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  1. - Top - End - #31
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    The guard's expression nearly faltered at Nomis's response, but she managed to maintain her stoic facade. Vinc had been unwaveringly pragmatic during their three-day journey, emphasizing his motivation purely for financial gain rather than commitment to the mission. Now, Nomis was exhibiting a similar lack of enthusiasm.

    She had hoped for a more in-depth discussion about the mission's details and plans, but the Sharen seemed disinterested.

    "Very well," she acknowledged, slightly bowing at him, concealing the disappointment she felt.

  2. - Top - End - #32
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Nomis makes his way downstairs, all of his equipment still on his back, and he gets a glance from Kari. While she raised an eyebrow at the rogue, she still gave him a knowing smile a second later and pointed at the meeting room stage. The cats have not moved yet, though the last bits of sunlight are just starting to slip from the podium they were napping upon. One cat is a tuxido kitty, black furred with white spots, while the other is a patchwork tabby of varying shades of brown, with ripples of black making waves through their fluff.

    Sin, on the other hand, is left to make herself at home in the diplomat's chambers. While the bedroom wasn't lavish, it was still reasonably large for a single person, and somewhat 'cozy' looking. A single down bed large enough for two people was pressed against the back wall, just under a curtain-shrouded window, and a fur-lined quilted blanket covered it. There was a chest, a wash-basin and a mirror on the left wall, a closet and dresser across from that, and in a corner near the door was a small desk and stool for writing.

  3. - Top - End - #33
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    The guard quickly assessed the room. Sin was not particularly picky, yet she preferred spacious areas with minimalist aesthetics. Despite its condition, she paid it no mind. After all, she knew her place, now and as always.

    She admired the room. It was a step up from the guards' barracks, which were typically cramped and utilitarian. More importantly, she wanted to be alone above all else.

    Closing the door behind her, she made her way to the bed and tested its comfort. The invitingly soft mattress tempted her to sit and relax, which she did. Soon enough, the bed enticed her to lay down.

    Why not?

    The long journey with her supposed ‘companions’ had been tedious and feeling the weight of exhaustion in her body, she longed to rest. Amidst the temptation, Sin couldn't allow herself to do so just yet. The thought of unfinished tasks weighed on her mind, urging her to keep moving rather than succumb to the comfort of rest.

    Swiftly, she set aside items she deemed unnecessary and packed her bag lightly. With haste, she left the room before changing her mind. Descending the stairs, she spotted Nomis with the cats. After acknowledging the mayor's wife with a bow, she let her gaze linger on him as she headed for the exit.

  4. - Top - End - #34
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Nomis gives a knowing glance at Kari, as naturally dramatic as he ever was. There was no time to put his staff away, there was a cat to pat. Entering the hall he kept his silence as he approached them.

    Nomis analysed the cats, and in his confusing decides to head pat the tuxido kitty.

    Nomis rolls 44 to pet a *****
    Last edited by GoggleDog; 2024-04-30 at 08:12 AM.

  5. - Top - End - #35
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    The tuxedo cat was an absolute angel and not only allowed the sharen to pet them, but leaned that black and white face into his hand to ensure that he really gave this kitty proper cheek and chin rubs. The tabby cat answered the mystery of which one was Claws, however, when they reached over, grabbed Nomis's petting hand with sharp little talons and ushered his hand to their fluffy self instead. Perhaps both of them were actually social critters, and Claws was just a bit aggressively handsy. No real damage was being done, fortunately, but Nomis wasn't going anywhere until he either satisfied the kittens or paid the price for his insolence via murder mitts.

    The center of town is finally starting to cool down, and a few of the townsfolk have started coming out. Being at the apparent heart of the industrial district of Sheeredwood, the main buildings around are home to carpenters, smiths and trade offices, all arranged around the park she'd passed through to reach the mayor. The one non-business related building (other than town hall) seems to be a guard house, given a patrol had just entered it. A few people notice her, and nod politely while passing by on the street, but no one pays her any special attention that she can see.

  6. - Top - End - #36
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Sin reciprocated the salutations to those who greeted her. Years of working as a guard had ingrained this act into her routine. Perhaps it was due to constant interactions with people in her line of work, or maybe it stemmed from past experiences.

    Observing the patrols of guards, she decided to head in that direction. Guards often had valuable information. Although the mayor had mentioned that his guards were handling the situation, Sin was aware that approaching them might not be the best idea. Nevertheless, she saw it as an opportunity that could potentially lead to valuable leads or insights.

  7. - Top - End - #37
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    He- oh. Oh. I see what is going on."
    He spoke to the cats, as he continued to obediently pet his new masters.
    How long would he have to stay? How many years? Well, he cannot stay for that long, not until his business is over.

    "Excellent. I will need that hand back, sooner or later. Claws, Paws."
    He spoke with the same voice he always has, even to the cats, as if they by themselves were people.

    "She liked cats. Are you a couple? Well, if you're siblings that'd be unfortunate now." He made a shy attempt of letting go.

  8. - Top - End - #38
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    "They aren't siblings." The mayor's wife told him, walking over to stand beside him. "Paws was my cat when I moved to this town, and a year after he brought a wet, grumpy kitten home with him out of the rain." Closing a small ledger that she handed to an aid, and waving a few others off with a, "Don't you have somewhere else to be?" she said to the sharen investigator, "So, you met with Erick. Good. I trust he was able to give you the big picture and I've been sending runners to convene the town council tomorrow, which I'm sure he'll want. You'll also be staying with us tonight, I presume?"

    Stepping up behind the podium, Kari set her hands on the sides of the wooden surface and said, "My husband is good at keeping a story in mind, but leaves the finer details and gathering of resources to me. If you or your partner have any questions or requests while you stay here, please, feel free to ask."

    The cats seem content with the offerings given to them and allow Nomis to reclaim his hand with only light scratching... for now. Having been woken up at this point, Claws stands with a stretch and hops from the podium, and Paws follows the tabby a second later.

    Her wandering brought her to the guard post, a compact three-level building that had all of its windows opened at that moment. From her experience in the city, the top two levels would be for lodging, so that guards who were on duty but not out on patrol had a place to bunk could sleep and practice whatever hobbies they wanted, while the first floor would be home to the Captain's office, a small holding cell, the mess hall and racks to store equipment. It wasn't really a place where the guards would live, unless they were particularly hard on cash at the moment, and it wouldn't have space for all of the guards in this district, but it would comfortably house each shift until their replacements reported for duty.

    Normally, the central guard station (like this one) would also hold the offices for local investigators, but from what Governor Longview had told her this town didn't have any dedicated inspectors, relying on their guards and freelance detectives (as she was acting at the moment) instead. Apparently, large criminal operations just weren't common enough to justify the expense of that department.

    The patrol that she had seen walk into the guard post was taking off their equipment for the day when she came in. A group of three had split off to begin playing a game of cards in the corner, another one (still wearing his breastplate) stirred a large pot inside of a wood-fire stove, and the other three were polishing their boots and armor. It was the members of the last group that faced Sin when she entered the room. A hard-faced woman with streaks of white in her auburn hair and a few lines around her mouth spoke up, "What's your business here, stranger?" Her tone carried with it a measure of authority, and from the knots on her shirt sleeve she was the sergeant of this patrol.

  9. - Top - End - #39
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Sin entered the guard post with a confident stride. She posed professionally yet approachable. She greeted the guards with a respectful nod before turning her gaze to the hard-faced woman.

    "Greetings," Sin began, her tone polite yet determined. "I'm Sin Graylight, a freelance detective currently investigating the activities of the Red Fox. I was hoping to speak with you to gather any information or leads your patrol may have encountered regarding the Red Fox."

  10. - Top - End - #40
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Nomis observed the cat couple as she spoke, before finally looking at her, now that the deities were satisfied and the retrieval of his hand certain.
    "Yes, your husband has offered us some of the rooms to stay for the time being."
    And after a pause
    "I will admit, it's the finer details that I would like to know. The fox purposely makes chaos, there must be something else in his mind." He said
    "What type of merchandise they've targeted more, where they were meant to go, who was to take them and pass them on to the final destination, what they'd be used for.."
    Nomis rubbed his temple with his tattooed hand, he hated thinking, he was never good at it.
    "Do you have records of the fox's attacks? Sightings?"
    He asked, before letting a smile escape him
    "I imagine there's whole stacks of ledgers." While it was meant as a joke, with his attitude it'd take a sense of humour to notice.

  11. - Top - End - #41
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    "If it isn't worth filing in a ledger, than is it truly a report?" The mayor's wife asked, giving the sharen investigator a wry smile in return. Oh gods, she had an administrator's sense of humor. "Most of them are in my short-hand, though, and almost completely illegible to normal folk, so I'll make copies translating them for you and have them delivered to wherever you make your home for the duration of this case. I should have them to you within three days." She nodded, tapping her pointer finger and pinky of her left hand on the podium, and sighed. "Is there any other information you think you might need?"

    The woman frowned at your statement, looking over Sin a bit, and then shrugged. "Huh, you're the one the captain talked about? Well about time the governor actually sent someone." Folding her arms, she leaned back on the bench and noted, "Been waiting almost a month for the blue bloods to take us seriously. You'll want to talk to Captain Kindly, most likely. He won't be in his office, though. Late enough in the day he's either still on his last round, or he's gone home, like he usually does at day's end."

  12. - Top - End - #42
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Sin took a moment to assess the sergeant's attitude, and it didn't appear to align with her intentions. With a subtle yet intentional exhale, she prepared herself for another round of diplomacy. While she didn't particularly enjoy these formalities, she understood their importance in her line of work, often compensating for the aspects that she lacked. It was a skill ingrained in her.

    With a rare, albeit somewhat forced, smile, Sin addressed the sergeant. "It would be nice to speak with the captain, but I truly believe that conversing with someone as experienced and knowledgeable as you would be invaluable. I highly regard your firsthand insights and expertise about this matter." She glanced around discreetly before continuing, Perhaps after your duty, we could find a more private setting to discuss matters further. How about we grab a drink together? I'll be happy to cover the expenses.”

    Spoiler: Negotiation Roll
    Sin [Negotiation] Roll Result : 111
    Last edited by GodEye Galatea; 2024-05-06 at 08:00 AM.

  13. - Top - End - #43
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    The Fae be damned. She had an administrator's humour.
    "Three days? That is enough time for another attack and two. Maybe I *would* like to give my chances on it after all. I've had experience with that gibberish."
    He seemed.. odd, in a sense. Not many actions out of him as he spoke, just standing there, with all his equipment intact, as if there was a separate brain for actions. Finally, he placed his hand on his chin.
    "Information on the families. How have their relationships been? Any recent drama.. I have heard royal families are more stubborn than corpses." He eyed the administrator,

  14. - Top - End - #44
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    The sergeant frowns a bit at first, turning her head to look at the other guards who were watching this conversation by this point, and then she lets out a long, purposeful sigh. "Well, I suppose I could let you buy me a drink and show you over to Blister's." The other guards nod and get back to whatever they were doing before at this, and a note of barely perceived tension fades away. "My rotation just finished, so if you give me a few minutes to grab a bite and make sure these fools don't burn the place down, I'll be good to go."

    The other guards seem to be ignoring Sin, now, though not in a rude way. They just don't seem worried about the investigator-in-training, and are going about doing what they need (or want, in the case of the gamblers) to do.

    "Fortunately, we don't have any royals in this town. Our noble families are all aristocratic merchants rather than people who's bloodlines were 'blessed' with rulership by the gods. It's good old fashioned trade rivalries and land ownership that they feuded over back in the founding times." Kari said, reaching into a chest pocket of her shirt to pull out a small note pad. "It would be better to ask my husband or the families themselves about that, however. They know the relationships and heritages better than an outsider like me. I run the numbers."

    With that, she slapped her note pad down on the podium, took hold of the platform, and spun it so that it faced the sharen investigator. Apparently someone had installed a swivel system in the podium's base, probably so a speaker could switch between addressing the audience or the people seated in the councilor's seats, and it spun nearly silently. "As for my shorthand, this is how I notated business expenses and merchant dues last month. Tell me if you can make any sense of that."

    Spoiler: The notebook
    Chis 94/6 L, F(i), Che 60/ Ced 400/ Wal 300
    Vin Ferm, De
    Mar 66/2 Ot, Op(r), Fe 260/ Qua 10/ Au 50/ Ag 120
    Thu 35/5 Ot, P, Var, Ar: NW

  15. - Top - End - #45
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    "Of course!" Sin replied politely. "Please, take your time."

    As she waited for the sergeant to finish, Sin continued to observe the inside of the post. Her attention briefly turned to the guards playing cards in the corner, but her curiosity quickly faded when she realized they were just playing the bland version. She swiftly shifted her focus, continuing to observe the other guards and the post itself, looking for clues or anything that might pique her interest.

    Spoiler: Perception Roll
    Sin [Perception] Roll Result : 114

  16. - Top - End - #46
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    He opened the notebook, fully believing whatever was inside he'd manage to read it, how worst could it be from his?

    It was far more horrific than he ever imagined.
    There was a good one second pause from him and then he slowly took his eyes off the pages, directing themselves at her.

    "You are a different beast all together."

    And placed the book down, copying her own motions to send it to her direction via podium.
    "I cannot imagine anything else necessary that won't be addressed tomorrow, with numbers, that is. I stand impressed, defeated, and in need of learning patience."

  17. - Top - End - #47
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    One thing that stood out under closer scrutiny is just how new everything seems to be in here. The floor and furniture only have minor scuffing, the equipment doesn't have the wear that Sin might have expected from well-used spears and truncheons, and their boots and coats are only lightly scuffed. The walls, stove and window frames, by contrast, are weathered, as if they hadn't been refurbished since the post's construction.

    Wearing much more casual clothing, the sergeant straps her short sword back on her side and nods to the investigator. "Right. I'll see you lot later. Everyone listen to corporal Tims," There was some groaning and complaining about that, but it seemed lighthearted in nature, "and make sure you lock the door behind you this time. Inspector Sin, follow me." With that she marched from the building and turned to head to the northern end of town.

    Once you're outside and a little ways down the street, she turned her head to look over her shoulder back at Sin and said, "Thanks for the excuse to get away from them. Someone should talk to you lot, but when an outsider bumps in on another officer's territory... well, you know how it is. Gotta save face and all that."

    She smiles, tapping parts of her notebook to explain, "It's more simple than it seems. The first three letters are an abbreviation of the business owner's family name, the first number is their reported profits for the period, the two numbers beside that are how many of their current tariffs they've paid and what they owed for the period, with the letters after that determining if they've underpaid, overpaid or have fully paid. Everything else is material business inputs, broken down into how many of each material they've purchased, minus any universal inputs such as coal, crates or water..." She closed the notebook. "But it'll be faster for me to write all of that out instead of making you go through translating it yourself. Again, three days. I'll make sure to include family major outstanding debts and loans that we know of, and which families those debts and loans are owed to."

    Looking over his shoulder, Kari told Nomis, "It looks like my staff is almost ready to serve dinner." And she tucked her notebook away. At one of the doors, a few well-dressed butlers were wheeling a dish-laden cart into one of the rooms next to the reception desk. "Let's not keep them waiting." She said, gesturing for him to take the lead.

  18. - Top - End - #48
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Ηe held at her a look of uncertainty as she spoke...and spoke...and spoke about her book, it's not that he made an expression, it was that he simply stared..but somehow just a bit differently, before smiling faintly. By the cursed Fae.. He always thought that, despite that he did like reading and writing, he'd need none of it as a mercenary, and now here he was.
    "Lords.." he murmured. A thought transcended him that perhaps Sin could read it for them, if he didn't find any paculiarities.. would she? It didn't matter. Things tended to blow up around him, the Fox will make himself appear.
    "Yes, I could do that." He said to her as he lifted himself, food would help with his..other problem.. his head atleast didn't ring.
    "I'll go leave my equipment."
    He lifted his bag as an indicator
    "In my rush, i kept it on. It was quite a bit of importance." He stated, perhaps they would be kept waiting.

  19. - Top - End - #49
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Sin sighed at her discoveries. It dawned on her that the equipment might be new or simply underused. The lack of signs of usage was evident, contrasting sharply with the well-used state of the cooking equipment. It seemed the kitchen saw more action than the armory.

    She bid the other guards a respectful farewell before following the sergeant outside. She matched the sergeant's pace, walking side by side.

    As the sergeant spoke, Sin listened attentively, a polite but slightly forced smile gracing her face. "You’re absolutely correct. As a fellow guard, I completely understand your position."

    "However, sometimes, that same pride can prevent us from reaching our objectives. Wouldn't you agree?" She glanced sideways at the sergeant.

  20. - Top - End - #50
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox


    Quote Originally Posted by GoggleDog View Post
    "In my rush, i kept it on. It was quite a bit of importance." He stated, perhaps they would be kept waiting.
    Kari nodded and waved him on. "Go ahead, we will save you a spot." Having dismissed him, she made her way over to the dining room.

    Upstairs, Nomis found himself alone among the historical gallery. A servant had walked past him on the way down and mentioned that dinner would be served soon, but other than that there didn't seem to be anyone else around. Mayor Foreman's meeting with Vinc was still going on, with voices raised just enough to be heard indistinctly through the office door, so they might be occupied for a while.


    Quote Originally Posted by GodEye Galatea View Post
    "However, sometimes, that same pride can prevent us from reaching our objectives. Wouldn't you agree?" She glanced sideways at the sergeant.
    The sergeant grunted a bit, then nodded in agreement. "As I said, someone who knows their hands from their arse needed to talk to you. I'm sure the captain will help some, once you get to him, but he's more of an administrator than a boots on the ground officer these days." She hesitated for a moment before adding, "Also, his last name isn't Kindly, we just call him that because he isn't. A it of playful ribbing on our part. Don't call him that if you want to get along. His actual family name is Arnestad. Captain Kal Arnestad. My name's Neva, by the way."

    Having made her proper introductions, the sergeant became quiet as she made her way around a crowd that was lined up to enter a tavern with named "The Blistering Flame," and just kept walking past it. Once past the people who could overhear she turned her head to Sin and asked, "So, what can I tell you, inspector Sin?"

  21. - Top - End - #51
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Gratitude. He thought, it would feel good to sit on something royally comfy after being on a bandwagon all day long and eat something that didn't resemblance soldier rations.
    He only glanced at the servant, without saying a word and was about to leave his stuff, until.. they were still talking?

    Maybe it was the alcohol, or that he has learnt to not trust anyone that smiled too much, or that he was actually curious to what they were saying but didn't wish to interact with the dwarf's antics more than necessary, or all of the above.. He, carefully walked towards the door, from the side of it and movee himself to listen.

    107 for stealth
    72 for perception

  22. - Top - End - #52
    Pixie in the Playground
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    "Thank you for the heads-up, Neva. It's good to know what to expect. I'll be sure to address him properly."

    She silently yet confidently followed Neva through the crowd, her eyes darting from left to right, scanning the surroundings. Being in unfamiliar territory, Sin's observant nature took over as she absorbed every detail, intent on gathering as much information as possible.

    “Your straightforwardness is refreshing and exactly what I need to get to the bottom of this.” Sin said, curling her lips.

    “So, tell me, what’s your take on the Red Fox situation? Any insights or hunches you think might help us?"

  23. - Top - End - #53
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    The enforcer-in-training was silent and didn't trip over anything as he made his way over to the door and leaned in. No servants came up to ask him just 'h-what he did he think he was doing???,' so Nomis was able to stand and listen to his heart's content. Unfortunately, the thick wood of the door muffled everything Vinc's reasonable and calm voice was saying into a soothing yet indistinct rumble. The mayor's voice, on the other hand, was suitably loud enough to make out his words with enough work.

    "- month, and Longview finally sends his own... Don't care who you actually... So what changed? ... Those damned feuds have been buried for thirty years! Surely there's no... What, he doesn't trust me to send word myself if I can't handle some rebels?" There was a period where both of their voices were too low to make out, then the mayor says, "Fine! I can't overrule the governor, but I don't have to like it." Then the voices were too low to make out again. It's been around 5 minutes of snooping by this point, and from the tones coming from the room the conversation wasn't likely to become an argument again anytime soon.

    From Sin's quick observation, the crowd going into the tavern was relaxed and somewhat well-off, and the establishment itself was actually quite well furbished and a bit busy. It wasn't a snobby bar, but probably hosted a limited selection of expensive drinks to go with the more affordable ones, and even the common drinks might be a bit up-charged compared to the same ones in a more stab happy dive-bar. It was also certainly the place that the sergeant had said Sin was taking her to get drinks, what with it being the "Blistering Flame" and Neva saying she was taking the inspector to a place called "Blister's," and yet the two were walking past it instead of inside.

    Neva grunted at Sin's comments and question, saying, "Direct and simple works best in situations like this, I've found. Inspectors and bounty hunters, you lot are persistent and will figure everything out eventually anyway. Or just cause me headaches with your shenanigans while getting nothing done." Waving that off, the sergeant said, "But you're a guard yourself. You know that there's a... difference when there are crimes being committed by locals and when they're being done by outsiders. Just something in the way perps move through the city, who they pick off, that kind of thing. We haven't been able to get much on these bandits, but they don't feel like outsiders. They know the streets too well, know patrol routes, that kind of thing. Thing is, we didn't have any criminal masterminds or anything before this Fox showed up."

    She frowned, glancing over her shoulders and stopping when she didn't see anyone else on the street or anyone listening at the windows. "Haven't had anyone in the shadier side of business drop hints at who's been causing trouble either. They don't usually talk to guards, but in a situation like this... well, a Mister Johnston stopped me on the street with a message for the captain that it isn't them." She grunted and added, "It's hard to know for certain, of course, but we're pretty sure that one or two of their boys have been hit as well, and that business on their end hasn't been smooth since the Fox showed up."

  24. - Top - End - #54
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    The inspector’s eyes narrowed as they passed the bar. Neva must be up to something. Still, she calmly went along, as if she didn’t mind.

    “You could’ve mentioned it if you weren’t keen on my proposal,” Sin said, glancing at the bar.

    “But I do appreciate our pace now,” she added, her voice reassuring. “Can you tell me more about this Mr. Johnston?”

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    Nomis after a few moments took some steps back, speechless. What did he gain from that? Another headache. Without anything further, he went to his room, let his bag but kept his sword belt and his handbow, those two had their own rightful place on his person.

    *Feuds* he thought, and remembered the talk he and Sin had before separating ways. Fae be piled up and set on fire upside down for eternity...
    Atleast they would get paid.

    Eventually after gathering up his thoughts, he left and went on his way, seems like he did keep people waiting.

  26. - Top - End - #56
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    The sergeant gives a grin to the investigator that can only be described as 'default,' stares into the middle distance, and says, "Yeah. It was a good enough excuse to go out, and there's good drink and furnishing at Blister's, but... Ol' Frank's nephew has gotten it into his head that he's the next Fisher." Fisher had been a bard who's baudy satirical songs were still barroom staples almost two centuries since his death. "Frank doesn't have the heart to crush the lad's dreams, so he's the nightly entertainment... I'm sure an in-tune instrument accompanied by a skillful tone will grace the bar eventually, but that lad wouldn't be able to find one if they walked up and stabbed him."

    In answer to Sin's question, Neva frowns in recollection and says, "Not an overly-tall fellow. He did that thing where they hide their faces under a hood and wear a cloak, but his accent weren't 'natural' to him. Like he'd heard common folk talking and was trying to dumb himself down and emulate it. Had some good quality boots on, and there was a pin holding the collar of his cloak closed, don't remember what it looked like exactly because I didn't get a proper view of it, but I think it was some kind of jumping fish or flying bird? Didn't get much else, these kinds of people take a lot of effort to disguise themselves around coppers like you and me, after all."

    If the people in this town could hear the sharen investigator's thoughts, they would be quite flustered at his creative methods at cursing, and if the archfey really could read his thoughts his soul might be in a bit of trouble... but fortunately, there was no fey-worshiping telepath around to hear his blasphemy (or at least, none that cared), so he was home free to think whatever he wanted as he finally unpacks and gets ready for the evening meal.

    In the dining hall, the fact that he kept the handbow gets a few glances from the help and the governor's wife, but no one questions it when he takes his seat. The room itself isn't much larger than the governor's office upstairs -though, to be fair, that didn't mean it was small. There were three separate doors leading into the room, one which connected to the entryway, another the meeting hall, and a third that likely led to the bell tower if basic architecture was to be believed. The main dining table itself was a rectangle large enough to hold a dozen occupants, there was a small corner table for aids (or, perhaps, children) to sit at that had four chairs tucked into the northern corner of the room, and there was still room for people to walk behind each chair with a cart or tray if necessary.

    At the moment, there weren't that many people present. Five spots were laid out; One at the head of the table for the mayor, to the right of which sat Kari, one more on her side, and two chairs opposite. The evening meal seemed to be a light thing, just some bread, cheese and a vegetable potato soup already served out. The mayor's wife has not started eating yet, instead she sits with her laced-together hands held up in front of her and her head bowed down to lightly press against them, either in prayer or meditation. After giving him a subtle nod of recognition, she closes her eyes and returns to her pre-meal ritual.

  27. - Top - End - #57
    Pixie in the Playground
    GodEye Galatea's Avatar

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Sin gazed intently at the tavern, her eyes devoid of emotion as they locked onto the establishment while she thought for her next move. While at it, she felt a sense of relief knowing that things had worked out in her favor, given that she only had three gold coins remaining and couldn't afford to pay for their drinks. However, she didn't let her satisfaction show, her face remained stoic.

    Shifting slightly, Sin turned her attention to Neva. "Do you have any information on any connections or affiliations that this 'Mr. Johnston' might have?" she finally inquired.

    "And," she continued, holding her chin in thought, "would it be possible to arrange a meeting with him?"

  28. - Top - End - #58
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    If the people in this town could hear his thoughts, he'd be more than happy to say that that was a thing more so from his wife, rather than him. And if she was here she'd be happy to explain the whole procedure of the insult put to practice.

    Nomis, despite his bluntness was not daft of his actions, not too much, atleast. He ignored the glances as he usually did, but held his gaze for a second to kari as she glaned too, and got his seat opposite to hers.

    He didn't start eating yet, some still hidden tact remained of the man, apparently. Instead, for a long moment he stared at the tattoo of his hand, a blossomed red rose which completely contrasted the rest of his pale skin.
    He realised that while he did held some tact, it was not enough to hold his silence, hiding the memories of a distant past, of a different man away.

    "Does Sin happen to have left any indication of where she left off to?"

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