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  1. - Top - End - #61
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Calmly, but intently, her face inscrutable, the haty-a looks at Vershab, waiting for him to complete his sentence.

  2. - Top - End - #62
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    With a barely perceptible shake of his head, Vershab indicates that he has nothing more to say.

    Spoiler: OoC
    He isn't hiding anything - he's just uncomfortable and has expressed everything he really meant to say.

    Vershab thinks it goes without saying that if they discover more it may expand the subjects of their search.

  3. - Top - End - #63
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Lehasti opens her mouth to speak, but the paladin is taken aback by Vershab's warning against the telling of falsehood. Her brows furrow into an expression somewhere between confusion and annoyance, but as Vershab makes plain the purpose of their mission she nods her agreement sagely.

    When the scholar lapses into silence, she clears her throat to break the silence. "My companion speaks plainly, but truly, your excellency. Our errand in your fine city is prompted not by a desire for the pleasures of the city nor a yearning for knowledge in its' own sake. Rather, we have been charged by the Pharasmin leadership with prosecution of this search, with the fate of Osirion in the balance." The paladin continues in a somber tone, "Their augurs tell us that we must guard with our lives an artifact borne by the source of the necromantic plague, else all the land fall into chaos, and its previous owner tapped into powers yet unknown to release his plague upon Wati. We search for the source of these powers, to end its threat to our land."

    The paladin looks up toward the haty-a's gaze intently. "Will you help us gain the knowledge that we seek, for the good of all?"

    Spoiler: OOC
    Azkin activates Touch of Glory for +3 to Diplomacy on Lehasti.
    Lehasti's Diplomacy in asking for help (etc): (1d20+18)[29]
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  4. - Top - End - #64
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    The haty-a listens to the paladin attentively, her piercing eyes moving from one to the other member of the company as she hears Lehasti's plea. When she concludes, a long moment of silence ensues. The leader of the Nethys church looks straight into her interlocutor's eyes, and replies.

    "Thank you for stating your case clearly and truthfully. I do understand the importance of your request.

    However, I must decline to grant you and your companions permission to enter the Inner Sanctum. I wish you a pleasant day in Tephu."

    She looks to the side at the guards, two of which begin to step forward in a clear indication the hearing is at an end. Before they can dismiss the companions, however, a slave suddenly enters the audience chamber and prostrates herself on the floor in front of the governor. Short of breath, the young girl says:

    "Revered haty-a, I implore your mercy for this interruption. I came to beg for your leave to deliver a message."

    Frowning, Deka An-Keret excuses herself with a nod and takes the slave to one side to listen to what she has to say.

  5. - Top - End - #65
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    For a heartbeat, Turi is stunned. Of all the possible outcomes, this? It takes only that one heartbeat, however, for confusion to give way to fury. He steps forward, brusquely pressing between Lehasti and Vershab. "You know we speak the truth- by your own magical insistence! and you say you understand the danger, and simply deny us outright?! What kind-"

    The servant's sudden appearance and prostration once again stuns the youngster into silence, perhaps just before he may have caused significant damage to their case. He stares, fuming, at the haty-a, as she takes aside yet another unknown caller- further incensed that they're now waiting again, for the gods only know what. Curiosity gets the best of him, and his anger quickly begins to give way to the now familiar scowl of suspicion.

    Spoiler: OOC
    I'm assuming G wants us to post in-between, though the chronology of his last post leaves me wondering exactly when we would have an opportunity to react, and unsure exactly how the haty-a would now be attending this slave. If I need to make any edits for timing, just let me know.

  6. - Top - End - #66
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Vershab stands still for several moments, his breaths short and quick. Then, with an obvious effort he takes a deep breath, then another, and finally nods and looks down at his hands. "There is more to this than we see...perhaps...yes, that could be the reason," he mumbles, barely audible over the sound of the slave's interruption. Looking at the haty-a intently he watches and waits a moment before seeming to notice Turi in front of him.

    Tapping Turi on the shoulder Vershab draws the young man close and whispers in his ear, "We have fought devotees of the All-Seeing Eye before - it is possible that the Haty-a is not our ally, but instead allied with our enemies. Let us discuss this with the others and see if there is another way to gain access to what we need..."

    The arcanist then turns from the Haty-a and looks to the rest of the party, his emotionless face staring at each of them in turn before he begins to walk away from the hearing.

    Spoiler: OoC
    We fought a rival party of adventurers in the first chapter of the AP led by a Nethys-worshipper (beginning here). Given the arcane power wielded so far, the magical artifact that Vershab is wearing, and the fact that Nethys is not a simply "good" deity, it is entirely possible that the Haty-a is working with/for our opponents.

    I think we may need to sneak/break into the library to get the information we need. Alternatively, we may have to confront the Haty-a in some manner. Unless something else comes up that gives us some guidance here, those are the only two possibilities I can see. As for motives, I can only see one motive for the Haty-a's brusque response to our request.

  7. - Top - End - #67
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Lehasti starts at the haty-a's response. Her jaw drops, and for several heartbeats she stares, dumbstruck, at the woman. Turi's outburst jars the paladin into action, and she steps forward to place her forearm before the young main in a restraining gesture. "Peace, my young friend. I do not know what this means, but rest assured that this is not finished." With a perfunctory bow toward the now distracted haty-a and a disarming smile by way of apology, the paladin begins to gently (but firmly) steer Turi toward the entrance of the sitting room. She glances briefly at Vershab in concern, but at the scholars unexpected equanimity and quiet whispers to the young rogue in her care, the paladin's expression becomes one of curiosity.

    Azkin's eyes widen at the party's dismissal, but his eyes narrow appraisingly at the woman on the dais. Silent in thought, the cleric turns to follow his mistress out.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Sense motive: (1d20+9)[20]

    Several steps out of the doorway, Lehasti breaks her renewed silence. "Now may not be the place, but it seems we have much to discuss if our quest is to proceed. What privacy we may find in this city may best be found at the inn. In any case, " the paladin chuckles ruefully, "it seems that with the sanctum out of reach for the moment, we've little else demanding our attention this afternoon."
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  8. - Top - End - #68
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Azkin isn't able to divine anything about the governor's reasons for rejecting the group's request for access. However, as the Relic Knights are making their way out, he's able to overhear the whispered conversation. The slave tells the haty-a that she has been sent by Her Excellency Muminofrah of Sothis, who requests the governor’s presence immediately. Hearing this, Deka sighs, waves a dismissal signal in the group's general direction, and abruptly exits the room through another door.

  9. - Top - End - #69
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Turi allows himself to be led from the room, the voices of his companions setting in motion a furious tumbling of thoughts, concerns, suspicions, and plans in his mind. In a daze, he follows Vershab, steps falling absently has he considers the possibility that their adversaries have infiltrated this deep into the political arena. Lehasti's words offer meager comfort, but her strong arm is a silent reminder of the power of her will.

    As they return to their guide, thoughts of forgery, stealth, and violence jockey for position as their best course of action. Suddenly overcome by the apparent waste of the last several days combined by the fact that they're very far behind (and not even sure who they're behind!), Turi's expression grows more and more frantic as risks and potential outcomes filter through his brain.

  10. - Top - End - #70
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Lehasti's expression is studiously nonchalant as she leads the party back to the Inn of the Desert Winds, but her close companions note an uncharacteristic clenching of the bronzed woman's jaw and occasional flashes of irritation at the barking of the ever-present street vendors when their efforts at self-promotion put them in the paladin's path.

    As the party arrives at their destination, Lehasti wordlessly beckons the party up to the sitting room at the entry to her lodging. "I... confess to being more than a little dismayed by her excellency's response." The paladin's deliberately understated tone contrasts with her dark expression. "She seemed neither alarmed by the urgency of our mission nor discomfited by our expression of it, as we might expect a here-to-fore unknown foe to be. I know not how to proceed." The unspoken question lingers in the paladin's questioning gaze, leveled at the rest of the party.

    "I overheard a bit of her messenger's words, something about a "Muminofrah of Sothis" requesting an audience," volunteered Azkin. "Seeing as this's as far as I've ever been from Wati, I don't know what that could be about. Maybe the haty-a is busy with some other crisis?" An uncertain tone creeps into the young cleric's tone, reminding the party of the fearful urchin boy that he had once been.

    Lehasti strokes her chin thoughtfully between thumb and forefinger. "Perhaps there is news of which we are unaware, and the haty-a can be brought about to our cause if we show concern for hers..."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Absent other players' suggestions, Lehasti can use Diplomacy: (1d20+18)[35] (incorporating Azkin's Touch of Glory) to gather information related to Muminofrah or other Sothis-related issues, or other gossip of troubles around the city.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  11. - Top - End - #71
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    The Inn of the Desert Winds proves to be a good place to gather local information. Over the course of lunch, it doesn't take more than a few questions from Lehasti to get the innkeeper, Thabat, talking at length.

    "Oh yes, we have heard of her, Her Excellency Muminofrah of Sothis, Fan-Bearer on the Right Side of the King, ever since she first blessed the people of Tephu with her presence. I heard that Her Excellency is in Tephu as the personal representative of the Ruby Prince himself, though I wouldn't speculate as to the exact nature of her business in the city. She is currently residing at the Palace of Gentle Reeds, a most munificient dwelling and the only one worthy of her, or so I'm told... I've never set foot inside. It's just outside the Old City. And then..."

    Thabat lowers her voice, as she is about to share something of a semi-shocking nature. "Some claim that Muminofrah has summoned the haty-a many times since arriving in Tephu, and is likely to continue to do so. Her Excellency speaks for the pharaoh and expects to be obeyed at all times, you see." In a hushed whisper, she adds: "I don't know if this is true, but someone told my cousin that she has a habit of tossing those she dislikes to the crocodiles and laughing as they are eaten. She is a great lady, with great appetites, the saying goes..."

  12. - Top - End - #72
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Vershab listens closely as the innkeeper speaks, his expression vague and his eyes unfocused. Turning to his companions after the woman walks away to serve other customers he says, "It might not be well received, but we could go and ask the Haty-a's superior for permission. If she is our enemy it will likely result in less overt opposition, but we may be able to discover what we need to learn without her good will..."

    Spoiler: Mechanics
    Knowledge (Local) (1d20+19)[32] regarding the "Muminofrah of Sothis"

    "Alternatively, I have magic that can make us fly, invisible, and render my appearance different. With some well-used illusion magic and a distraction or two we could probably sneak into the Inner Sanctum. The biggest concern there is wards on the space itself or the books and scrolls inside - but I should be able to detect such magic with a simple cantrip. Disarming the wards could be accomplished by way of my own magic or even the skill of a young person trained in such things.

    However, my only divination magic allows me to see and hear from a distance, which could prove useful other times but is very narrow in scope and not especially helpful here. I know of some divine magic, commonly called an "augury" that could give us simple guidance on best courses of action.
    " The arcanist looks at Azkin expressionlessly and waits, as if he had asked a question for which the answer was obvious.

  13. - Top - End - #73
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Turi listens attentively as his companions expound on their relative options. The bartender's rumormongering, though interesting, leaves almost as many questions as it answers. Finally, after some thought, the youngster speaks up. "I'm pretty sure I could sneak past those librarians- or distract them for someone else to do it." His eyes flick meaningfully towards his younger brother. "And picking the locks shouldn't be too hard, but I can't help but wonder- what would happen if they caught us? They seem to take this stuff very seriously. I'm not sure it's worth losing a hand or something over a few musty old tomes..."

    He nods encouragingly to Azkin at the mention of augeries, unusually eager to see what his brother's mystical patrons have to say.

  14. - Top - End - #74
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Azkin nods sagely at Vershab and Turi's unspoken question. "Yes, I can ask the Dawnflower's advice on a few things today, but even Her sight into the future is... limited? Time is funny that way." The young cleric's brows furrow in consternation as he searches for the right words to capture the vagaries of divination magic. "We would have to ask shortly before actually doing whatever it is we decide to do. So unless you plan to sneak into the Sanctum in broad daylight..." he shrugs, spreading his hands in a helpless gesture. "Maybe we should go to ask to meet this Muminofrah, and pray for guidance just before our appointment, and maybe the same in the night?"

    Lehasti listens to her young protege impassively, but her face darkens in disapproval at discussion of sneaking into the sanctum. "It does seem the course of temperance to first seek Her Excellency's support. Until and unless we know that the rightful authorities have been subverted to the will of our shadowy opponents, we should seek their aid and counsel."
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  15. - Top - End - #75
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Vershab listens to Turi's concerns and then the religious members of the party. "Well, I have no intentions of getting caught doing anything - a thorough...casing...of the library could tell us if our efforts were too risky to be worth attempting. But I do agree, that before attempting subterfuge we should attempt to elicit the cooperation of the bookkeepers. They often know something of what they safeguard and could help us," he says, pragmatically. "When shall we attempt to gain a hearing with the Muminofrah? How many days are we willing to lose waiting for an audience?"

    After a moment's thought, the hooded arcanist states, "If she won't see us quickly, I think we should begin exploring other options. We do not know how long we have, but we have already spent too many days waiting, and I need to find the answers!"

    Spoiler: OoC
    Is there a reason we cannot both case the Great Library and attempt to get an audience with the Muminofrah in the same days? Do we have time to begin still this day while we are already well-dressed and prepared for a visit?

  16. - Top - End - #76
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Vershab's continued discussion of subterfuge evokes a suspicious look from Lehasti, but she offers no direct response to the arcanist's discussion of tactics. "I agree that time remains of the essence, and to that end I suggest that we seek out Her Excellency's support immediately. With luck and the Dawnflower's blessing on our efforts, perhaps we can meet her today or tomorrow. In the meanwhile, perhaps we can seek to bring the library's keepers to our side with a more thorough and forceful description of our need."

    The paladin stands, obviously considering the matter decided, and gestures towards the doorway. "Shall we?"
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  17. - Top - End - #77
    Firbolg in the Playground
    Gwynfrid's Avatar

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Following the ever helpful Sabef, the group walks towards the Palace of Gentle Reeds. A great palace, towering over the canal, it is fronted with a palisade of beautifully painted pillars in dazzling colors. In front of the palace, moored to a magnificent marble quay, a luxurious river barge wallows in the turbid waters of the canal. Between the barge and the palace, a makeshift camp of colorful tents and stalls has sprung up, creating a small village worth of bustling activity.

    The Relic Knights find themselves in the center of a storm of movement and excitement, rubbing elbows with countless traders and petitioners bearing trade goods and gifts for the visiting noblewoman. They understand that Muminofrah receives visits on her barge, but access is filtered by a group of arrogant-looking guards asking questions to all visitors, and apparently turning many away, none too gently.

  18. - Top - End - #78
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Vershab looks at Lehasti and says, "Are you prepared to offer a gift or bribe? Approaching the Muminofrah without something to stroke her ego has the chance to end poorly for us." Then the arcanist looks to the young cleric beside her and asks, "What will you ask when you pray for the augury? My suggestion would be: 'Will it go well or poorly to approach the Muminofrah without a gift or bribe?' From there, we can determine if we need to scrounge up something worthy of her Excellency's expensive tastes..."

    Spoiler: OoC
    Do we have the resources to get a decent gift? Anyone have a good idea how to encourage the guards to let us past them? JWallyR, Diplomacy check?

  19. - Top - End - #79
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Lehasti furrows her brows in thought at Vershab's remarks. "It does not seem that divine providence is required for us to suspect that Her Excellency might respond best to some acknowledgment of her station before we request her aid. Perhaps our young guide can suggest some maker of beautiful art whose wares might be available for our purchase? Her Excellency no doubt has deeper pockets than we, so some such gift might be to our advantage." The paladin eyes Sabef expectantly.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  20. - Top - End - #80
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    "Of course, Lady of the Dawnflower, of course!" Sabef responds, eyes bright with excitement. "Something in good taste, worthy of Her Excellency's rank, but not unduly expensive... I know several places that will advise you for the best in this instance! Would you like to see some fabulous vases first maybe? Or perhaps the perfumers?"

    The Relic Knights spend the next couple of hours shopping in the maze of Medina, under the competent guidance of the young and enthusiastic Sabef. Several options present themselves: A beautifully decorated fan, a delicate alabaster amphora, or golden earrings of exquisite artwork.

    This allows the group to assess that the minimum expense for a gift for someone of Muminofrah's importance is 500gp. Go ahead?

  21. - Top - End - #81
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Vershab looks at Lehasti with confusion as she explains what is so obvious to others (but not to him). The arcanist then seems to retreat deeper into his hooded cloak, an action that his allies might recognize as embarrassment. He follows along as the party looks for a reasonable gift, but does not add anything to the discussion, his own lack of social graces already made obvious.

    Spoiler: OoC
    Vershab wouldn't know what to suggest - all three items are entirely superficial, and he simply wouldn't understand.

    As a player, I would suggest that the fan is likely too similar to her "job" and the amphora too bulky to be practical while traveling. The earrings could be construed as too personal, though... Maybe I shouldn't make the suggestion as a player either!

  22. - Top - End - #82
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Turi finds the process oddly inspiring, after several days of inactivity and rebuffment. It takes an odd look from Azkin to quell the erstwhile urchin's desire to purchase all three- perhaps a remnant of the days when most of what he had were wants. Still, with exuberance, the youngster happily hands over the 500 crowns to the vendor, oblivious to the likely fact that he's just been somewhat overcharged. Holding the fan as if cradling a newly-hatched baby chick, Turi follows the rest of the group back to the Palace of Gentle Reeds, both excited to deliver the gift and pleasantly surprised that he's being allowed to make the delivery.

  23. - Top - End - #83
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Having made the appropriate purchase, and reassured by Sabef ("I personally guarantee you that this is an honest deal!") the Relic Knights make their way back to the Palace of Gentle Reeds. The haughty guards make to stop them, but a simple explanation, and a look at the superb gift, is enough to convince them that the visitors are of honorable quality, and allow them access to the palace grounds on the riverside.

    A gangplank leads up from the quay to the deck of the pleasure barge. Brightly painted and trimmed with shining gold, the barge's polished wooden planks gleam in the sun. Toward the stern of the vessel, painted and gilded columns support a silken canopy, shading a pyramid-shaped dais heaped with cushions that rises from the barge’s deck. Sheer curtains between the pillars stir slightly in the weak breeze along the canal.

    The barge is inundated with courtiers, guards, slaves, and servants. Wealthy citizens and members of the local aristocracy sit upon cushions on the deck, beneath huge parasols held up by eunuchs. A lion is tethered to each of the four corner pillars, each watched by a guard holding a huge whip. Scantily clad slaves move silently through the gathering, bearing trays and pitchers of refreshments for the guests.

    A heavyset woman dressed in revealing silks and wearing a gold headdress lounges atop the pyramid, almost lost in the vast mountain of cushions. This is Her Excellency Muminofrah of Sothis, Fan-Bearer on the Right Side of the King, and personal representative of Ruby Prince Khemet III.

    Spoiler: Muminofrah

    As the companions come on deck, Muminofrah looks them up and down as if appraising cuts of meat, languidly cooling herself with a long fan bearing a single ostrich feather - a symbol of her rank and title.

  24. - Top - End - #84
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    As the party makes their way past the guards and toward the barge, Lehasti turns to address the members of the party. "Remember- Her Excellency is stationed at the right hand of the Ruby Prince, and of a far higher rank than anyone we have yet met. It is imperative that we present ourselves well if she is to be made an ally. Follow my lead- genuflect when I do, and restrain yourselves, even should she spit in our faces." The paladin's gaze lingers on Vershab for a moment, but she continues, "Azkin, I think it's time to seek wisdom from our patroness."

    Azkin nods matter-of-factly, and turning to face the East as though greeting the dawn, he places his palms upward, lifting his face to the sun. "Oh bright Dawnflower, you bring light and healing to all who call upon your name. Guide us in this present darkness with your wisdom; bring your healing flames to burn away the haze of doubt that obscures our true path. Tell me- will a meeting with Her Excellency lead to good or for ill, for us and to those whose good we seek to preserve?"

    Spoiler: OOC
    Azkin is casting an Augury, asking for "weal or woe" based on the upcoming meeting.
    Last edited by JWallyR; 2018-09-21 at 01:29 PM.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  25. - Top - End - #85
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Azkin prays, burns the appropriate amount of expensive incense, tosses a handful of small ivory sticks on the ground, making sure the light of the sun shines of them, and closely examines the resulting pattern.

    "I think this indicates: Weal."

  26. - Top - End - #86
    Troll in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Lehasti stares at the positions of the bones blankly, blinking as though to clear her eyes before furrowing her brows in determination. "I will not pretend to understand the gifts of the Dawnflower not intended for my use in Her service," she says in an uncertain tone, but she continues, "but I trust in Her guiding hand upon Her servants. Now, then." she lifts her gaze to meet those of the party. "as I was saying- follow my lead, and remember the saying, 'better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt'!"

    Turning briskly upon her heels, the paladin strides purposefully toward the gangplank and their impending audience with Her Excellency. As the party mounts the platform, Lehasti clasps her fist against her chest in a gesture of salute, sinking to one knee and bowing deeply toward the much-decorated representative of the Ruby Prince. At her right shoulder Azkin repeats the gesture, failing quite to master the paladin's practiced gesture of respect, but the solemn expression on the young cleric's face speaks to his sincerity. He reaches forward to rest one palm on his mistress's shoulder, and mouths a silent prayer to their shared deity.

    Spoiler: OOC
    Azkin applies Touch of Glory to improve the next Charisma-based roll by his cleric level, which I realize is 5!

    Without rising to her feet or lifting her gaze, Lehasti begins to speak in a confident voice that breaks through the buzz of chatter from the various hangers-on about the platform. "Your Excellency, allow your servant to introduce herself- I am Lehasti Gesmeha, leader of these Relic Knights," a gesture of her arms indicates the party, "and it is my great honor and pleasure to speak with Your Excellency on a matter of great import. However, " the paladin stands to her feet and lifts her eyes to meet Muminofrah's, "such matters seem to pale beside the glory of Her Excellency's person; likewise pales any gift Her servants could offer as compared to Her Excellency, but we would offer a token of our great respect and gratitude for Her patience this gift, to commemorate our meeting with the great Fan-Bearer on the Right Side of the King:"

    Lehasti gestures to her left, where Turi had followed up the gangplank.

    Spoiler: Diplomacy Roll
    (1d20+20)[31] to improve attitude
    (1d20+20)[40] to request aid <--- rolled here, I expect the actual request for aid to be in a subsequent post
    Last edited by JWallyR; 2018-09-21 at 02:11 PM.
    Lehasti Gesmeha and Azkin for Mummy's Mask
    Morevek for Wrath of the Righteous
    Janstina Silentall for Age of Worms

  27. - Top - End - #87
    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Turi nods, not exactly attentively, at Lehasti's warning, and takes to the ramp with gusto. He looks around the barge with an air of forced calm, his eyes clearly struggling to take it all in. Fan still cradled gently, he looks around with wide-eyed fascination, almost jumping forward to approach every new face, every occasion of fancy dress and opulence on display making him think, surely this must be Her Excellency! Still, Lehasti guides the youngster true, and he manages to not grossly embarrass them all before they even have a chance to deliver their gift and make their request.

    When he finally stands before Muminofrah herself, the boy's nerves overcome him. All thoughts, verbal or otherwise fly from his mind as he freezes in place. Unable to make either his mouth or legs cooperate, he instead only stands, dumbly, staring forward.

  28. - Top - End - #88
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Vershab watches the purchase, looks at the finery and sycophants, and finally at Muminofrah herself with a somewhat confused look. After Lehasti's directions he shrugs unsurely but does not disagree.

    After the spell's results he nods with a brief flicker of expression - hope - on his face. "...and here...we...go..." he mutters in a slight sing-song voice to himself.

    Once in the presence of the noble Vershab's expression and movements become more stiff, but he does drop to his knees and bow his head. While not cultured or graceful, the motion is clearly one of submission to a powerful noble. His heavy hood covers his face entirely, leaving him in dark shadow. After a long moment he looks from side to side and sees Turi still standing. With a quiet grunt he shoulders the young man and tries to gently pull him downward...

  29. - Top - End - #89
    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    The courtesan murmur stops briefly, as all listen to the newcomer's self introduction. A hint of a smile on Muminofrah's face... She seems pleased. The looks on the crowd's faces turns from expectant to approving of the paladin's impeccable form. Turi's utterly awkward posture elicits a chuckle or two, but that is quickly silenced when the Lady Muminofrah looks at the boy intently, and beckons him over.

    "Here is a pleasant young man, pleasant indeed! Come that I can look at you better. Do not worry, for I do not bite!"

    Around her, some courtesans start to laugh guardedly, but this dies down quickly when they realize Muminofrah's tone is not a mocking one. She seems to genuinely take a liking to young Turi.

  30. - Top - End - #90
    Firbolg in the Playground

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    Default Re: Mummy's Mask - Shifting Sands [IC]

    Listening to the twittering of the assembled nobility, Vershab seems to shrink down upon himself slightly. As Muminofrah speaks he looks up out of his hood and watches as Turi begins to approach her. The arcanist continues to watch silently, his expression hopeful beneath the dark shadows of his cloak.

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