Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
November 1st

“I wouldn’t call that bickering,” Drake says to Keith with a slight smile. “Ryker and I bicker.”

“It’s only a few blocks,” Natasha replies. “I think some fresh air and walk will do me good after being cooped up in the office all day, if that’s okay with you guys.”
Keith grins at Drake and nods. "Fair enough, and this is at least tame compared to...." Keith stops for a moment. They all thought and heard of White as a nightmare. Why make it known now that he was a real part of him? Still is in a way just gone.

Keith shrugged. "Compared to how the twins John and Bella spoke sometimes. That was a wild ride."

As Natasha mentioned the fresh air, Keith nodded and started moving down the block. "Certainly! And I get that, the need for fresh air." As they walked, Keith kept his eyes open for their surroundings. Just in case.

Spoiler: The Most Important of Escort Quests!

Notice: 1d8o8-2 4 1d6o6-2 -1
OOC: I almost forgot the Condition penalty as well. Whoops.

As they walked, Keith mostly took in the air. "Haven't been able to just walk at night like this since my first day at West Side. It's nice bein' back out again." He thought about everything that had happened since that day two weeks ago. It felt like forever given all the hectic events but it was a rough time for the world.

I hope the short story is going well. Or went well. He found himself thinking as he finally had a moment of clarity in the evening.

Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
East Side Roof, John and Keith
Grayson glances up at John and Keith. “H-he’s right though. I-I’m not… anything.”

See? I will call him what I wish, Valèdeir retorts. He will earn his name from me once he has my respect, mage.

Harmony? The dragon scoffs. I am a prisoner that occasionally gets to stretch his wings. And even then, the boy is usually in control. You are correct in saying that he is tenacious when it comes to keeping me safely contained. And even when I am allowed control, this world is… different. It is not meant for a dragon.

You do not understand what it’s like to have to watch someone make mistake after mistake, for years at a time. However, he did finally do something right tonight,
the dragon says, almost gleefully.

Grayson suddenly stands after his eyes dart up to John, walking a few steps away from the collection of chairs.

Oh, you don’t want me to tell him, boy? Valèdeir asks in a mocking tone. That Emi was so happy to see you again that she embraced you tightly after your absence? Or that you actually said something charming to her in return?

The draconic hero flushes deeply as he turns his back to John and Keith, but stays silent as blood drips off his hand.
Keith frowns seeing his best friend call himself nothing. Just hearing it was enough to set him off in a rage.

But that's not what he needed now.

"Grayson," Keith started firmly yet still in his comforting tone. "You are a musician, a math wiz, an aspiring astronomer, and a monster at nearly any game put in front of you. You are more than you give yourself credit for. And have more than proven your own strength. No matter what the dragon says, you have the trademarks of a.strong human."

One of his eyes blacked over. He couldn't control the anger at Valèdir welling up inside.

"Your strength of heart to not want to harm anyone. The willpower to actively keep control. Navigating this world with all that going on and still wanting to explore and study the stars? Grayson, you are far more than what he is givin' you credit for."

He raised an eyebrow at the exchange concerning Emi, but was glad to see John take it in stride. He took a steadying breath and tried to control the sclera of his left eye. It was always the one White tried to invade.

"It is entirely normal. Now that I know what happened, I'm glad you came back." Keith takes another steadying breath. At least this time with anger, it was only a single eye and not his voice distorting as well.

As John asked about other questions, Keith nodded. "Anything at all I can answer, I'll do my best." He was concerned. About what though right now he couldn't pin down anything other than, everything in this situation.