Wow... just how strong was that punch?

The Possum Punch was apparently more potent than she thought. Almost immediately after consuming it, she had strong visions of a howling dead man! Kenia's body took over and she instantly fled the scene.

After running for a bit, Kenia realized she was likely hallucinating and headed back to the cart. But something didn't add up - why were other people also running and screaming?

Audrahni quickly put those questions to rest:
1) The punch didn't cause a hallucination
2) The ghost was real - Sir Roderic himself
3) The bread in Creakside's Tavern was quite tasty. Kenia would need to try the local bakery at some point.

Munching on bread, Kenia gathered her thoughts. Sir Roderic had to have known something about the Fire of Thybidos. If I want to find that gemstone I need to uncover the secrets of this cove and Sir Roderic is the heart of the cove.

After being called as a traitor by her kin, a part of Kenia also itched to be a hero. Audrahni had a lot of insight and was very kind, so Kenia was glad to return the favour.

"Thank you for the bread and hospitality. You can count me in Audrahni. Could you give us more insight on Sir Roderic? It sounds like his spirit is harboured by a secret."