our conversation,” he says, his voice small and hurt.

    As John reveals his dragon’s name, Grayson freezes. He seems to stop breathing for a moment. His pupils constrict and shift into vertical slits and his nails instantly sharpen.

    You dare?! a voice roars into John and Keith’s heads. The voice is slightly higher in tone than Jaal’s, but still deep.

    Grayson’s right hand grabs his left wrist and his eyes squeeze shut. His nails pierce through the skin of his forearm as he fights to keep control.

    Who are you to reveal my name, mage?
    Keith looks at the roof as Grayson explains why he had left. Of course he didn't understand what Valèdir could do to him. Even when he was sharing his mind with White, White couldn't physically hurt him.

    It wasn't something he had to contend with. And now knowing it's an actual dragon and not just the instincts, what could he even say?

    Keith nodded as Grayson sounded confused and hurt.

    "I didn't know he knew, and was mainly going to tell him what harsh things I had said about him." He looked over at John for a second before back at Grayson.

    "I found out he knew after he told me about my half-sister. Before I got the chance to say anything." Keith looks down again. "I'm sorry, Grayson."

    As the voice comes into their minds, Keith feels the weight of it and can feel his pendant vibrating.

    "That…." His words were caught in his throat for a moment. He had never actually heard the dragon…. Valèdir, speak before. It was always Grayson's voice even in the telepathic communications. Maybe he should talk with Jaal about this later. Tomorrow. Or never. Best to not anger two dragons.

    "I've never actually heard his voice so this is a shock." Keith said turning to John and tapping into Stolas's powers a bit.

    <<"John, I'm going to try and appeal to Grayson.>>" Keith projected in the Void Tongue. Having Stolas around was useful for translations though he would need that gift eventually. <<"If we need to move, and fast, shout.>>"

    He turned back to Grayson, at least the human Visage there that was halfway between them. It was still his friend. His hurt and scared friend that thought he had been betrayed.

    "Grayson," Keith started. "You can fight this, I know you can and have seen you do it so many times before. The dragon is just as much a part of you as you are him. But, it's your body. I know how bad it hurts, and that I can't compare it to anything. But that just shows me, and everyone else, how strong you are."

    Keith thought back to how often Ian had called Grayson useless.

    "Being able to put up with that type of pain, that hurt. No one else could have handled that. You're both two halves of a whole, but you hold the power in it. You are the strength."

    Spoiler: To the Support!

    Keith hoped his words would reach his friend. He also knew that right now, him and John were is some fairly big danger.

    He projected back to John again. <<"Which plan is, tear open the void?">>

  4. - Top - End - #274
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    East Side Roof, John and Keith
    I have not broken my word, the dragon growls. The boy is not in pain from anything that I am doing. I wished to talk to you face to face and he did not want to give over control to me.

    Grayson lets out the breath that he was holding and slowly releases his arm, pulling his nails out his flesh one by one. Bright red blood flows down his arm before collecting at the end of his pinky and dripping down into the roof.

    He had not yet earned the right to my name, Valèdeir continues. He is weak— Not even able to speak properly, let alone protect himself without my intervention. He allows others to walk over him, use him. Such conduct is unbecoming when one’s soul is twined with a dragon’s.

    He will not even fight for the one he loves.

    Grayson flinches, keeping his eyes on the blood dripping from his finger. “I’ve told you. S-she made her choice.”

    The dragon snarls. A choice that can change, if you would listen to me. You know she cares for you, boy.
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2023-05-01 at 08:55 AM.

  5. - Top - End - #275
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    East Side Roof, John and Keith
    I have not broken my word, the dragon growls. The boy is not in pain from anything that I am doing. I wished to talk to you face to face and he did not want to give over control to me.

    Grayson lets out the breath that he was holding and slowly releases his arm, pulling his nails out his flesh one by one. Bright red blood flows down his arm before collecting at the end of his pinky and dripping down into the roof.

    He had not yet earned the right to my name, Valèdeir continues. He is weak— Not even able to speak properly, let alone protect himself without my intervention. He allows others to walk over him, use him. Such conduct is unbecoming when one’s soul is twined with a dragon’s.

    He will not even fight for the one he loves.

    Grayson flinches, keeping his eyes on the blood dripping from his finger. “I’ve told you. S-she made her choice.”

    The dragon snarls. A choice that can change, if you would listen to me. You know she cares for you, boy.
    “Perhaps if you were more interested in letting Grayson be himself rather than always judging him for not trying to act as you would, Valèdir,” he noted with an edge of contempt creeping into his voice as the dragon tacitly discounted John’s ability to keep Emi’s attention, “you might find his speech more fluid. Our conversation about astronomy, as you may recall, took place entirely without his stutter appearing. If you expect him to work in harmony with you, he has every right to expect you to work in harmony with him. Anything less would be a possession rather than a twinning.”

    Of course, the more Valèdir tried to impose his opinions about how Grayson should act, the better it would be for him. After all, Emi’s interest was in Grayson more than the dragon.

    He hoped.

    “Indeed, Grayson’s restraint is one of the reasons I have the respect for him I do. It demonstrates at least as much strength as some of the showier displays the two of you could produce while working in concert.

    “And,” John continued, “if he has not yet earned the right to speak your name, what great deed or demonstration have you done to warrant such condescension as to not use his—addressing him as boy instead of his given name? Such an approach is not exactly a winning strategy for building confidence.”

    He needed to be careful, John reminded himself. While he needed to not end up harming either of them. While there may be no love lost between him and Valèdir, having two dragons available for deployment against a demonic horde was nothing to sniff at, it was also true that it would be better for him to keep them at one another’s throats so as to keep them from his and from uniting their efforts to charm Emi.

    It was a fine line—perhaps impossibly fine—to walk.

  6. - Top - End - #276
    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Quote Originally Posted by Keith
    Keith tilted his head and then pushed the thought out of his head. Him and Stolas shouldn't have been bickering like that.

    As Natasha was ready to leave, he stood up and followed behind Drake outside, Stolas flying back into his shadow so the guards didn't ask questions.

    "Apologies for our bickering, Natasha." Keith says as they head back out. He nods at the guard as they pass and on the sidewalk, tilts his head again as Natasha make a right down the block.

    "Would you rather ride back? We brought one if the cars if you'd prefer." Keith says following after.
    “I wouldn’t call that bickering,” Drake says to Keith with a slight smile. “Ryker and I bicker.”

    “It’s only a few blocks,” Natasha replies. “I think some fresh air and walk will do me good after being cooped up in the office all day, if that’s okay with you guys.”

    East Side Roof, John and Keith
    Grayson glances up at John and Keith. “H-he’s right though. I-I’m not… anything.”

    See? I will call him what I wish, Valèdeir retorts. He will earn his name from me once he has my respect, mage.

    Harmony? The dragon scoffs. I am a prisoner that occasionally gets to stretch his wings. And even then, the boy is usually in control. You are correct in saying that he is tenacious when it comes to keeping me safely contained. And even when I am allowed control, this world is… different. It is not meant for a dragon.

    You do not understand what it’s like to have to watch someone make mistake after mistake, for years at a time. However, he did finally do something right tonight,
    the dragon says, almost gleefully.

    Grayson suddenly stands after his eyes dart up to John, walking a few steps away from the collection of chairs.

    Oh, you don’t want me to tell him, boy? Valèdeir asks in a mocking tone. That Emi was so happy to see you again that she embraced you tightly after your absence? Or that you actually said something charming to her in return?

    The draconic hero flushes deeply as he turns his back to John and Keith, but stays silent as blood drips off his hand.

  7. - Top - End - #277
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    East Side Roof, John and Keith
    Grayson glances up at John and Keith. “H-he’s right though. I-I’m not… anything.”

    See? I will call him what I wish, Valèdeir retorts. He will earn his name from me once he has my respect, mage.

    Harmony? The dragon scoffs. I am a prisoner that occasionally gets to stretch his wings. And even then, the boy is usually in control. You are correct in saying that he is tenacious when it comes to keeping me safely contained. And even when I am allowed control, this world is… different. It is not meant for a dragon.

    You do not understand what it’s like to have to watch someone make mistake after mistake, for years at a time. However, he did finally do something right tonight,
    the dragon says, almost gleefully.

    Grayson suddenly stands after his eyes dart up to John, walking a few steps away from the collection of chairs.

    Oh, you don’t want me to tell him, boy? Valèdeir asks in a mocking tone. That Emi was so happy to see you again that she embraced you tightly after your absence? Or that you actually said something charming to her in return?

    The draconic hero flushes deeply as he turns his back to John and Keith, but stays silent as blood drips off his hand.
    John sighed with exaggerated patience, grateful they were going over known information rather than it coming as a surprise. “Would you let me heal that for you, Grayson, while Valèdir comes to grips with the concept that it is natural, normal, and expected for Emi to hug a friend she had worried she might have lost when he took you on your little unannounced trip? Maybe then, he would not be trying to impotently wield the news of it like a weapon. Good luck to the two of you with Mr. Shaw during your next one-on-one, by the way. Since Valèdir clearly needs to learn, it may take him a moment or two to catch up with us.

    “Perhaps if he had ever learned to worry about someone other than himself, he might understand better. Then he might recognize your concern for others as a strength rather than a weakness. That narrowness of view has to be more limiting than anything he claims to suffer from being limited by you.

    “And remember, Grayson: If you were nothing, Ian wouldn’t be spending so much effort on you. He would ignore you, considering you beneath contempt rather than someone worth addressing. Nor would Keith and I be spending time here this evening bringing you up to speed on things if you weren’t worthy of respect. Nor would Mr. Shaw have approved of Keith and my arrival if he did not think you worthy of the knowledge we have provided you.

    “Which brings us back to the point of this conversation: Did you have questions of me, of Keith, or of Valèdir? The issue of the demons and their plans does require my attention this evening and I can only spare so much time and I would rather not spend any more of it on Valèdir’s attempts to assuage his ego.”

  8. - Top - End - #278
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st

    “I wouldn’t call that bickering,” Drake says to Keith with a slight smile. “Ryker and I bicker.”

    “It’s only a few blocks,” Natasha replies. “I think some fresh air and walk will do me good after being cooped up in the office all day, if that’s okay with you guys.”
    Keith grins at Drake and nods. "Fair enough, and this is at least tame compared to...." Keith stops for a moment. They all thought and heard of White as a nightmare. Why make it known now that he was a real part of him? Still is in a way just gone.

    Keith shrugged. "Compared to how the twins John and Bella spoke sometimes. That was a wild ride."

    As Natasha mentioned the fresh air, Keith nodded and started moving down the block. "Certainly! And I get that, the need for fresh air." As they walked, Keith kept his eyes open for their surroundings. Just in case.

    Spoiler: The Most Important of Escort Quests!

    Notice: 1d8o8-2 4 1d6o6-2 -1
    OOC: I almost forgot the Condition penalty as well. Whoops.

    As they walked, Keith mostly took in the air. "Haven't been able to just walk at night like this since my first day at West Side. It's nice bein' back out again." He thought about everything that had happened since that day two weeks ago. It felt like forever given all the hectic events but it was a rough time for the world.

    I hope the short story is going well. Or went well. He found himself thinking as he finally had a moment of clarity in the evening.

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    East Side Roof, John and Keith
    Grayson glances up at John and Keith. “H-he’s right though. I-I’m not… anything.”

    See? I will call him what I wish, Valèdeir retorts. He will earn his name from me once he has my respect, mage.

    Harmony? The dragon scoffs. I am a prisoner that occasionally gets to stretch his wings. And even then, the boy is usually in control. You are correct in saying that he is tenacious when it comes to keeping me safely contained. And even when I am allowed control, this world is… different. It is not meant for a dragon.

    You do not understand what it’s like to have to watch someone make mistake after mistake, for years at a time. However, he did finally do something right tonight,
    the dragon says, almost gleefully.

    Grayson suddenly stands after his eyes dart up to John, walking a few steps away from the collection of chairs.

    Oh, you don’t want me to tell him, boy? Valèdeir asks in a mocking tone. That Emi was so happy to see you again that she embraced you tightly after your absence? Or that you actually said something charming to her in return?

    The draconic hero flushes deeply as he turns his back to John and Keith, but stays silent as blood drips off his hand.
    Keith frowns seeing his best friend call himself nothing. Just hearing it was enough to set him off in a rage.

    But that's not what he needed now.

    "Grayson," Keith started firmly yet still in his comforting tone. "You are a musician, a math wiz, an aspiring astronomer, and a monster at nearly any game put in front of you. You are more than you give yourself credit for. And have more than proven your own strength. No matter what the dragon says, you have the trademarks of a.strong human."

    One of his eyes blacked over. He couldn't control the anger at Valèdir welling up inside.

    "Your strength of heart to not want to harm anyone. The willpower to actively keep control. Navigating this world with all that going on and still wanting to explore and study the stars? Grayson, you are far more than what he is givin' you credit for."

    He raised an eyebrow at the exchange concerning Emi, but was glad to see John take it in stride. He took a steadying breath and tried to control the sclera of his left eye. It was always the one White tried to invade.

    "It is entirely normal. Now that I know what happened, I'm glad you came back." Keith takes another steadying breath. At least this time with anger, it was only a single eye and not his voice distorting as well.

    As John asked about other questions, Keith nodded. "Anything at all I can answer, I'll do my best." He was concerned. About what though right now he couldn't pin down anything other than, everything in this situation.

  9. - Top - End - #279
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jan 2015
    Albemarle, NC

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    Drake raises an eyebrow at Keith’s sudden mention of twins he’d never heard of, but lets it drop.

    Natasha speaks fairly animatedly with the two of them on the fifteen minute walk to her apartment. Nothing catches Keith’s eye on the streets, other than a gathering of a few homeless people down an alley that they pass.

    Her apartment is on the 18th floor. As they approach her door, Keith can feel a hint of Seraph’s magic, similar to why he feels in Zylas’ room back at base.

    “This is my stop, guys,” Natasha says. “Thanks for the company. Both of you be safe getting back home, okay?”

    November 2nd
    East Side Roof, John and Keith
    You are more patient than I gave you credit for, mage, Valèdeir sneers. Most suitors would be livid that their rival was offered physical affection and attention when he was present in the same building. It matters not, I suppose. We will have more chances—

    “Stop,” Grayson says, cutting off the dragon. “Just stop. You h-heard John.”

    He turns as Keith speaks, listening to him with wide eyes. His pupils shift back into human roundness as he looks back down at the roof. “Thanks Keith,” he says softly. His attention seems to turn inward for a moment before he takes a few steps closer to John and holds out his bloodied arm. “Y-you can try. Magic doesn’t d-do much to me.”

    He thinks for a moment. “How did you find out wh-what you did? His name. A-about challenges.”

  10. - Top - End - #280
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2022

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    November 2nd
    East Side Roof, John and Keith
    You are more patient than I gave you credit for, mage, Valèdeir sneers. Most suitors would be livid that their rival was offered physical affection and attention when he was present in the same building. It matters not, I suppose. We will have more chances—

    “Stop,” Grayson says, cutting off the dragon. “Just stop. You h-heard John.”

    He turns as Keith speaks, listening to him with wide eyes. His pupils shift back into human roundness as he looks back down at the roof. “Thanks Keith,” he says softly. His attention seems to turn inward for a moment before he takes a few steps closer to John and holds out his bloodied arm. “Y-you can try. Magic doesn’t d-do much to me.”

    He thinks for a moment. “How did you find out wh-what you did? His name. A-about challenges.”
    John summons the Enochian Tablets but finds himself struggling at a portion of his mind began replaying Valèdir’s parting words. They would have opportunities— many opportunities.

    Spoiler: Eek!
    Spellcasting: Healing: 1d12o12 2 1d6o6 1

    No. He could trust Emi, he reminded himself.

    Spoiler: Is there Hope?
    John spends a Bennie!

    Nevertheless, as much as he would like to believe that Valèdir’s taunts had not landed, it was challenging to focus—especially on a target as difficult as a dragon.

    Spoiler: Not today….
    Spellcasting: Healing: 1d12o12 3 1d6o6 3

    To no effect. John is Shaken.

    Recovers?: 1d8 3 1d6 5

    John recovers.

    He hoped that that was the reason, rather than a personal unwillingness to aid his rival.

    “I’m sorry, Grayson,” John offered with a weak smile as his spell failed to take hold. “It appears that this is one area where Valèdir has bested me this evening. I would have rather it not have been over healing your cuts but, as you say, it is more challenging than it would be if I were trying to heal Keith.”

    “As to where I learned,” John explained as he stretched certain truths. “Valèdir’s feelings toward me at the party and as you left the other night sent me off to do some research via old fashioned book learning and some less traditional means.

    “The basic structure of the Challenge was pretty predictable,” he continued with a shrug. “Males claiming territories is hardly unique to dragons but I did want to make sure that I understood the finer points of etiquette. What I found was sketchy and suspect but I do have the advantage of knowing another dragon here in town to bridge some of the gaps in my research—a dragon, incidentally, who has claimed me as a portion of his territory.

    “It’s only fair that you know that, should Valèdir kill me in a challenge, he will be obligated to hunt down and kill Valèdir in turn. And he is a more mature, experienced dragon and he would likely not be alone unless he insisted on it.”

    John stepped back and surveyed his rival. At least he was worthy.

    A little less worthy and a little less compelling to Emi might be preferable, of course, but he didn’t get to make that decision.

    “What else can we tell you?”

  11. - Top - End - #281
    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    Drake raises an eyebrow at Keith’s sudden mention of twins he’d never heard of, but lets it drop.

    Natasha speaks fairly animatedly with the two of them on the fifteen minute walk to her apartment. Nothing catches Keith’s eye on the streets, other than a gathering of a few homeless people down an alley that they pass.

    Her apartment is on the 18th floor. As they approach her door, Keith can feel a hint of Seraph’s magic, similar to why he feels in Zylas’ room back at base.

    “This is my stop, guys,” Natasha says. “Thanks for the company. Both of you be safe getting back home, okay?”
    Keith reads a bit of Drake’s silence and realizes he had never mentioned the twins to him before. Or to anyone else at West Side for that matter. It had been a long time since he talked to either of them.

    Though Don’s mention of Bella the other day had him grin a bit. She was always nice.

    At the gathering, Keith nods and continues his conversations with the others. It was nice getting to chat with Natasha some and learn a bit more about those in Seraph’s life. As they approached the building though, he felt the magic and his eyes went wide.

    It wasn’t like Zylas’s room, but he could feel a bit of pressure on it. This was far more important. Maybe it was because Stolas was there he had felt the pressure now? He pushed the thought away. Keith nodded and grinned at Natasha as she mentioned it was her stop and tanking them.

    “Anytime! And glad to have gotten to chat with you.” He said more upbeat now than before, and with a nod about them getting back safe.

    “We will. Just owe Drake one favor right fast and we’ll be all set.” He waved as Natasha started up. “Have a good rest of the night.”

    He tapped on his commlink. ”Hey, Mimi? Could you let Seraph know we just got Natasha home safe? Thank you!”

    He turned back to Drake. “If I hadn’t said it already, thanks for comin’ out with me man.”

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 2nd
    East Side Roof, John and Keith
    You are more patient than I gave you credit for, mage, Valèdeir sneers. Most suitors would be livid that their rival was offered physical affection and attention when he was present in the same building. It matters not, I suppose. We will have more chances—

    “Stop,” Grayson says, cutting off the dragon. “Just stop. You h-heard John.”

    He turns as Keith speaks, listening to him with wide eyes. His pupils shift back into human roundness as he looks back down at the roof. “Thanks Keith,” he says softly. His attention seems to turn inward for a moment before he takes a few steps closer to John and holds out his bloodied arm. “Y-you can try. Magic doesn’t d-do much to me.”

    He thinks for a moment. “How did you find out wh-what you did? His name. A-about challenges.”
    Keith’s breathing was still a bit heightened from the exchange. He wanted to hurt that gecko but knew he couldn’t do so without hurting Grayson. That dragon was a coward. Though at Grayson’s thanks, he smiled and nodded.

    “Anytime, bud. It’s all the truth, and he can get mad at me for it.” He says as his friend walks closer to John. He still hadn’t gotten his eye back under control, but hoped John’s healing would work.

    He watched as the spells wove together from John’s tablets, and as they did nothing. He was a bit confused, having never seen John fail at, well anything.

    “Well, that’s new.” Keith said with a raised eyebrow. Then turned to John. “Three to one is still a winning score though.” He offers with a soft smile before looking at Grayson’s cuts. And thinking about the ones he had earlier.

    “Think Nora would let me grab the first aid kit to wrap it at least?” Keith asked. If he would rather do it himself, that would be ok too. He knew their stay there needed to be short and as far as he knew, they were only allowed on the roof.

    At John’s explanation, Keith nodded. “Honestly, have a couple questions I’d like to ask the other dragon too, but those can wait.”

    He turned to look at Grayson. “You gonna be ok, man?”

  12. - Top - End - #282
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 2nd
    East Side Roof, John and Keith
    “It’s okay,” Grayson says as he steps away from John again. He glances over at Keith with a shrug. “I’ll d-deal with it later. Don’t worry about it. A-and thanks. For what you said.”

    He sighs, his eyes moving to meet John’s before moving away. “The b-black dragon, right? I felt him reach out to us, b-but I didn’t know that he actually t-talked to him.”

    “I think I’ll need t-to talk to… him myself,” Grayson continues after a moment. “I have some questions t-that only he c-can answer. Th-thank you for te-telling me what you have. I understand w-why you tried to walk away earlier, with the ch-challenge and everything. Y-you’re braver than I would be, c-coming back to talk to me.”

    His eyes gain a steely hint of determination as he meets John’s gaze. “I won’t let him hurt you, John. Even if it kills me.”

  13. - Top - End - #283
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 2nd
    East Side Roof, John and Keith
    “It’s okay,” Grayson says as he steps away from John again. He glances over at Keith with a shrug. “I’ll d-deal with it later. Don’t worry about it. A-and thanks. For what you said.”

    He sighs, his eyes moving to meet John’s before moving away. “The b-black dragon, right? I felt him reach out to us, b-but I didn’t know that he actually t-talked to him.”
    “Yes. Valèdir exchanged formalities with Jaal,” John confirmed. “Given that Valèdir identified himself to Jaal, I suspected that Valèdir either blocked that from you or spoke Draconic the entire time. I wasn’t sure if you knew that language or not.”

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    “I think I’ll need t-to talk to… him myself,” Grayson continues after a moment. “I have some questions t-that only he c-can answer. Th-thank you for te-telling me what you have. I understand w-why you tried to walk away earlier, with the ch-challenge and everything. Y-you’re braver than I would be, c-coming back to talk to me.”

    His eyes gain a steely hint of determination as he meets John’s gaze. “I won’t let him hurt you, John. Even if it kills me.”
    “I have no doubt you will do everything you can, Grayson,” John replied, mindfully not extending his hand while his talons remained. “Just promise me this: You, Keith, and I know that, in our line of work, we face things that can surprise us and effect us unexpectedly. Should Valèdir get out and come for me through no fault of your own, you won’t blame yourself. I’ve already promised Emi to do whatever I can to end things without causing you harm, if I can, and as little harm as possible if I cannot. I make that promise to you now, as well.”

    And I don’t want to kill again, he thought.

    “We just had to bury a teammate. I don’t want anyone to have to go through that due to my actions if I can avoid it.

    “Why don’t you take Keith up on his offer and let him patch you up,” John suggested not entirely altruistically, given the other likely option for who would bandage him up. “I can wait for him here.”

    He also suspected that this would not be the only conversation that took place this evening and that there was a better than good chance that that conversation would only begin following Grayson’s departure.

  14. - Top - End - #284
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    On the Way Back

    In the car, Keith heard Stolas pipe up and speak to him, then he shrugged away the thought on the rest of the drive home.

    ”Master, you are a bit dense. Obviously she would have had Seraph heal the nausea, but think a bit more on why she may want to go see a doctor about it.”

    Keith shrugged, hidden by the lull of the car. ”Ok to be honest, I’m a bit lost. You may need to explain it to me.”

    ”D-did you not learn some of the most basic of basics, Master?”

    Keith raised an eyebrow and was a bit more confused. ”Uhhhhhh, you may wanna be a bit more specific, Stolas. It’s not making sense.”

    Stolas sighed and shook his head. ”In that case….. We will talk about this later. Or you can Joojle it, or whatever it’s called now.”

    ”Google, Stolas.”

    ”Same thing. Just look up chronic nausea.”

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 2nd
    East Side Roof, John and Keith
    “It’s okay,” Grayson says as he steps away from John again. He glances over at Keith with a shrug. “I’ll d-deal with it later. Don’t worry about it. A-and thanks. For what you said.”

    He sighs, his eyes moving to meet John’s before moving away. “The b-black dragon, right? I felt him reach out to us, b-but I didn’t know that he actually t-talked to him.”

    “I think I’ll need t-to talk to… him myself,” Grayson continues after a moment. “I have some questions t-that only he c-can answer. Th-thank you for te-telling me what you have. I understand w-why you tried to walk away earlier, with the ch-challenge and everything. Y-you’re braver than I would be, c-coming back to talk to me.”

    His eyes gain a steely hint of determination as he meets John’s gaze. “I won’t let him hurt you, John. Even if it kills me.”
    At Grayson’s thanks, Keith smiled a bit and then his eyes went to the ground again. It was obvious that Grayson wasn’t wanting his help right now. And he had a lot to process given what just happened. He looked back up at him before speaking though.

    “Anytime man. Besides, it’s all true and I want you to see that too. So do me a favor, and don’t say you aren’t anything again. Remember all of it.” He said with a grin.

    Quote Originally Posted by mmdeforrest View Post
    “Yes. Valèdir exchanged formalities with Jaal,” John confirmed. “Given that Valèdir identified himself to Jaal, I suspected that Valèdir either blocked that from you or spoke Draconic the entire time. I wasn’t sure if you knew that language or not.”

    “I have no doubt you will do everything you can, Grayson,” John replied, mindfully not extending his hand while his talons remained. “Just promise me this: You, Keith, and I know that, in our line of work, we face things that can surprise us and effect us unexpectedly. Should Valèdir get out and come for me through no fault of your own, you won’t blame yourself. I’ve already promised Emi to do whatever I can to end things without causing you harm, if I can, and as little harm as possible if I cannot. I make that promise to you now, as well.”

    And I don’t want to kill again, he thought.

    “We just had to bury a teammate. I don’t want anyone to have to go through that due to my actions if I can avoid it.

    “Why don’t you take Keith up on his offer and let him patch you up,” John suggested not entirely altruistically, given the other likely option for who would bandage him up. “I can wait for him here.”.
    At the mention of Jaal, Keith nodded. He had thought of mentioning Jaal by name but wasn’t sure if he should or not. Thankfully John did so that made it a bit easier.

    “Wait, do you speak Draconic, John? Not sure if Stolas does or not, haven’t asked him.” He looked between them and at Grayson’s determination of not letting Valèdir hurt John, Keith saw the strength in his eyes again.

    “That strength right there. That’s what he should be able to recognize.” Keith said with a hint of pride to his friend.

    Upon hearing the exchange, and the promises made, Keith thought back to Calvin and how he had died on Keith’s watch. They didn’t need to bury another teammate. More importantly, Raph said no one else was allowed to die on the West Side.

    “Guess my big question is, what can I do to help? Feels like there should be a few plans in place as a precaution.” Keith tilted his head.

    “Would rather no one have to go through that again. Even if it is unavoidable in our line of work.” Keith sighed. “Just let me know what I should do or plan for. Gonna need a bigger crash course in dragons.”

    As John made the suggestion at Grayson taking Keith up on the offer to bandage the wounds, he glanced at John. Wasn’t that surprising given where they were but it was well into the morning now.

    “Would be best to get it done as soon as possible but I do understand.” He then looked at John. “Which, John, I have a small favor to ask when this is done. If you have time of course.” Keith said meekly. And awaiting Grayson’s response.

  15. - Top - End - #285
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Walk in the Park
    Park - Late Evening

    Quote Originally Posted by Nightgaunt
    The sooty raven turns its head from side to side, looking at Louis with it's beady black-on-black eyes before standing up as Nightgaunt again.

    He wipes drying blood from his face and shakes demonic ichor from his hands. "Maybe just a towel." He deadpans. The vampire peels off what's left of his finger-less gloves and casts them aside.

    He looks around at the team and then back to Louis with a smile. "All the newbies lived, it's a start."
    Louis chuckles. "Sorry, didn't think to bring one with me. But I can offer you an organic alternative if you're interested?" He says, thumbing at the canopy of a nearby tree. "Nature's finest."

    He follows his friends gaze towards the rest of the team. "Yeah... it is."

    "Might be a little early but I think we should celebrate. We should take'em all out for ice cream or something; they've earned it."

    Quote Originally Posted by Augur
    Augur looks himself over, realizing he hadn't been touched. "I think I'm going to survive, but you may have to cut off my leg," he replies, a silly grin on his face.
    "Seems drastic. But that does mean I can finally put those spare parts laying around the lab to good use."

    Quote Originally Posted by Crowe
    Crowe taps his commlink. "No complaints here."
    "Great. Then there shouldn't be any objections to doing a bit damage control here? Let's canvas the park for any civilians that might need our help then start making our way back to base." He says to the team.

    It takes 2ouis

    Mimi recites several heroes and vigilantes with known electric powers. “There is also Blitz from East Side Provisional that you met this last Saturday,” she finishes.
    "Definitely not Blitz. Wouldn't make sense for him to stray this far from his side of the city."

    2ouis raises a pair of fingers up to his ear and opens a line to the original. "I finally have everything under control here. On my way to speak to the Police and EMS before heading back to base. What's it looking like on your end?"

    "The show was great! And the crowd loves us. Might be a while before they invite us back to perform but the park's still standing at least. I'll fill you in later." The original replies.

    Back to the Lab (Again)

    Louis hangs the keys to the Monte Carlo on the wall after parking the car in the garage upon the teams return, and starts the familiar trek to the lab once more.

    "Hey Mimi, any idea what our two favorite criminals are up to?"

  16. - Top - End - #286
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 1st
    “If you are referring to Ryker and Sidney,” Mimi replies, “they are currently in the lounge watching a movie.”

    When Louis makes his way there, the original Blade Runner movie is playing on the screen. Ryker quickly sits up from where he’d been laying on Sidney’s lap. His hair is tousled, like she’d been running her fingers through it.

    Sidney pauses the the movie. “Hey Louis, Mimi said you might want to talk about something?”

    Ryker grumbles a little and settles back into the couch, crossing his arms.

    November 2nd
    East Side Roof, John and Keith
    Grayson considers John’s question about Draconic. “I actually… I d-don’t know. I could probably understand it if I heard it, b-but I didn’t hear them talk at all, so he probably blocked me out.”

    He pauses as John asks him to promise not to blame himself, but eventually gives him the slightest of nods.

    “As for a plan, all I-I can do is fight him as hard as I can,” Grayson continues, looking at Keith. “It’s probably best if I don’t know what y-you guys have planned to stop him, since if I know, h-he’ll know.”

    Eidolon’s voice rings through the minds of the three on the roof. If you three are done talking, I suggest that you get back to your own base, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Karver. Mr. Radke can clean his wounds himself.

    “Y-yes sir,” Grayson mumbles. He looks up at John and Keith again. “Thanks again. M-maybe we can get together some other time and g-go over dragon stuff. I-I’ll tell you what I can too.”

  17. - Top - End - #287
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 1st
    November 2nd
    East Side Roof, John and Keith
    Grayson considers John’s question about Draconic. “I actually… I d-don’t know. I could probably understand it if I heard it, b-but I didn’t hear them talk at all, so he probably blocked me out.”

    He pauses as John asks him to promise not to blame himself, but eventually gives him the slightest of nods.

    “As for a plan, all I-I can do is fight him as hard as I can,” Grayson continues, looking at Keith. “It’s probably best if I don’t know what y-you guys have planned to stop him, since if I know, h-he’ll know.”

    Eidolon’s voice rings through the minds of the three on the roof. If you three are done talking, I suggest that you get back to your own base, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Karver. Mr. Radke can clean his wounds himself.

    “Y-yes sir,” Grayson mumbles. He looks up at John and Keith again. “Thanks again. M-maybe we can get together some other time and g-go over dragon stuff. I-I’ll tell you what I can too.”
    Understood, Mr. Shaw,” John projected respectfully, slightly disappointed at which Shaw had reached out to him. Thank you again for your patience in this matter and your willingness to allow us to visit after hours.

    “It’s always good to see you, Grayson—no matter the topic. That said,” he said as he began to slowly scribe out the spell that would take him and Keith back to West Side, “I had looked forward top hearing more about stars.

    “Whenever you are ready, Keith.”

    Spoiler: Oh, sure. When I just needed a 4 to make it back but in the spell before needed this kind of astronomical number….
    Spellcasting: Teleporting Back: 1d12o12 34 1d6o6 1

    A moment after Keith clears them for transport.

    John glanced at the preparations for the summoning ring on his work table as they materialized in the center of the gold circle in his workshop.

    “You said you needed a favor?” John asked, confirming the preparatory reactions were ready for him to begin work after he changed his clothes.

    We’ve returned to West Side, he projected gently to Emi. Grayson has been informed and Valèdir has been offended. Are you okay?

  18. - Top - End - #288
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 2nd
    East Side Roof, John and Keith
    Grayson considers John’s question about Draconic. “I actually… I d-don’t know. I could probably understand it if I heard it, b-but I didn’t hear them talk at all, so he probably blocked me out.”

    He pauses as John asks him to promise not to blame himself, but eventually gives him the slightest of nods.

    “As for a plan, all I-I can do is fight him as hard as I can,” Grayson continues, looking at Keith. “It’s probably best if I don’t know what y-you guys have planned to stop him, since if I know, h-he’ll know.”

    Eidolon’s voice rings through the minds of the three on the roof. If you three are done talking, I suggest that you get back to your own base, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Karver. Mr. Radke can clean his wounds himself.

    “Y-yes sir,” Grayson mumbles. He looks up at John and Keith again. “Thanks again. M-maybe we can get together some other time and g-go over dragon stuff. I-I’ll tell you what I can too.”
    Keith grins a bit and nods seeing the interaction. And then at the mention of planning. He looked at the roof again as Grayson mentioned it.

    “Yeah, probably for the best. That and…. Well if a plan does need to be had, it’s the worst case scenario too.” Keith looked at his best friend. “You got this, Grayson. Trust in the faith that so many of us have in you for that, ok?”

    He jumps a bit hearing Mr. Shaw’s voice in his mind and nods. He then projects his response to Mr. Shaw. “Y-yes sir. Thank you for allowing us the time to talk, Mr. Shaw.”

    He had expected someone to say they needed to head back, but not necessarily Mr. Shaw himself.

    Quote Originally Posted by mmdeforrest View Post
    “Whenever you are ready, Keith.”

    Spoiler: Oh, sure. When I just needed a 4 to make it back but in the spell before needed this kind of astronomical number….
    Spellcasting: Teleporting Back: 1d12o12 34 1d6o6 1
    At John’s comment, Keith nodded and looked back at Grayson. “We’ll talk more later man. Always good to see ya, and need to try and set up another star gazing time.” He said with a smile.

    He stepped over to John’s side as he inscribed the spell and waved at Grayson. “Think my stomach is sufficiently prepared.” He said with a smirk as they were taken away.

    Quote Originally Posted by mmdeforrest View Post
    A moment after Keith clears them for transport.
    John glanced at the preparations for the summoning ring on his work table as they materialized in the center of the gold circle in his workshop.

    “You said you needed a favor?” John asked, confirming the preparatory reactions were ready for him to begin work after he changed his clothes.
    As they materialized, Keith felt this trip to be much less bumpy. At least no drastic turn about landing them a few states over either. He looked around and saw they were in the workshop basement, wondering if maybe this would start being a better place to chat.

    Then again, why bring someone here to chat that broke trust?

    Keith nodded as John asked about the favor. “Only if you don’t mind, and it’s totally fine if not. Still feel like I don’t have much right to ask.” He said, shaking his head.

    “Would you mind using the healing spell on my shoulder?” He asked meekly.

    Regardless of John’s response, Keith continued. “I also wanted to say, you know given everything that just transpired.” Keith took a steadying breath, thinking of the worst case scenario. “If that gecko ends up coming out with the challenge, I will stand at your side on that. I know it means Grayson lost his internal battle, and that anything we do to Valèdir hurts him but…. Seraph may be able to heal him right?”

    Keith sighs. “I need to talk with Jaal about their claim lines first and figure out something but I have a feelin’ Valèdir probably expects me to fight beside you now. Just…. Just know I’ll do what I can. If you’ll let me help.”

    He looks around the lab. “And if you need help with alchemy stuff, I can send Stolas down here too. Still trying to figure out what Rin is planning. Or if Jason is just putting her on this path too. But that’s a talk that can wait till tomorrow.” He says with a smile.

    “Last thing, and the most important.” He looks straight at John. “Thank you for trusting me to go with you tonight. I…… needed that after today.”

  19. - Top - End - #289
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by Roguewolf View Post
    Keith grins a bit and nods seeing the interaction. And then at the mention of planning. He looked at the roof again as Grayson mentioned it.

    “Yeah, probably for the best. That and…. Well if a plan does need to be had, it’s the worst case scenario too.” Keith looked at his best friend. “You got this, Grayson. Trust in the faith that so many of us have in you for that, ok?”

    He jumps a bit hearing Mr. Shaw’s voice in his mind and nods. He then projects his response to Mr. Shaw. “Y-yes sir. Thank you for allowing us the time to talk, Mr. Shaw.”

    He had expected someone to say they needed to head back, but not necessarily Mr. Shaw himself.

    At John’s comment, Keith nodded and looked back at Grayson. “We’ll talk more later man. Always good to see ya, and need to try and set up another star gazing time.” He said with a smile.

    He stepped over to John’s side as he inscribed the spell and waved at Grayson. “Think my stomach is sufficiently prepared.” He said with a smirk as they were taken away.

    As they materialized, Keith felt this trip to be much less bumpy. At least no drastic turn about landing them a few states over either. He looked around and saw they were in the workshop basement, wondering if maybe this would start being a better place to chat.

    Then again, why bring someone here to chat that broke trust?

    Keith nodded as John asked about the favor. “Only if you don’t mind, and it’s totally fine if not. Still feel like I don’t have much right to ask.” He said, shaking his head.

    “Would you mind using the healing spell on my shoulder?” He asked meekly.

    Regardless of John’s response, Keith continued. “I also wanted to say, you know given everything that just transpired.” Keith took a steadying breath, thinking of the worst case scenario. “If that gecko ends up coming out with the challenge, I will stand at your side on that. I know it means Grayson lost his internal battle, and that anything we do to Valèdir hurts him but…. Seraph may be able to heal him right?”

    Keith sighs. “I need to talk with Jaal about their claim lines first and figure out something but I have a feelin’ Valèdir probably expects me to fight beside you now. Just…. Just know I’ll do what I can. If you’ll let me help.”

    He looks around the lab. “And if you need help with alchemy stuff, I can send Stolas down here too. Still trying to figure out what Rin is planning. Or if Jason is just putting her on this path too. But that’s a talk that can wait till tomorrow.” He says with a smile.

    “Last thing, and the most important.” He looks straight at John. “Thank you for trusting me to go with you tonight. I…… needed that after today.”
    John frowned in confusion as he cast the healing spell. “That’s not much of a favor, Keith—although healing is a much surer thing with Seraph than it is with me. Didn’t you speak with him?”

    Spoiler: The Dangers of Super-Sorcery loom but do not strike here.
    Spellcasting: Healing: 1d12o12-1 2 1d6o6-1 0

    Recovers?: 1d8 5 1d6 2

    While checking the Healing rules, I noted that John should have been Fatigued (-1 to all Trait rolls) for his failure to heal Grayson—good thing he rolled a frickin’ 34 on his Teleportation attempt. Having failed to heal Keith, he is now Exhausted (-2 to all Trait rolls) for the next hour and remains Shaken.

    “I’m afraid I have overextended myself a little today,” John confesses as his spell fails to take hold and he leans on his workbench, “Well, maybe longer than today. I’ve been running wide open for a while and my focus is beginning to suffer for it. If an emergency crops up, I will try again but I should probably take a little time to refocus myself before another attempt, if we can afford it.”

    He looked up and regarded Keith. “One of your most obvious qualities, Kieth, is a desire to be a good friend to those you care for. I don’t doubt that includes me,” he continued, offering a wry smile, “even if Clea is of two minds about it. Just try to continue to be that. It will be hard enough for you to continue that in the coming days without pledging yourself to one side or another in a battle that may be inevitable. My guess is that Valèdir is not going to choose a time when anyone else is easily available anyway. He may be proud and underestimate me but he isn’t stupid enough to allow me to easily call in backup. After all, he imagines this as a fight to the death and if he is ready to die for this he won’t be around to protest that I ganged up on him.

    “But like any good magician, I have a few tricks up my sleeve and more arrive tomorrow, along with your and everyone else’s new body armor.

    “Well, almost everyone else’s. Auger has his own, after all, and I don’t know how practical it will be for Drake to wear his as a precaution against someone getting around his metallic form.”

    He shook his head. “Anyway, I think I am going to grab a quick shower and re-center myself before I get a little sleep before getting back to work. Stolas is welcome to join me here this morning at about six if he wishes to kibitz or just observe before our morning meeting. I’m not sure how familiar he is with Blood Magic and Demonology, which are two of the three fields I will be primarily drawing on but if he has any thoughts as to how I can bridge the absence of a greater demon’s True Name with the ichor of her brother, I’m all ears. Dr. Riviera didn’t notice anything amiss—beyond the obvious its-a-hare-brained-scheme-and-I-have-to-be-nuts kind of thing.

    “Regardless, he would be welcome if he wishes to observe.”
    Last edited by mmdeforrest; 2023-05-05 at 10:34 AM.

  20. - Top - End - #290
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by mmdeforrest View Post
    John frowned in confusion as he cast the healing spell. “That’s not much of a favor, Keith—although healing is a much surer thing with Seraph than it is with me. Didn’t you speak with him?”

    Spoiler: The Dangers of Super-Sorcery loom but do not strike here.
    Spellcasting: Healing: 1d12o12-1 2 1d6o6-1 0

    Recovers?: 1d8 5 1d6 2

    While checking the Healing rules, I noted that John should have been Fatigued (-1 to all Trait rolls) for his failure to heal Grayson—good thing he rolled a frickin’ 34 on his Teleportation attempt. Having failed to heal Keith, he is now Exhausted (-2 to all Trait rolls) for the next hour and remains Shaken.

    “I’m afraid I have overextended myself a little today,” John confesses as his spell fails to take hold and he leans on his workbench, “Well, maybe longer than today. I’ve been running wide open for a while and my focus is beginning to suffer for it. If an emergency crops up, I will try again but I should probably take a little time to refocus myself before another attempt, if we can afford it.”

    He looked up and regarded Keith. “One of your most obvious qualities, Kieth, is a desire to be a good friend to those you care for. I don’t doubt that includes me,” he continued, offering a wry smile, “even if Clea is of two minds about it. Just try to continue to be that. It will be hard enough for you to continue that in the coming days without pledging yourself to one side or another in a battle that may be inevitable. My guess is that Valèdir is not going to choose a time when anyone else is easily available anyway. He may be proud and underestimate me but he isn’t stupid enough to allow me to easily call in backup. After all, he imagines this as a fight to the death and if he is ready to die for this he won’t be around to protest that I ganged up on him.

    “But like any good magician, I have a few tricks up my sleeve and more arrive tomorrow, along with your and everyone else’s new body armor.

    “Well, almost everyone else’s. Auger has his own, after all, and I don’t know how practical it will be for Drake to wear his as a precaution against someone getting around his metallic form.”

    He shook his head. “Anyway, I think I am going to grab a quick shower and re-center myself before I get back to work. Stolas is welcome to join me here in a little over an hour if he wishes to kibitz or just observe. I’m not sure how familiar he is with Blood Magic and Demonology, which are two of the three fields I will be primarily drawing on but if he has any thoughts as to how I can bridge the absence of a greater demon’s True Name with the ichor of her brother, I’m all ears. Dr. Riviera didn’t notice anything amiss—beyond the obvious its-a-hare-brained-scheme-and-I-have-to-be-nuts kind of thing.

    “Regardless, he would be welcome if he wishes to observe.”
    Keith looks at the ground and rubs the back of his neck. "Y-yeah, and I should have. Think I got caught up in the excitement of being allowed to help him out that adrenaline kicked in." As the spell failed, he raised an eyebrow in confusion at what may be eating at John. He hardly ever had things like this go wrong. In fact, he had never seen him not be able to do something.

    He offered a comforting smile. "No worries, John. It's entirely understandable given..... well everything. I mean," Keith gestures as if to motion to the city. "I'll talk with Seraph again in the morning, but do appreciate it. And hope you can get some rest in."

    At the next interaction, and John's observation about Keith, he couldn't help but nod silently as the possibility of having to take a side arose. It was entirely a possibility and he wouldn't put it past Valèdir to use that against him. Or John in that fight. Granted one of them is more likely to fall for it. He offered another smile as it ended though.

    "It does include you, John. And, kinda used to people being of two minds of it." He shrugged. "Happens when you work with a bunch of spies. That and, I'll do that. Still wanna talk with Jaal about their claim lines to see about makin' a back up plan." He pinched the bride of his nose. That fight would be inevitable at some point. "Have a feelin' if my other plan were to start, Valèdir might just speed up his time table. So holdin' off of trying to introduce Grayson to Addi or someone at North Side."

    Keith smirks. "Guess the good news there is, Raph can move a few people too." He then tilted his head. "Wait new body armor? I.... thank you." He didn't quite know what else to say. It wasn't something he had expected either. "Drake might definitely be open to it given the events we went through after lunch. Especially if we gotta run into Marrow again."

    Keith just nodded in agreement about John's plan and looked at the time. They'd all need sleep with everything. "I'm sure he would love to sit in. I don't know what he knows about either either, probably more on Blood Magic than Demonology. I can recognize some Blood Magic but, well, we know my specialty." Keith thought for a moment. "What if the emptiness of the void created a space, something there and not there? Eh can discuss it more tomorrow."

    He just grinned at Dr. Riviera's comment. "Kinda goes with out jobs though. But I'll go through the Empire books tonight and see if I can find anything. Maybe Jason had been planning something and we all just missed it. That, and since we know that Rin was making Nova, thank you for that again by the way; I would love the chance to just rain on that parade."

    Keith shook his head. "Regardless, I hope the rest of the evening is restful, John. See ya, well later today." After any responses from John, Keith would wave and make his way back to him room.

    It was time for another shower, and then a good few hours of unconsciousness.

  21. - Top - End - #291
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 2nd
    I’m fine, John, Emi replies. Her tone gains a hint of irritation that she can’t hide. My father placed a psychic barrier between the roof and the rest of the base, cutting me off from your conversation. He knew I could watch through Keith’s eyes and ears and didn’t want me to see if your talk… ended up going… badly… she trails off.

    I’m relieved to hear that it went fine, but I still want to ask, are you okay?

  22. - Top - End - #292
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 2nd
    I’m fine, John, Emi replies. Her tone gains a hint of irritation that she can’t hide. My father placed a psychic barrier between the roof and the rest of the base, cutting me off from your conversation. He knew I could watch through Keith’s eyes and ears and didn’t want me to see if your talk… ended up going… badly… she trails off.

    I’m relieved to hear that it went fine, but I still want to ask, are you okay?
    I suspected that he would monitoring things, John replied with a hint of amusement. I had almost expected a post-game analysis on how he thought the three of us did but I suppose that was a little much to expect from him after midnight. I had guessed that Keith might be your window on things—although Nora was a close second in terms of options. I tried to send you a couple quick messages during the conversation but I am guessing they did not make it through.

    Well, given your father’s strength, more than guessing.

    But yes, I’m okay, he replied more seriously, if very tired. All of the work and excitement is catching up with me, I think. I couldn’t manage to heal a small laceration on Grayson’s arm, which your father instructed him to take care of, or Keiths shoulder when we returned here—which, quite frankly, he should have had Seraph take care of much earlier in the evening. Given that inability to focus, I think I am going to move working on the summoning to tomorrow morning rather than try and prep it tonight.

    I do have to confess that Valèdir managed to get under my skin a little by playing up your hugging them upon their return while I was waiting for you downstairs but I pointed out such a reaction was to be expected, given your concerns for Grayson and his safety. Apparently, I hid it well enough for him to move on to talking about their future opportunities before Grayson cut him off. He showed some real strength there.

    WHY was he praising his rival to his girlfriend?

    Sorry. I may have thought that a little louder than I thought. He’s a good man and I like him. There is nothing wrong in admitting that.

    He could feel the vulnerability beginning to creep in.

    Even to you.

    Just promise me to watch out for Valèdir. He can hide things from Grayson—entire conversations, like the one he had with Jaal at Amity Court. And in between the contempt he holds Grayson and myself in, he may begin to try to take a more active hand in things.

    John mentally sighed as he made his way towards his room. Another thing for me to hope I’m wrong about.

    What about you. Are you alright—beyond buying irritated at your father, that is.

  23. - Top - End - #293
    Ogre in the Playground

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    November 2nd
    It doesn’t surprise me that you’re exhausted, John. You’ve done so much in just this past week.

    She pauses, then continues, I’ll be careful with Valèdeir. Based on what you’ve said, he won’t do anything that could cause me harm, but I’ll keep an eye out for him trying to control Grayson.

    I’m fine. Questioning my decisions about tonight, but fine,
    she sighs. Get some rest, John. I’ll talk to you later today.

    Spoiler: Meanwhile, in Grayson’s Room
    Grayson stands with his arm over the sink, carefully trying to clean each of the five deep punctures in his left arm. Two of his fingers don’t seem to want to move at all. He’d probably severely damaged the muscles and tendons when he’d clamped down to keep… the dragon from taking over.

    While he knew that he would keep his word not to harm John, the sudden, overwhelming surge from the dragon had made him instinctively try to suppress his attempt to take over. The unanticipated pain he’d caused to them both was enough to allow him to gain back control. He hadn’t meant to hurt himself this badly though. He didn’t resent John for it, but he’d really been hoping that the healing spell would work.

    Though he expects a snide comment, the dragon stays quiet. He hadn’t said a word since he’d gone silent earlier. He knew that was a bad thing. He was plotting. He could feel the draconic gears turning as he seethed in silent fury.

    Grayson feels a slight nudge in his consciousness as he rubs soap into the next wound– Emi.

    He didn’t want her to see how red the sink and his bathroom floor were. She would worry. And he knew John wouldn’t be comfortable with it. He’d known that Emi would come help him; that’s why he’d tried to get Keith to bandage him up instead before Mr. Shaw sent them away.

    She waits for a moment before she presses. Let me help. Please.

    How could he say no to her? It’s open.

    He hears her breath catch as she stops in the door to his bathroom. Grayson…

    It looks worse than it is, he says with a weak smile over his shoulder in an attempt to keep his arm over the sink.

    You’re lying, Emi chides softly. She carefully makes her way to his right side, where he has a clean towel and the first aid kit. I could feel your pain as soon as you left the roof. I’ve never felt it quite this… intensely before.

    I’m sorry, he says, dropping his gaze.

    His attention turns inward, to the dragon. You did that, didn’t you? You projected our pain to her so she would come.

    The dragon says nothing, but Grayson feels a smug satisfaction from him.

    How bad is it? Emi asks. The psychic gets to work opening the first aid kit with her powers as Grayson runs his arm under the water one last time to get the rest of the soap off.

    I’m not going to be playing my guitar anytime soon, he answers honestly. I can’t move two of my fingers. He gingerly pats his forearm dry with the towel, then chances a glance up at Emi.

    Her dark eyes are focused on his wounds, and her face is so full of concern. Concern for him. His heart beats just a little faster, and faster still as she takes his hand to steady his arm while she psychically places thicker pads of gauze over each wound before wrapping his forearm firmly.

    Thank you, Emi. I don’t know how I would’ve done that by myself, he says as she secures the wrap with a little metal clip.

    It wouldn’t have been easy, she says with a slight smile.

    He can’t help but notice that she’s still holding his hand. She also realizes it, and blushes slightly as she releases him. His sensitive ears can hear that her own pulse is slightly heightened from the contact, but he says nothing, unwilling to call attention to it.

    If it’s still that bad tomorrow, I’ll take you to the hospital in the morning.

    Grayson’s eyebrows pull together. She had classes to get to, better things to do with her time. Don’t inconvenience yourself for me. I’m…— not worth it.

    Emi’s eyes meet his and his heart pounds harder. Grayson. Your well-being is not an inconvenience. She seems to stop herself from saying more, breaking eye contact with him as she blinks and looks down at his arm again. I’ll grab you some pain medication and some water.

    She gives him one last gentle smile before she leaves the bathroom.

    It hurt. Every time they shared a moment like this, it hurt. He had to be some kind of masochist, because even though it killed him a little, he craved it, enjoyed every second. He knew he could do nothing to stop her from tugging at his heartstrings and pulling them off, one by one. She didn’t know she was doing it. Or maybe she did.

    He didn’t care either way.
    Last edited by InTheMachine; 2023-05-06 at 03:30 PM.

  24. - Top - End - #294
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Tuesday, 3 AM
    Emi was across the table from him, radiant and loving, and his mother was focused more on her than him right now, comparing the things one could do in Iron Station, Providence, London, and Aeon City. As radiant as Emi’s smile was, it seemed dim when compared with her dark, sparkling eyes. The conversation was everything that he was hoping it would be—easy, convivial, and fun. His family had folded her into their space and she had snuggled in, as if she had always belonged there and always would.

    Something in the Franklin Stove stirred.

    The only thing that worried John was his left hand. As dinner progressed, a black, scaly surface of the kind he had seen on Laura Scofield had begun to spread out from the glyph that marked his ka’yal with Zylas. Now, only the center of the triangle remained.

    His fingernails had begun to harden and he knew that talons would be the next addition as the scales reached for his wrist.

    He had to keep that hidden from his mother.

    The thing in the Stove stirred again. He seemed to be the only one who noticed.

    Everyone else, however, noticed the tapping on the French Doors.

    Outside, winter had come early. A snowy mist shrouded the end of the deck, burying the world beyond in a grey darkness that only permitted a feeble light from the garage lights.

    Grayson/Valèdeir’s head coalesced in the gloom and a taloned clear reached out, gently scratching at the glass like some terrible, otherworldly cat.

    Emi turned. “Oh, good!” she observed smiling. “He’s come to dinner as well. He’s such a shy boy. That’s why he hides in a different form sometimes.”

    She turned, smiling, as Grayson/Valèdeir’s head came closer to the doors.

    “You don’t mind if I bring him something, do you?” she asked his parents as she reached for the serving plate his mother’s prized pot roast rested on.

    A titter from the Franklin Stove confirmed John’s worst fears.

    “No,” John’s mother replied politely with a forced smile. “Of course not. A boy has to eat, after all.”

    Emi stood to pick up the platter.

    John half stood, trying to keep his left hand beneath the table.

    “It doesn’t hurt to be a gentleman, John,” his mother chided. “All the way up, please.”

    His father looked at him, half rolling his eyes. “Of course it does. Still, John, duty calls.”

    With a flick of his hand, John covered his left hand with his napkin as he rose. He was managing it. Maybe, he thought as Kate stepped to the door to open it for Emi, he could pull this off.

    No. That should have been Stephen. He sits on that side of the table—not Kate.

    The stove door opened.

    He could hear the Homunculus getting out.

    Grayson/Valèdeir’s eyes locked on Kate as she walked to the door and Emi lifted the serving platter, getting ready to bring it all to the dragon.

    The pot roast would not be enough for his appetite.

    John’s blood ran cold as he watched Mary reach for the handles.

    “Thank you, John,” Emi said without turning to address him. “It’s so good of you to understand.”

    He will take everything.

    John tried to keep his eyes on everything: The pot roast. His mother’s watchful eyes, now steadily regarding the napkin. Kate as she turned the door handles. Emi as she approached the door. Grayson/Valèdeir’s toothy grin as he salivated.

    It was too much to watch everything. He was missing something.

    Too late, he noticed the needle-like nails of the Homunculus as they snatched the napkin away.

    His mother gasped in horror.

    Kate screamed.

    Emi laughed nervously, calling Grayson’s name and asking him to stop kidding around.

    Grayson/Valèdeir roared and surged forward into his family home.

    John bolted awake, hyperventilating. His West Side room was dimly lit by the flaring Enochian Tablets that blazed beneath his outstretched hands.

    Another nightmare.

    The Tablets guttered out as he used the palms of his hands to while away the tears.

    He gasped for breath, trying to get his racing heart back under control.

    He needed to steady his breath—calm the Fight/Flight/Faint reflex that was overwhelming him.

    He knew this would be part of the price of his Amulet’s protections when he made it. Only now, however, after meeting Emi and facing a rival for her affections, was he beginning to recon with the actual cost—the toxic mixture of his PTSD with the parts of his subconscious that registered what had happened even if his fears had been suppressed.

    He started breathing deeply and steadily, as he had been taught to do.

    When he was making his Amulet, of course, he could not have envisioned meeting Emi and the changes she would bring. Yes, he was conscious that she existed in a way she was not conscious that he did, but he was not conscious that she would ever consider choosing to date him. Nor could he have predicted who his competition would be and how menacing the competition could and would be on both a physical and emotional level.

    And this was all before Mastroianni arrived later today.

    And after he summoned a greater demon while opening himself up to the threat from an older, more experienced one.

    And to top it off, the greater demon he was targeting had an older sister—who remained a wild card in all of this.

    As did Emi’s feelings for Grayson.

    As his breathing steadied, John lay back down and, pulling his covers over him, struggled to go back to sleep. He had too much to do tomorrow and, at this point, desperately needed some rest.
    Last edited by mmdeforrest; 2023-05-06 at 04:45 PM.

  25. - Top - End - #295
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    West Side Base, 6:00 AM
    Spoiler: The Stuffed Animal…demon…whatever

    John looked up from his work and into the eyes of Shashka’s twin, fashioned out of a plush cat and bat, having to remind himself that they were unliving things. His original plan for the peace offering had been exceeded with his creation. The plush toy was almost life-like in its appearance—not that many would recognize the demon or its slightly off coloring as accurate. But those in the know would recognize it and he was more than a little proud of his work.

    He had expected to be working on this at midnight—an appropriately dark hour for this kind dark of work. Instead, he had used that time to, once again, attempt to help his rival for Emi’s affection. Why he kept helping him was beyond him. Yes, John was well aware that he was a ‘good guy’ and a ‘nice guy’, but this was getting ridiculous—even for him.

    Spoiler: Some Recovery Bookkeeping
    Recovers?: 1d8-1 7 1d6-1 0
    John is no longer Shaken this morning.

    Spellcasting: Healing to remove his remaining Fatigue: 1d12o12 11 1d6o6 10

    John is no longer Fatigued and appears to be a little more peppy than expected.

    Focus, John. You are working on a framework to summon a greater demon that even Debonair might hesitate to use.

    The ice pack he has brought down to his lab from the freezer had done an admirable job of keeping the wax he needed to create the mold workable but solid as he carved the mixture of Latin and magical runes on one side and Enochian—the debased form of Angelical used by generations of human magicians, on the other.

    But where there would normally be a name, there was a reservoir for blood.

    Zylas’ blood, to be precise.

    He did not like what he was doing. This involved two kinds of magic that he had wanted to avoid.

    “There is no difference between White Magic, Natural Magic, and Necromancy,” Doctor Dee had patiently explained to him as John grappled with the thought during his training. "There is only a difference in the intent of the magician. That is why you must take care to know your intent and to strive always to stay on the side of the Angels. It is why you need to know all forms of magic and not just how to wield Angelical to exert your will. In addition to knowing how to counter what you notice, you may be called upon to wield unexpected forces for the greater good.

    “I will grant you that the good intention of raising a demonic entity is a thought that stretches the imagination in the same way raising an Angelic spirit for ill does,” Doctor Dee had continued, “but it is the same principal. it is what you set your will to do that is at question. It is not the method you use to achieve that will.”

    John was certainly testing the limits of that thought tonight by creating a summoning ring he, theoretically, could employ to rescue Vrell by combining traditional magic, Blood Magic, Enochian Magic and Demonology—fueled, in part, by his own will.

    “It is one of the problems you will face, time and again,” Edward Kelley had added sadly. “You will be confronted with instances where you must weigh yourself rather than the method and not confuse your own desires with true need.”

    Dr. Dee looked away, regret written as clearly on his face as on Edward’s. “Even now, whether that choice was the correct one or not remains unclear. It is only through your actions, John Kelley, that we may know that answer and determine how sorry we should be.”

    No pressure, thought John as he reached out to prepare the mold that would receive the alchemical metals needed. It was, is, and will be the past, present, and future riding on his actions.

    His hands were shaking.

    So much….

    He steadied his breathing.

    So much blood….


    It drained along the gutters.

    Not this time.

    Her parents wailed.

    This time, neither blood nor ichor would be spilled.

    His steady breathing held.

    There would be no sacrifice.

    His hands steadied.

    He could save Vrell.

    He reached once more for the material to make the mold. A glance at the furnace assured him the alchemical gold would flow.

    He would save Vrell.

    John wiped away a tear, wished he was better rested, and got back to work—reminding himself that Emi would be there to lend him moral support if he needed it.
    Last edited by mmdeforrest; 2023-05-07 at 02:33 AM.

  26. - Top - End - #296
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    As he began to focus on his art, Dee tried not to think about the risk into which he was placing those who had assembled in the basement. He hoped that Seraph’s presence here was an indication that angels did not fear to tread into what he was attempting, rather than him merely doing his duty and readying to kill whatever he summoned and, if necessary, him too.

    That scenario would clarify things for Grayson and Emi, anyway.

    The vote of confidence that Crowe and Nightgaunt were tacitly offering by being here was comforting—even if both had phrased their plans in terms of his not having to face this kind of thing alone.

    Whatever it was, he would take whatever he could get right now.

    Dee placed a drop of Zylas’ ichor in the outermost channel of the circle. A part of him noted the appropriateness of the term capillary action as it was drawn around the electrum circle that directed the forces that would be unleashed by the Blood Magic.

    Next, he filled the reservoir that stood in for Vrell’s (and, theoretically, Lazka’s) True Name(s).

    It was also the portal that would open him up to Lazka’s, Vrell’s, and Jerek’s ire before he could narrow his focus and draw only those he needed to summon across.

    Needed was the key word here and he prayed he would not be looking at a two for one summoning should it transpire that both Extat princesses needed to be withdrawn from the clutches of the Empire and whatever nefarious plans it was hatching for Iron Station—plans that Dee could not fathom any more than the possible plans of the River King.

    As he wondered what distant echoes Zylas would hear through the wards Seraph had placed around him and he had placed on the circle, Dee nodded to his companions and channeled the raw magic necessary to start the process into the circle.

    The ichor flared and sputtered before forming a series of standing arcs between the reservoir and the outer ring as the Enochian characters sublit the ring, forcing the Blood Magic to stand in for the True Name.

    Dee spoke a word of Command before beginning to chant in Latin, calling on the divine forces encoded into the demonologial circle to aid and protect him from that portion of the spells’ power.

    His gauntlettedd hand tossed the circle forward as it expanded out, exchanging the thickness of the metals for greater breadth as it shifted from the size of a small frisbee to a ten foot circle that hovered an inch above the floor.

    Enochian power flared from six points, standing in for candles, magnifying the protective power they would normally provide.

    His eyelids drooped, half-lidded-as he reached out to find Zylas’s family and systematically exclude those he did not want to address this morning.

    What a way to start the day….

    Spoiler: And the Player Is Relieved by the Roll
    Last edited by mmdeforrest; 2023-05-07 at 06:49 PM.

  27. - Top - End - #297
    Ogre in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    November 2nd- 6am
    The Art of Demon Summoning
    Seraph stands just off to the side of the edge of John’s circle, dressed in full battle gear. Though he probably hasn’t slept, the angel is laser focused on the magician and his summoning circle. Dark smoke curls around his hand which rests on the pommel of his sword.

    Drake stands on the opposite side of the circle from Seraph. A liquid pool of silver metal flows under his feet, ready to defend John if necessary.

    John’s mind reaches out into a great black abyss. A small spark ignites in his vision, and his mind is drawn to it. He follows the spark through the darkness for what seems like hours, until he hears the small voice of a young girl.

    Who… are you? she asks. Her voice is hesitant, nervous.

  28. - Top - End - #298
    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 2nd- 6am
    The Art of Demon Summoning
    Seraph stands just off to the side of the edge of John’s circle, dressed in full battle gear. Though he probably hasn’t slept, the angel is laser focused on the magician and his summoning circle. Dark smoke curls around his hand which rests on the pommel of his sword.

    Drake stands on the opposite side of the circle from Seraph. A liquid pool of silver metal flows under his feet, ready to defend John if necessary.

    John’s mind reaches out into a great black abyss. A small spark ignites in his vision, and his mind is drawn to it. He follows the spark through the darkness for what seems like hours, until he hears the small voice of a young girl.

    Who… are you? she asks. Her voice is hesitant, nervous.
    Contact, Dee mouthed as the Latin script faded from his heads-up display. He had remembered most of it but he was still glad for the text. It had been one less thing to worry about.

    I am known by the name Dee, Princess Vrell, Dee replied, whispering the words as he projected them across the dimensions so that Seraph could monitor them, and you have no cause to fear me. I am contacting you on behalf of your brother, Prince Zylas, who has sworn a kay’al with me.

    He wondered what Doctor Dee would think of him and his offer to an underaged Princess of Hell.

    Following the fall of your House, he was concerned for your safety but has been unable to reach you—first because he had been captured and after because he was in a weakened state. He asked me to check on you to make certain you were safe, unharmed, and had not been captured by the enemies of your House.

    I can bring you to him, if you are content for me to do so and if you are willing to be subject to the same kay’al as he: “I will take you under my protection until such time as he, and you, are sufficiently recovered to return. We shall treat with one another with charity and good faith and within the bonds the ancients set for hospitality. We shall not in word nor deed nor conspiracy nor failure to act seek to bring one another harm.

    I know you are young, Princess Vrell—too young, perhaps, to enter into such arrangements, hence by binding you to one made by your brother, who has reached his age of majority. But that agreement of acting with charity and good faith to him will shelter you until we can bring you to where he is.

    Is this agreement acceptable or are you in a place of greater safety than he fears you are? He and I are concerned that there are those who plan to kill you.
    Last edited by mmdeforrest; 2023-05-08 at 02:07 AM.

  29. - Top - End - #299
    Ogre in the Playground

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    November 2nd
    The Art of Demon Summoning
    From out of the gloom, a small girl in a tattered gray and white long sleeved dress shuffles forward. Her skin is the same deep purple as Zylas’ and her hair is the same gray-white. Two small nubs where her horns will grow in are present on each side of her forehead. She looks skinny, but seems to be unharmed.

    Her wide black and red eyes look up at John’s projected body. “You know kiet-Zylas? But you’re human. I’ve never seen a human before. And you have a ka’yal with him?” She seems suspicious, unconvinced. “Shern said Zylas was gone.”

    “How did you find me?” she asks as she looks around at the darkness. “Is this… some kind of dream? Shern said I shouldn’t talk to anyone, even people I know.”

    Her expression grows grim. “But he hasn’t been back in days. I’m scared that he’s gone too,” she admits. Big tears start to form at the corners of her eyes and she wipes them away with her sleeves.

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    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    November 2nd
    The Art of Demon Summoning
    From out of the gloom, a small girl in a tattered gray and white long sleeved dress shuffles forward. Her skin is the same deep purple as Zylas’ and her hair is the same gray-white. Two small nubs where her horns will grow in are present on each side of her forehead. She looks skinny, but seems to be unharmed.

    Her wide black and red eyes look up at John’s projected body. “You know kiet-Zylas? But you’re human. I’ve never seen a human before. And you have a ka’yal with him?” She seems suspicious, unconvinced. “Shern said Zylas was gone.”

    “How did you find me?” she asks as she looks around at the darkness. “Is this… some kind of dream? Shern said I shouldn’t talk to anyone, even people I know.”

    Her expression grows grim. “But he hasn’t been back in days. I’m scared that he’s gone too,” she admits. Big tears start to form at the corners of her eyes and she wipes them away with her sleeves.
    Dee removed his left gauntlet so that he could display the glyph that recorded his kay’al. “This records our kay’al,” he replied. “I don’t know if you are able to sense anything of it from where you are now, but it obligates me to the promise I made to Zylas as I just recited to you.

    “I cannot offer you shelter for the very distant future, but I can offer you shelter for the near future—as long as it takes for your brother to recover from his injuries. When the end of that recovery is close, I will try and help him discover a place of safety for the two of you and you will be free to leave in safety along a path of your choosing.

    “He is not under contract to me and I will not bind you to anything but the promise that he and I have already made.”

    So young. So much blood.


    Not with her. Not when he could prevent it.

    “I don’t want to see you harmed. If I invite you across, will you willingly come and promise to abide by his kay’al, Princess Vrell? I don’t want to rush you or scare you more than I already have but I do not know how long we can talk and remain undiscovered.

    “Will you come and join your brother here with me?”

    Spoiler: Comfort and support a demon princess? It’s less crazy than supporting Grayson.

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