Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
November 2nd
East Side Roof, John and Keith
Grayson considers John’s question about Draconic. “I actually… I d-don’t know. I could probably understand it if I heard it, b-but I didn’t hear them talk at all, so he probably blocked me out.”

He pauses as John asks him to promise not to blame himself, but eventually gives him the slightest of nods.

“As for a plan, all I-I can do is fight him as hard as I can,” Grayson continues, looking at Keith. “It’s probably best if I don’t know what y-you guys have planned to stop him, since if I know, h-he’ll know.”

Eidolon’s voice rings through the minds of the three on the roof. If you three are done talking, I suggest that you get back to your own base, Mr. Kelley and Mr. Karver. Mr. Radke can clean his wounds himself.

“Y-yes sir,” Grayson mumbles. He looks up at John and Keith again. “Thanks again. M-maybe we can get together some other time and g-go over dragon stuff. I-I’ll tell you what I can too.”
Keith grins a bit and nods seeing the interaction. And then at the mention of planning. He looked at the roof again as Grayson mentioned it.

“Yeah, probably for the best. That and…. Well if a plan does need to be had, it’s the worst case scenario too.” Keith looked at his best friend. “You got this, Grayson. Trust in the faith that so many of us have in you for that, ok?”

He jumps a bit hearing Mr. Shaw’s voice in his mind and nods. He then projects his response to Mr. Shaw. “Y-yes sir. Thank you for allowing us the time to talk, Mr. Shaw.”

He had expected someone to say they needed to head back, but not necessarily Mr. Shaw himself.

Quote Originally Posted by mmdeforrest View Post
“Whenever you are ready, Keith.”

Spoiler: Oh, sure. When I just needed a 4 to make it back but in the spell before needed this kind of astronomical number….
Spellcasting: Teleporting Back: 1d12o12 34 1d6o6 1
At John’s comment, Keith nodded and looked back at Grayson. “We’ll talk more later man. Always good to see ya, and need to try and set up another star gazing time.” He said with a smile.

He stepped over to John’s side as he inscribed the spell and waved at Grayson. “Think my stomach is sufficiently prepared.” He said with a smirk as they were taken away.

Quote Originally Posted by mmdeforrest View Post
A moment after Keith clears them for transport.
John glanced at the preparations for the summoning ring on his work table as they materialized in the center of the gold circle in his workshop.

“You said you needed a favor?” John asked, confirming the preparatory reactions were ready for him to begin work after he changed his clothes.
As they materialized, Keith felt this trip to be much less bumpy. At least no drastic turn about landing them a few states over either. He looked around and saw they were in the workshop basement, wondering if maybe this would start being a better place to chat.

Then again, why bring someone here to chat that broke trust?

Keith nodded as John asked about the favor. “Only if you don’t mind, and it’s totally fine if not. Still feel like I don’t have much right to ask.” He said, shaking his head.

“Would you mind using the healing spell on my shoulder?” He asked meekly.

Regardless of John’s response, Keith continued. “I also wanted to say, you know given everything that just transpired.” Keith took a steadying breath, thinking of the worst case scenario. “If that gecko ends up coming out with the challenge, I will stand at your side on that. I know it means Grayson lost his internal battle, and that anything we do to Valèdir hurts him but…. Seraph may be able to heal him right?”

Keith sighs. “I need to talk with Jaal about their claim lines first and figure out something but I have a feelin’ Valèdir probably expects me to fight beside you now. Just…. Just know I’ll do what I can. If you’ll let me help.”

He looks around the lab. “And if you need help with alchemy stuff, I can send Stolas down here too. Still trying to figure out what Rin is planning. Or if Jason is just putting her on this path too. But that’s a talk that can wait till tomorrow.” He says with a smile.

“Last thing, and the most important.” He looks straight at John. “Thank you for trusting me to go with you tonight. I…… needed that after today.”