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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jan 2017

    Default Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Secrets of Roderic’s Cove

    The small town of Roderic’s Cove is no stranger to problems. It’s been about 80 years since its founder, Sir Roderic, broke ground here and the town has persevered through banditry, piracy, and roaming monsters and goblins in the woods. But the people have always pulled through hardship, whether through their own comradery or the heroics of adventurers over the years.

    It seems that it may be time again for heroes to aid Roderic’s Cove. There have been reports of abductions by bandits in the woods, skulking goblins and monsters drawing closer to the town, strange shadows gliding through the fog of the cove at night, and a gang of hooligans stirring up trouble in the town itself. But last night, someone took things too far. Six members of the Horned Fangs gang were murdered. Matters are quickly escalating, and Roderic’s Cove will soon need heroes to unravel the threats facing it.

    Sometimes those heroes can come from unlikely places. A traveling sellsword looking for work, an exile looking to clear her name, and a local boy waiting for fate to call his name.

    Your protests fell upon deaf ears as the elders of your village, including your own mother, passed their sentence: exile. You are a traitor to your kin, having not only failed in your mission but being implicated in having assisted the outsider in stealing the artifact.

    You know little about the “Fire of Thybidos”. The gemstone can empower magic, and is particularly attuned to destructive magic. About 80 years ago, the human Sir Roderic gave it to an elven friend for safekeeping, with the understanding it would be returned once more permanent and secure arrangements could be made for the dangerous artifact. The elders of Elnmel were always uncomfortable holding onto it, but have kept it secret and safe all these years.

    After an outsider’s failed attempt to steal it, the decision was made to move it. You and several other youth were to quietly leave with the artifact and transport it secretly to a new location where outsiders could not find it. On the very first evening of your journey, you and all your companions fell unconscious after taking meals. When you regained your senses, the artifact was gone. Traces of a sleep-inducing herb were found in your backpack, and the other youth in your group spoke of how suspicious you were acting. It was enough to condemn you.

    If the thief isn’t from Elnmel then the only other place they could have learned of the Fire of Thybidos was from Roderic’s Cove. If you’re to clear yourself with your kin you’ll need to find the thief and return the artifact and you’re certain they must have come from there. The journey wasn’t difficult, but you almost immediately realized how out of your element you are. You know nothing of the ways of humans, and this town is far larger than your small elven village.

    As the sun set and you wandered aimlessly through the streets, an elven woman approached you. She called herself Audrahni and offered you a place to stay for the evening. You graciously accepted, and she promised to help you as best she can. You awoke briefly in the night to a knock at the door, and Audrahni excused herself. When dawn came, she had not returned from whatever had summoned her. Not knowing where Audrahni had gone, you made your way to the town circle to look for her.

    Traveling the world as an adventurer and sellsword was an exciting prospect. Your travels have taken you along the coast of Varisia, though to date you haven’t seen much excitement. You’ve mostly been employed as a guard, at most crossing your arms and looking intimidating to scare off the riff-raff. And unfortunately, many of your employers have been unscrupulous or untrustworthy so you’ve moved on rather than taking on any contracts.

    Roderic’s Cove seems to be a significant improvement on Riddleport in that regard. The thinly-veiled pirate town was festering with corruption, but Roderic’s Cove by comparison has a much more intimate feel to it, with most of the locals seeming to know each other and no outward signs of corruption. Your contacts proved correct, as Lyndwyn Suvasa of the Cove Armory had the fine dwarven weapons you were seeking. Unfortunately, they were well outside of your budget, but Lyndwyn suggested that you wait in town a few days as she may have a job for you in fair trade for the weapons you seek.

    You’ve been lodging at the Creekside Tavern for a few days, carousing with the locals and learning the rumor mill. In particular you’ve frequently crossed paths with a boisterous young man named Gregor who seems to take his drink almost religiously and can hold it with even greater fervor. He’s helped fill you in on the history of the town and who to trust and who to watch out for, in particular warning you about the gang known as the Horned Fangs who often recruit newcomers but are nothing but trouble.

    Last night while you slept, you heard a commotion outside. Your window didn’t have a clear view of what was going on, and all you saw was a momentary spark of bright purple light followed by the scampering of footsteps and silence. Since awakening, all you’ve learned is that Captain Fresen came to the inn to take statements in the early hours of the morning, but left after it became clear that nobody here saw anything. You leave the tavern to investigate, emerging into the bustling town circle.

    Gregor Garrelson
    The prodigal first son of the Garrelson family, Gregor stands a head above most other men in the community. Your family have been here since the beginning, with your great grandparents being among the original settlers drawn in by Sir Roderic’s call. While you haven’t done anything noteworthy (yet), your family is well-regarded and you’re well known by almost everyone in the community.

    Almost everyone, that is. Over the past few years an eccentric scholar has been buying up property to build a large estate at the north side of town, and have been pestering your aging parents to sell their land. Altogether they have been anything but neighborly. And then there’s the hooligans that call themselves the Horned Fangs. They’re mostly vagrants from out of town, the kinds of people Roderic’s Cove normally welcomes. But this gang has caused nothing but trouble.

    These past few days you’ve taken to drinking and talking with a half-orc woman named Kwella at the Creekside Tavern. She doesn’t seem like the kind to join such troublemakers, and you made sure she was aware of just what kind of trouble the Horned Fangs were. She told you that she was waiting on a job from Lyndwyn Suvasa of the Cove Armory, and while you were deep in drink you also offered to help her out with whatever Lyndwyn needs. Well, a promise is a promise.

    Late last evening, a knock came at the door. Your younger brother, Jon, works for the town watch and was called for an emergency shift. Jon returned by dawn and collapsed into bed. Whatever happened last night must have been pretty serious to summon extra watchmen, but not quite so serious if they’d been dismissed by dawn. Rather than interrogating an exhausted Jon, you made your way to the town circle to see what the gossip was.

    The Town Circle bristles with trade and socialization even in the early hours of the morning. The weather is good, with bright sunlight and only a few clouds in the sky. A few people look hushed or worried, but most go about their business as if nothing unusual had transpired. It might take some asking around to figure out what happened here.

    There are a few things that catch your eye. A young elven woman (Kenia) with a bird perched on her shoulder is standing near the center of the circle. She is looking around like she’s lost and looking for someone or something. Despite this, she has a keen eye and seems to be astutely aware of her surroundings.

    Local codger Bimmer “Possum” Coots is at the Circle Market, of course, as he is every week, selling cups of “possum punch” from his wooden cart not far from the old well at the circle’s eastern side. He’s just arrived, and a group of five young men and women have already lined up to get some of his punch and are chatting loudly with each other.

    Spoiler: Diplomacy DC 10

    You ask some of the other locals about what happened last night, and apparently there was a murder in the town circle!

    Spoiler: Diplomacy DC 15

    Asking a few other people, you manage to get details on the murders. Apparently there was not only one murder, but six. All of the killed individuals were members of the Horned Fangs gang.

    Spoiler: Perception DC 10

    What isn’t here is just as important as what is. None of the town watch are present.

    Spoiler: Knowledge Local DC 10

    The five young men and women in line at Coots’ cart are all wearing the sign of the Horned Fangs gang

    Spoiler: Perception DC 15

    The five young men and women in line at Coots’ cart are chatting rather loudly with each other, and you eavesdrop on their conversation:

    “-and after all that went down, we split. I met up with Piri this morning, but neither of us have heard from Harry or Nells,”

    “Haven’t heard from Don either,”

    “Neither of you heard? Whatever spell those ponces cast just up and killed our boys. Dead as a doornail, that creepy elf is digging their graves as we speak,”

    “What!? They’re dead!? All of them?”

    “Ben and Ginny, too,”


    “Whatever spell those ponces cast just struck them dead where they stood. From what I hear, Mo is furious,”

    Spoiler: Sense Motive DC 15

    A group of five shady looking individuals is slowly moving through the town circle. They’re eying Coots’ cart intently, as if they’re planning on doing something.

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jul 2017
    Illinois, USA

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Gregor found himself unusually on edge, what with Jon coming in at whatever ungodly hour it was. The observant might have noticed a certain tension in the forearms beneath the layer of fatty muscle. As he arrived at the town square, his eyes narrowed. There were usually a couple of guards on duty in the circle, not that there was often much trouble.

    That half-orc woman Kwella was there; Gregor gave her a friendly wave and a smile before lining up for a morning tickler of the punch to properly lubricate the senses. The rowdy bunch lined up ahead of him weren't much of his concern ... but someone getting killed? That, well, it'd explain a lot, he supposed, but it also made for a lot of questions.

    "Oi" he grunted, tapping the man in front of him not-so-gently on the shoulder, just enough so he'd know who it was soon enough. "What's this talk 'bout someone gettin' killed?" It was a simple question, deserving he thought of a simple answer. He folded his arms in front of him, awaiting a civilized reply, if these hooligans could muster one up.
    Last edited by Stelio Kontos; 2024-04-18 at 09:53 PM.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jan 2017

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    "Oh, and now the farmboys are butting in," one of the men turns around, but has to croon his head upwards to meet Gregor in the eye which shuts him up for at least a moment.

    One of the women scowls as she puts her hands on her hips and addresses Gregor, "Six of our buddies got snuffed last night. Some pricks had been harassing fangs, and boss was gunna tell them off. A bunch of us came out to back her up, and our buddies got killed for it!"

    "Yeah, I was there. We was just having words at 'em, at most throw a few fists to show we mean business, and they went and murdered us over it!"

    "Look, farmboy, this ain't your business. We Fangs can look out for our own. Hell knows none of you yokels ever look out for us,"

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Apr 2024

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Kwella turns towards the beverage cart, her attention drawn by the sound of Gregor's voice, and makes her way towards the beverage cart to catch the reply of those he had addressed.
    "Six murders?" She moves closer to the group, her interest piqued - maybe this is the adventure she's looking for. "Something wrong with the guard here?"
    Last edited by NalaYoda; 2024-04-18 at 11:30 PM.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Apr 2024

    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    6 gang members murdered last night? Destructive spell-casting? Mo furious? Something major went down last night. I wonder if this is why Audrahni got a knock on her door last night... It would be worthwhile to poke around and learn a bit more. Gangs tend to have a good pulse on the criminal activity of a town and with any luck this might tie to certain little gemstone (Fire of Thybidos).

    Kenia slinks to the end of the line for some punch. Possum punch sounds a bit rabid, but at least she would be closer to the action. When in Rome Roderic's Cove right?

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    "Look, lads" was Gregor's reply, as he took a subtle half-step back. No sense getting into a scrap this early in the morning.

    "I'm not tryin' to make any more trouble than you've already got. Just, bad things like that happenin' can be a problem for all of us. Tryin' to figure out what sorta danger's lurkin' about, you know? Not like anyone from 'round here to start runnin' people through like that, ya know? Sorry for your friends, really I am. Possum, give these'uns the good stuff, I think they'll need it."

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Quote Originally Posted by NalaYoda View Post
    Kwella turns towards the beverage cart, her attention drawn by the sound of Gregor's voice, and makes her way towards the beverage cart to catch the reply of those he had addressed.
    "Six murders?" She moves closer to the group, her interest piqued - maybe this is the adventure she's looking for. "Something wrong with the guard here?"
    "Please, the guard here is a joke. Most of them are farmboys given a spear and a leather cap and told to strut about town like it means something. Freson's got all of like five flunkies who know what they're doing, and they don't care about us fangs anyways," one of the fangs turns to look to Kwella as she chimes in. It is true, compared to the other cities you've been to the guard here in Roderic's Cove seems disorganized, under-trained, and under-equipped.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stelio Kontos View Post
    "Look, lads" was Gregor's reply, as he took a subtle half-step back. No sense getting into a scrap this early in the morning.

    "I'm not tryin' to make any more trouble than you've already got. Just, bad things like that happenin' can be a problem for all of us. Tryin' to figure out what sorta danger's lurkin' about, you know? Not like anyone from 'round here to start runnin' people through like that, ya know? Sorry for your friends, really I am. Possum, give these'uns the good stuff, I think they'll need it."
    "You're right, Garrelson, when you lose a friend you need something with a little more punch," Coots proceeds to draw a flask from under his belt and pours a small splash of liquid from it into the mugs he's preparing for these customers.

    "Garrelson, is it?" one of the horned fangs takes a sip of the drink, "we ain't looking for a fight. Never were. But we ain't going to roll over, either. The Horned Fangs look out for their own," he imbibes deeply. There's a moment of silence as the horned fangs look into their mugs of punch. However much this gang has bullied, intimidated, and caused property damage throughout Roderic's Cove over the last year, in this moment they are grieving. This moment of silence is cut short as five men approach the cart. They are muscled, visibly armed, and with a shady look about them. Gregor vaguely recognizes some of them as faces that have been around town before, but they aren't locals.

    "Still parading around with those silly costumes?" one of the newcomers taunts the fangs. Each of them give him a murderous gaze but say nothing, so he continues, "word spreads fast, that you all turned tail and ran like cowards last night and left your friends to die. Give it up, already, you're in over your head. Hang up those threads before you get hurt," he proceeds to poke his finger at a shirt emblazoned with the Horned Fang logo, earning a swift slap and a different finger flashed back at him in retort.

    "I admire the spunk, but if you're smart you'll listen up. You're going to end up in a grave if you kids keep playing these games. Leave this kinda work to the professionals," the man continues to needle. Everyone standing around Coots' cart falls silent, and a few hands begin to slowly move towards weapons.

    Spoiler: Sense Motive DC 10

    This is going to escalate into violence if someone doesn't intervene now

    Spoiler: Knowledge Local DC 18

    These men seem to be Roadkeepers, a group of bandits who operate out of the Churlwood and charge a "road tax". Their presence in Roderic's Cove is unusual, as they usually give it a wide berth. It's equally strange that they'd care to pick a fight with the Horned Fangs.

  8. - Top - End - #8
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Gregor let out a loud sigh. "You lots got a problem with each other?" he said, raising an eyebrow as he half-turned to eye both the groups. "Don't suppose you'd be willin' to take it out of town. Most folk here got no quarrel with ya, just wanna go 'bout our business. Not supposed to be no fightin' in the Circle."

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Kwella watches, amused, looking for a chance to join the better side... the winning side? No, she left that kind of thinking behind. She's here for coin and to serve the common good of the people. But what is that? She needs to learn who these newcomers are and it seems like Gregor may have some insight... ah, but why have someone else do her dirty work?

    Kwella swaggers up to the one she perceives is the leader of this group of five, projecting more confidence than she currently feels, and says, "And who are you when you're not trying to cause trouble?" Her green hand rests lightly and casually on the end of her longsword sheathed at her waist. Despite her nerves, she's itching to create a little excitement.

  10. - Top - End - #10
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Listening to the others, Kenia quickly slurps down her punch.

    Damn that was tasty - the name did not do the punch justice.
    2 potential leads... annnnd of course they want to kill each other. Maybe we can reason with these buffoons to not to kill the first thing they see in the morning.

    Taking a firm stance beside Gregor, Kenia nods in agreement.

    "The farmboy's got a point. This is not the right time or place for that. Why make sour grapes around the best punch in town?"

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    A cloud passes overhead, casting a shadow over the town circle, a chill wind blows between the two groups. Onlookers fall silent, watching and waiting for what happens next. Everyone's hands seem to be ready to draw their weapon, but nobody moves to do so yet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stelio Kontos View Post
    Gregor let out a loud sigh. "You lots got a problem with each other?" he said, raising an eyebrow as he half-turned to eye both the groups. "Don't suppose you'd be willin' to take it out of town. Most folk here got no quarrel with ya, just wanna go 'bout our business. Not supposed to be no fightin' in the Circle."
    "Don't you worry, there ain't gunna be a fight. The Horned Fangs are too chicken**** to do anything. They've been pissing off people inside Roderic's Cove and beyond for too long, and it's time for it to stop. There isn't going to be a fight here, because these children are going to go home, take off these ridiculous costumes, and grow up," one of the newcomers renews his taunts.

    Quote Originally Posted by NalaYoda View Post
    Kwella swaggers up to the one she perceives is the leader of this group of five, projecting more confidence than she currently feels, and says, "And who are you when you're not trying to cause trouble?" Her green hand rests lightly and casually on the end of her longsword sheathed at her waist. Despite her nerves, she's itching to create a little excitement.
    "I'm part of a crew that keeps the Churlwood roads clear of monsters, and Roderic's Cove should be thanking us for our services! In my line of work, you need to trust that your pack is going to be there for you. When you're luring a troll into an ambush, if anyone were to freeze or flee then the snare would fail, and it would rip us all limb from limb. Taking down big game like that takes real guts, and after last night we know these kids are fangless. Run along now, and tell your boss that us Roadkeepers were here first, and we'll be here last,"

    Quote Originally Posted by ploptales View Post
    Listening to the others, Kenia quickly slurps down her punch.

    Damn that was tasty - the name did not do the punch justice.
    2 potential leads... annnnd of course they want to kill each other. Maybe we can reason with these buffoons to not to kill the first thing they see in the morning.

    Taking a firm stance beside Gregor, Kenia nods in agreement.

    "The farmboy's got a point. This is not the right time or place for that. Why make sour grapes around the best punch in town?"
    Eyes suddenly turn to the Kenia, and one of the Horned Fangs jumps back, "whoa! Where did you come from? What is with elves and sneaking up on folks like that!?" the horned fang exclaims. Kenia's timely interjection seems to have distracted the ruffians for at least a moment.

    One of the fangs eventually speaks up, "let's go home. I don't know any roadkeepers, and don't give a damn about what they have to say," she turns her back and begins to walk away.

    "Hey, don't you turn your back on me, you b-" the roadkeeper moves forward and attempts to grab the woman's shoulders. The horned fangs immediately reach for their weapons, and the roadkeepers do the same. There's a hushed gasp among the crowd, and then


    The voice is booming, and gurgles with water as if coming from the throat of a drowning man. It reverberates in your heart, shaking your bones, and draws feelings of distilled mortal terror. Each of the roadkeepers and fanged horns looks up in horror, tries to scream but no sound emerges, and they turn and run.

    Before you, a hazy shape takes form, faintly glowing and transparent. Drenched from head to toe, clothes tattered, hair wild, eyes gaunt, the visage of a dead man looms before you.

    My Cove! Nooooo!

    People further away scream, panic, and flee. Your heart bids you do the same.

    (Everyone must attempt a DC 19 Will save. If you fail, you are Panicked for 2d4 rounds. A Panicking creature drops anything in their hands and flees as quickly as possible)

    Spoiler: Knowledge Local DC 10

    Though his features are muddied by death, there's not mistaking it. This is the ghost of Sir Roderic!

    Spoiler: Knowledge Religion DC 19

    While the word "Ghost" is often used to describe any sort of departed spirit lingering the worlds of mortals, most such spirits are mere echoes. But this is a true ghost, Roderic himself unable to move on to the afterlife. Until his unfinished business in this world is complete, he is chained to it.

  12. - Top - End - #12
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Hey now, don't -- Gregor began to interject, as his hands began to ball into fists.

    Then ... well, he'd never seen anything like that before. It was kinda scary ... but ... was that Roderic? That Roderic? The sheer strangeness of the event outweighed any fear. Surely Roderic wouldn't hurt the people that came to live here after him, would he?

    "What's wrong?" he asked, looking straight at the thing. "Don't mind them, they're leavin'. The cove is fine sir, we're takin' good care of it."

    He took down the rest of his punch before setting down the cup.

  13. - Top - End - #13
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Still shaking, but grounded with her hand on her trusty sword, Kwella steps closer to Gregor. She didn't get a chance to grab some of that punch so she knows what she sees is not induced. Turning to face the stalwart young man, Kwella whispers "What... who is that? Are we safe?"

  14. - Top - End - #14
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Horned Fang, Roadkeeper, and ordinary townsfolk alike flee from the square. Coots cart is knocked over in the furor, but the old man himself has already scrambled away. Some clamp their hands on their ears to try to block out the wail of the tormented ghost as they flee. Kenia's eyes widen in shock and horror. She drops her cup with the last drops of Possum Punch and flees with the others. The only ones who don't run are Gregor and Kwella, who manage to maintain their composure against this frightful presence. The ghostly figure takes notice of them, but he is already fading and his voice slowly trails off.

    "My cove... my cove is not safe. Many dangers threaten it, but this one is my fault. I brought it here, put everyone at risk, kept it secret. Took it to my grave. My cove needs heroes who will finish what I didn't"

    The ghost trails off and fades from view. The town circle is quiet and empty aside from the two brave souls who managed to converse with it. After about thirty seconds, Kenia regains her composure and cautiously makes her way back. There's the sound of footsteps as a number of watchmen come to investigate what happened, but they are too late to see anything. They approach Gregor, hoping to get a straight answer. The scene is almost surreal, the toppled cart, mugs and cups strewn about, and puddles of punch on the ground, but no sign of what caused the situation to tranpsire.

    "Gregor? What happened here?" one of the watchmen asks him in bewilderment.

    "I can answer that question," an elven woman with long flowing black hair answers, having seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Kenia and Gregor recognize this as Audrahni. Gregor knows her as the newcomer in town who has taken up residence at the local temple a few years ago, and Kenia as the woman who gave her shelter last night. Audrahni approaches the location where the ghost manifested, then speaks, "that was the ghost of Sir Roderic. It's been many years since he last appeared, and he always seems to know when particularly bad trouble is coming,"

    "Six people dead and now ghosts haunting the town circle in broad daylight? Captain Freson is not going to want to hear that," one of the watchmen shakes his head.

    "It is the truth, and right now what the people need is reassurance that the cove is safe and protected," Audrahni points towards the growing crowd of worried and frightened townsfolk who are staying out of the circle, "right now, they need to be told that everything is safe and under control, even if it isn't," the watchmen frown, but with nothing else to do proceed to follow Audrahni's advice.

    "I was walking to the circle when it happened, I saw it from over there. I saw you two hold your composure when faced with the anguish of Roderic's tormented spirit. That takes a very strong will. I'd like to discuss something with you, perhaps over bread and water?" she points towards the tavern a few paces away, then eyes Kenia who has returned to the scene. She gives a welcoming smile to her fellow elf and then invites her, "you should join us, too,"

    Taking the three of you into the the Creekside Tavern, Audrahni selects a secluded table in the corner and orders bread and water as she promised. Her dark eyes drift from one of you to the next, sizing you up. At last she speaks, "I saw the confrontation that preceded Roderic's appearance, and how you tried to intervene and deescalate it. The cove needs people like you. It needs heroes who will try to put things right. The last time Roderic's ghost manifested, it was when a crime syndicate from Riddleport was on the verge of wresting control of the cove. His seemingly random hauntings served to uncover the schemes of Port-Governor Gildersleeves,"

    Spoiler: Gregor only
    Gregor vaguely remembers the debacle. He was a child when it happened, but the people of Roderic's Cove practically rioted and forced the Port-Governor Jess Gilversleeves and her family to flee. The Gildersleeves were never heard from again, though presumably they still live in Riddleport. Larenza Thort took over as Port-Governor of Roderic's Cove shortly afterwards, and has held the position ever since.

    "Roderic cares deeply for the cove, and is perhaps more aware of the happenings here than any living man or woman. If he is stirred to action, it means he has good reason to fear for its safety. Ever since I heard the story of Roderic's ghost, I've tried to find a way to ease him and allow him to let go and pass from this world. It's what I do, aid those who are grieving to let go and move on. But I never managed to find whatever it is that weighs so heavily upon him that he defies natural law and refuses his rest. I think you three are the right people to do this. Help Sir Roderic find peace, and it will help the whole cove,"

  15. - Top - End - #15
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Wow... just how strong was that punch?

    The Possum Punch was apparently more potent than she thought. Almost immediately after consuming it, she had strong visions of a howling dead man! Kenia's body took over and she instantly fled the scene.

    After running for a bit, Kenia realized she was likely hallucinating and headed back to the cart. But something didn't add up - why were other people also running and screaming?

    Audrahni quickly put those questions to rest:
    1) The punch didn't cause a hallucination
    2) The ghost was real - Sir Roderic himself
    3) The bread in Creakside's Tavern was quite tasty. Kenia would need to try the local bakery at some point.

    Munching on bread, Kenia gathered her thoughts. Sir Roderic had to have known something about the Fire of Thybidos. If I want to find that gemstone I need to uncover the secrets of this cove and Sir Roderic is the heart of the cove.

    After being called as a traitor by her kin, a part of Kenia also itched to be a hero. Audrahni had a lot of insight and was very kind, so Kenia was glad to return the favour.

    "Thank you for the bread and hospitality. You can count me in Audrahni. Could you give us more insight on Sir Roderic? It sounds like his spirit is harboured by a secret."

  16. - Top - End - #16
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Quote Originally Posted by NalaYoda View Post
    Still shaking, but grounded with her hand on her trusty sword, Kwella steps closer to Gregor. She didn't get a chance to grab some of that punch so she knows what she sees is not induced. Turning to face the stalwart young man, Kwella whispers "What... who is that? Are we safe?"
    Gregor looked down at her. "I ... I reckon that was Roderic..."

    As Audrathi spoke, he shook his head. "I don't think it was any big thing" he said quietly. "If it was Roderic's spirit, don't see any reason he'd have to hurt me. Like you said, he's always took good care of this place.

    Accepting the invitation to the tavern with alacrity, he slid into one of the sturdier looking chairs, stuffing down a half loaf of bread in his mouth and practically swallowing it whole. He pondered her words. "I don't know nuthin' about bein' any kind of hero. But if you think the cove's in some kinda danger... you really think I can help?"

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Secrets of Roderics Cove IC

    Quote Originally Posted by ploptales View Post
    "Thank you for the bread and hospitality. You can count me in Audrahni. Could you give us more insight on Sir Roderic? It sounds like his spirit is harboured by a secret."
    "That is a strong possibility. Ghosts are often trapped by the habits they lead in life. If he kept a closely-guarded secret, he would find it difficult if not impossible to tell anyone about it now," Audrahni explains, "I do know much of Sir Roderic, as he died many years before I came to Roderic's Cove. He perished not far out over the water, defending the cove form a pirate raid. His home on the outskirts of town was abandoned, and over the years has slowly decayed to the point at which the locals now know it as Roderic's Wreck. I have been there several times, though I've never seen any sign of Roderic's haunting with my own eyes before today,"

    Quote Originally Posted by Stelio Kontos View Post
    He pondered her words. "I don't know nuthin' about bein' any kind of hero. But if you think the cove's in some kinda danger... you really think I can help?"
    "Better than I can. I am... no longer able to confront tormented spirits like Roderic. I can guide and advise you, but this is something that must be undertaken by someone else. I respect Port-Governor Thort and Captain Freson, but they are better equipped to handle worldly matters and are outside of their experience and capabilities in handling the supernatural. Father Marphan and I do not see eye to eye on this matter. He is dogmatic in his faith. He means well, but he sees a restless spirit like Roderic more as a fugitive evading final judgement. He might be able to put Roderic to rest, yes, but he would do so by exorcising him by force," Audrahni extends her hand and briefly touches yours, "there is a better way. Follow the trail of haunts and sightings, find what Roderic is trying to point our attention towards, and set things right. It is the more difficult path than the one Father Marphan would take, but when you do so you will not only allow Roderic to have his final peace, but also save Roderic's Cove from the dangers that threaten it and its people,"

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Kwella ponders the elf's words, happily dancing in her head. Here is what she was looking for: adventure, a new purpose, and all for the good of the many.

    "Whatever I can do to help, count me in." Turning towards Gregor and Kenia, Kwella adds "I'm really excited to be working with you two!"

    Kwella rises from her seat and, facing Audrahni, says "Thanks for the bread." Turning to the others, she adds, "Should we get started? I think we should get going and not lose any more time. We should check out this old home of Roderic's. There might be some answers there."
    Last edited by NalaYoda; 2024-04-29 at 01:42 AM. Reason: Added additional dialogue

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Gregor turned a bit pale at the thought of heading out to the Wreck. "I, um... yeah, I suppose we could do that" he eventually replied. "'Fore we go I oughta tell Ma 'n Pa what happened, I think."

    "I'm Gregor, by the way" he said to the two elves, extending a hand large enough to engulf theirs in a hearty handshake. "Haven't seen most of you around town much before."
    Last edited by Stelio Kontos; 2024-04-29 at 09:03 PM.

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    "The names Kenia and this is Aivela." Kenia says gesturing towards her thrush. Aivela cheerfully flys in a circle to greet the others before returning to Kenia's shoulder.

    "That sounds good to me. Audrahni are you able to join us? I think you could provide some valuable insight since you've been there before. I'm curious if things have changed after his last appearance."

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    Kwella nods at Kenia's words and looks towards Audrahni, hopeful that the elf will join them, at least to travel towards the Wreck. It almost seems like she may know more than what she has said. What does she mean she is "no longer able to confront spirits"? There was a noteable pause in her words...

    She glances over to Gregor and Kenia, seeing if they picked up on the hesitation.

    "Yes, will you come with us? At least as far as you're able."
    Last edited by NalaYoda; 2024-04-30 at 10:08 PM.

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    Audrahni pauses, as if carefully choosing her words, then responds, "no, I will not accompany you. I would only be a hindrance. But I can provide you some material assistance. If you would accompany me back to the temple, I can provision you with useful tools,"

    She nods towards Gregor, "go and speak with your family, you can meet us at the Lady's Chapel,"

    Audrahni pays for the meal, and the four of you depart the tavern. Halfway down the road, Gregor waves a farewell as he turns to head towards the Garrelson homestead while the rest of you follow Audrahni back to the chapel.



    You return home to see laundry hung out to dry and the door left ajar. Aside from your little sister Geraldine who is playing with the family dog, none of your siblings are about right now. You see your father carefully examining a gold coin in his hand, furrowing his brow as he looks closely at it. As you walk in the door he looks up and puts the coin aside.

    "Gregor, my boy, you were up earlier than usual this morning. That's good, those late nights at the tavern need to end. You're an adult so I won't tell you what you can and can't do, but you should listen to your old dad's advice: don't be out after dark. Nasty things are afoot, and my bones are telling me that you're going to run into them if you go stumbling home by starlight," your father warns, clearly having heard about what happened last night.


    Kwella and Kenia

    Audrahni leads you along the main road to the chapel. Kenia remembers this well, as the small detached unit around the back of the building is where Audrahni lives, and where you were offered lodging last night. Today, however, she leads you through the main entrance of the chapel. It is a plain building with simple benches to serve as the pews. A carving of a stylized spiral is prominently displayed at the back of the room. Near the altar, six stretcher are laid out with white cloth obscuring motionless bodies. Audrahni gives a nod and a silent prayer as she passes the deceased, then moves aside a curtain to enter an alcove at the back.

    "These are supplies I inherited from the previous caretaker, and they may well be useful to you," she proceeds to open a small drawer and withdraws a silk pouch. There's a slight clinking from inside as she retrieves it. She pulls the drawstring open and within are six small vials, "Holy water, it can be used to perform a blessing but can also be used in self-defense against the undead,"

    She pulls out a footstool and climbs to reach something off the top shelf. She moves aside some dusty tomes and withdraws an ornately carved wooden wand. She examines it carefully, then nods, "it's mostly drained, but it could still save your life. If you're injured, this wand can help you,"

    Spoiler: Equipment

    Audrahni gives the part 6 vials of holy water, and a Wand of Cure Light Wounds with 13 charges remaining

    Holy Water can be used to perform blessings, and can also be used as a grenade-like weapon against undead creatures.

    Cure Light wounds heals the a target you touch for 1d8+1 damage. It can also be cast offensively to damage undead creatures, with a saving throw for half damage (the wand's DC is 11, your own spellcasting DC is not used for wands). Kwella and Gregor are both able to use this wand automatically, as the Cure Light Wounds spell appears on the Hunter and Warpriest spell lists. You do not need to know the spell in order to cast it from a wand.

    Kenia can use the Use Magic Device skill in order to activate the wand even though the spell is not one she would normally be capable of casting. She must succeed on a DC 20 check in order to activate the wand. She can retry this check if she fails, but if she ever rolls a 1 then she cannot attempt again for 24 hours. She cannot take 10 or take 20 on a Use Magic Device check.

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    "That's a pretty name for a birdie" Gregor smiled, reaching out to try to pet the bird as it fluttered about.

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~at home~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Gregor bowed his head to his father. "I know Pa."

    "Somethin's happened in the Circle this morning. I seen the ghost of Roderic. And I know what you're thinkin' but it wasn't just me, it was a bunch of folks. Most of 'em run away from it. But I think somethin's serious goin' on, and ... I think I need to be part of it. I think maybe I can figure out what's ailin' his spirit. So, I might be goin' away for a day or two."

    He eyed the coin his father had played with and put away. "Everything okay? Is it money troubles? If we -- I mean, I've got some saved up, if it's needed."
    Last edited by Stelio Kontos; 2024-05-01 at 07:26 PM.

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    "Roderic? Drowned man speaking in cryptic warnings? I caught a glimpse of him when you were a wee lad, during the whole Gildersleeves troubles," your father scratches his beard, "no good can come from it if he's showed up again. Keep your head on your shoulders, and if things look bad then know when to run. Bravery and foolishness are favorite bedfellows,"

    At the mention of the coin, your father looks at it and snorts, "nothing of that sort. If anything we have too many hogs this season and I sold one to Kelstrop this morning," He pulls two more gold coins out of his pocket, putting the three on the table. Gregor has taken hogs to the butcher before, and three gold pieces would be the normal price. All three are Korvosan sails, the most common denomination used by traders along the Varisian coast, and difficult to counterfeit since locals know them quite well. His father grimaces, "she paid me up front and I went on my way, but as I jangled them in my pocket on the way back this one didn't sit right. It's the right size, shape, weight, and looks just like the others, but something feels off about it and I'm not sure what. My sight, my touch, even my taste tells me it's gold and to stop worrying. But something feels off about it,"

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    Gregor held his hand out. "Can I take a look?" He pulled out one of his own gold coins and handed it out. "We'll trade. If there's somethin' wrong with it, I can talk to Kelstrop, maybe see who brung it in."

    Spoiler: OOC
    Perception? [roll] 1d20+7[/roll]

    (I will not humiliate myself with an Appraise roll)

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    Gregor's father hands him the coin, and as he touches it the surface feels like it's covered with some sort of powder or film. As he rubs it between his fingers the gold sheen smudges off and the coin now appears silver. Someone has cast a very convincing illusion over this coin.

    "Do you see what's the matter with it?" the senior Garrelson asks, clearly still fooled by the illusion even as Gregor sees through it. Gregor is unfamiliar with the specifics of how such illusion magic works, but the scam is fairly obvious: to pass off a less valuable coin as a more valuable one. As far as he knows, Ladia Kelstrop has no magical training and couldn't be responsible for this, which means someone else must have paid her with the glamored coin which she in turn used to pay the Garrelsons.

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Kwella reaches out to take the offered holy water and ties it to her sword belt for safe keeping, leaving Kenia to take the wand. The holy water can be equally divided between the three party members once they are all back together and headed towards their destination. Something that can protect against the undead may be extremely useful on this quest. However, her thoughts immediately travel back to the spiral in the other room; she's facinated with the design of it and wants to take a closer look.

    "Auhdrahni, can you tell me more about the chapel and the previous caretakers? What does the spiral at the head of the chapel mean?"

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    "It's not gold" Gregor replied. "Some kinda magic, I think. Looks like gold, but it feels like silver."

    "You stay here Pa, I'll get to the bottom of this. Don't think Missus Kelstrop could do that if'n she wanted to. Someone passin' through's swindlin' the town. They best hope I don't get my hands on 'em before the guard does."

    Gregor stood, fake coin in hand, and set off to the chapel. There would be a matter of business to attend to before they left, if he had anything to say about it.
    Last edited by Stelio Kontos; 2024-05-01 at 10:00 PM.

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    "I never met the previous caretaker. He passed away three years before I arrived in Roderic's Cove, and Father Marphan immediately offered me the position when I arrived in town. I'm surprised he remembers me at all, we only met briefly years ago when he was visiting Magnimar, but I suppose I left an impression," Audrahni answers Kwella's first question. The second question seems to puzzle her, but then a smile creeps onto her face. She removes her scarf and flourishes it in the air as she begins a dance and song:

    "Oh child, know the vastness of the world. Far more than can be fathomed in a single lifetime; more places to see, more people to meet, more things to learn, more deeds than you can ever complete. But when your time ends, when you take your final rest, there is one task we must all undertake, one being to which we must all attest. One last pilgrimage, one last journey, to the place where all rivers conspire, to the final spire in the boneyard where the dead retire. At the center of creation all shall pass, time stands still and moves like glass. Every life recounted, every soul weighed, every knight and every knave, for this is the court of Pharasma, the lady of the grave. A mother of souls, a witness to all truths, ancient beyond measure, before her all of us are but youths. There one journey ends, and a new one begins. To her, past, present, and future are all innate, for she knows the span of creation, she is the Spiral of Fate,"

    Audrahni pauses, then ends her song, "this chapel is consecrated to Pharasma, the judge of the dead, and the spiral of fate is her symbol. Father Marphan is an ordained cleric of Pharasma, and for the time being I humbly serve under him as a caretaker of this chapel,"

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    A smile spreads across Kwella's face, her tusks becoming more prominant, as Audrahni finishes her song. Like a child, Kwella claps her hands with glee a the creative expression and explanation, wanting to know more. This Pharasma sounds like a deity that might actually be worth looking into further and perhaps following.

    "Thank you for that wonderful lesson," Kwella says. "If I wanted to learn more about Pharasma, where should I start? Well, after we do what we have to do."

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