One thing that stood out under closer scrutiny is just how new everything seems to be in here. The floor and furniture only have minor scuffing, the equipment doesn't have the wear that Sin might have expected from well-used spears and truncheons, and their boots and coats are only lightly scuffed. The walls, stove and window frames, by contrast, are weathered, as if they hadn't been refurbished since the post's construction.

Wearing much more casual clothing, the sergeant straps her short sword back on her side and nods to the investigator. "Right. I'll see you lot later. Everyone listen to corporal Tims," There was some groaning and complaining about that, but it seemed lighthearted in nature, "and make sure you lock the door behind you this time. Inspector Sin, follow me." With that she marched from the building and turned to head to the northern end of town.

Once you're outside and a little ways down the street, she turned her head to look over her shoulder back at Sin and said, "Thanks for the excuse to get away from them. Someone should talk to you lot, but when an outsider bumps in on another officer's territory... well, you know how it is. Gotta save face and all that."

She smiles, tapping parts of her notebook to explain, "It's more simple than it seems. The first three letters are an abbreviation of the business owner's family name, the first number is their reported profits for the period, the two numbers beside that are how many of their current tariffs they've paid and what they owed for the period, with the letters after that determining if they've underpaid, overpaid or have fully paid. Everything else is material business inputs, broken down into how many of each material they've purchased, minus any universal inputs such as coal, crates or water..." She closed the notebook. "But it'll be faster for me to write all of that out instead of making you go through translating it yourself. Again, three days. I'll make sure to include family major outstanding debts and loans that we know of, and which families those debts and loans are owed to."

Looking over his shoulder, Kari told Nomis, "It looks like my staff is almost ready to serve dinner." And she tucked her notebook away. At one of the doors, a few well-dressed butlers were wheeling a dish-laden cart into one of the rooms next to the reception desk. "Let's not keep them waiting." She said, gesturing for him to take the lead.