November 1st
On the Way Back

In the car, Keith heard Stolas pipe up and speak to him, then he shrugged away the thought on the rest of the drive home.

”Master, you are a bit dense. Obviously she would have had Seraph heal the nausea, but think a bit more on why she may want to go see a doctor about it.”

Keith shrugged, hidden by the lull of the car. ”Ok to be honest, I’m a bit lost. You may need to explain it to me.”

”D-did you not learn some of the most basic of basics, Master?”

Keith raised an eyebrow and was a bit more confused. ”Uhhhhhh, you may wanna be a bit more specific, Stolas. It’s not making sense.”

Stolas sighed and shook his head. ”In that case….. We will talk about this later. Or you can Joojle it, or whatever it’s called now.”

”Google, Stolas.”

”Same thing. Just look up chronic nausea.”

Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
November 2nd
East Side Roof, John and Keith
“It’s okay,” Grayson says as he steps away from John again. He glances over at Keith with a shrug. “I’ll d-deal with it later. Don’t worry about it. A-and thanks. For what you said.”

He sighs, his eyes moving to meet John’s before moving away. “The b-black dragon, right? I felt him reach out to us, b-but I didn’t know that he actually t-talked to him.”

“I think I’ll need t-to talk to… him myself,” Grayson continues after a moment. “I have some questions t-that only he c-can answer. Th-thank you for te-telling me what you have. I understand w-why you tried to walk away earlier, with the ch-challenge and everything. Y-you’re braver than I would be, c-coming back to talk to me.”

His eyes gain a steely hint of determination as he meets John’s gaze. “I won’t let him hurt you, John. Even if it kills me.”
At Grayson’s thanks, Keith smiled a bit and then his eyes went to the ground again. It was obvious that Grayson wasn’t wanting his help right now. And he had a lot to process given what just happened. He looked back up at him before speaking though.

“Anytime man. Besides, it’s all true and I want you to see that too. So do me a favor, and don’t say you aren’t anything again. Remember all of it.” He said with a grin.

Quote Originally Posted by mmdeforrest View Post
“Yes. Valèdir exchanged formalities with Jaal,” John confirmed. “Given that Valèdir identified himself to Jaal, I suspected that Valèdir either blocked that from you or spoke Draconic the entire time. I wasn’t sure if you knew that language or not.”

“I have no doubt you will do everything you can, Grayson,” John replied, mindfully not extending his hand while his talons remained. “Just promise me this: You, Keith, and I know that, in our line of work, we face things that can surprise us and effect us unexpectedly. Should Valèdir get out and come for me through no fault of your own, you won’t blame yourself. I’ve already promised Emi to do whatever I can to end things without causing you harm, if I can, and as little harm as possible if I cannot. I make that promise to you now, as well.”

And I don’t want to kill again, he thought.

“We just had to bury a teammate. I don’t want anyone to have to go through that due to my actions if I can avoid it.

“Why don’t you take Keith up on his offer and let him patch you up,” John suggested not entirely altruistically, given the other likely option for who would bandage him up. “I can wait for him here.”.
At the mention of Jaal, Keith nodded. He had thought of mentioning Jaal by name but wasn’t sure if he should or not. Thankfully John did so that made it a bit easier.

“Wait, do you speak Draconic, John? Not sure if Stolas does or not, haven’t asked him.” He looked between them and at Grayson’s determination of not letting Valèdir hurt John, Keith saw the strength in his eyes again.

“That strength right there. That’s what he should be able to recognize.” Keith said with a hint of pride to his friend.

Upon hearing the exchange, and the promises made, Keith thought back to Calvin and how he had died on Keith’s watch. They didn’t need to bury another teammate. More importantly, Raph said no one else was allowed to die on the West Side.

“Guess my big question is, what can I do to help? Feels like there should be a few plans in place as a precaution.” Keith tilted his head.

“Would rather no one have to go through that again. Even if it is unavoidable in our line of work.” Keith sighed. “Just let me know what I should do or plan for. Gonna need a bigger crash course in dragons.”

As John made the suggestion at Grayson taking Keith up on the offer to bandage the wounds, he glanced at John. Wasn’t that surprising given where they were but it was well into the morning now.

“Would be best to get it done as soon as possible but I do understand.” He then looked at John. “Which, John, I have a small favor to ask when this is done. If you have time of course.” Keith said meekly. And awaiting Grayson’s response.