The haty-a listens to the paladin attentively, her piercing eyes moving from one to the other member of the company as she hears Lehasti's plea. When she concludes, a long moment of silence ensues. The leader of the Nethys church looks straight into her interlocutor's eyes, and replies.

"Thank you for stating your case clearly and truthfully. I do understand the importance of your request.

However, I must decline to grant you and your companions permission to enter the Inner Sanctum. I wish you a pleasant day in Tephu."

She looks to the side at the guards, two of which begin to step forward in a clear indication the hearing is at an end. Before they can dismiss the companions, however, a slave suddenly enters the audience chamber and prostrates herself on the floor in front of the governor. Short of breath, the young girl says:

"Revered haty-a, I implore your mercy for this interruption. I came to beg for your leave to deliver a message."

Frowning, Deka An-Keret excuses herself with a nod and takes the slave to one side to listen to what she has to say.