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  1. - Top - End - #1
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    It was a dry and sunny day when our heroes rode to town. Nomis and Sin were joined by a dwarf by the name of Vinc, a veteran guard from a Duran caravan who was there to provide some muscle should they need it. He'd been open to talk (perhaps a bit too much), and from the conversations he'd had over the three days of your association, it seems like he'd taken the job because he was bored, and thought it would be easy and interesting to keep you two out of trouble. He doesn't seem to be all that interested in the job itself, so perhaps he had been assigned as some king of baby sitter by Sin's superior among the city inspectors.

    The wagon driver that had been hired by governor Longview hadn't pushed his animals too hard in the late-summer heat, so it was getting on in the afternoon when the arrived in Sheered Wood, and there was not much traffic on the road as they rode past the town gate. The town had started as a logging village, and the influences on the building style were obvious, with plenty of decorative animal carvings adorning the corners of buildings, and all the carpentry immediately visible in the walls and businesses being of high quality.

    A few guards, lazily sitting beside a water barrel and fanning themselves with playing cards, sat at a booth just past the walls, and they stop you for a moment to check the driver's merchandise manifest and business papers. When they get to the papers relating to you, the guard reading them looked up at the three of you and said, "Well now, you lot are the inspectors the governor sent us, huh? The mayor will want to talk to you. If you hurry you should be able to get him while he's in town hall, just across from the park in the center of town. Biggest building we got, you should be able to see the bell tower from here." Handing your letter of introduction back, he tipped his helmet a bit and said, "Good luck to yah, and welcome to Sheered Wood."

    Thanking them, your driver gets his mules moving again and looks over his shoulder. "Well lads and lass, I'm going to stop at the tavern over there, goes by the name of the Broken Fletching, but that's about as far as I'm taking you. Thanks for the company on this leg of my journey." A minute later he stops in front of the aforementioned building, which had a sign with a shield and pair of shattered arrows painted on it, and his cart stops again. "If you need anything from me I'll still be hanging around the market square for the next few days, selling my things. Just ask for ol' Moat Thumper's stall, and the locals should be able to direct you to me."

  2. - Top - End - #2
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    As the afternoon sun dipped low, its scorching heat and damp air only added to Sin's irritation. The sluggish pace of their journey had already worn thin on her patience. Despite her polite requests to the driver for a quicker pace, he seemed to have his reasons for maintaining their current speed.

    Yet, as a seasoned guard, Sin had honed her ability to stretch her patience during such trying times. She saw these moments as opportunities to conserve her energy and resources, a skill that had proven invaluable in her line of work.

    She was the first to step down from the wagon, her gaze sweeping the surroundings. Despite her dissatisfaction with the service, she maintained her composure and spoke politely, "Thank you for your assistance and letting us know of your wereabouts. We'll reach out if we require your services again."

    After a slight bow to the driver, Sin shifted her gaze on the towering structure housing the mayor’s office. She hoped fervently that he was still there; otherwise, waiting furthermore to gain his audience would surely test her patience once more.

    She would cast a glance at the others as she waited for them to disembark.

  3. - Top - End - #3
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Nomis, unlike his unfortunate companion, didn't complain much for the weather, or the ride, or the blabbing dwarf. Actually, he didn't seem to have much to say for himself either. Leaving a lot to be desired with his short excuse of communication.

    That didn't make the environment, sin, or the dwarf any less annoying, but it was not his problem, others and the weather weren't things in his control for the task at hand.
    As he was ready to leave the wagon he found himself amused how Sin, in his view, practically stormed out of it on the first chance she got.
    Surprising himself, with time with the dwarf and the guards he found himself glad that Sin was up to take the challenge of conversation. Himself adding only bits here and there.

    He stretched once he got out himself, revealing his broad shoulders, his pale skin finally seeing proper sun, he gave himself a pause to take a breath. Most of himself was covered from head to toe with his sand silk, pockets all around the conveniently hidden locations to fetch any small suprise weapons from. On his backpack, he had the rest.
    Nomis closed his bronze eyes to not get attacked by the sun's rays. His soft facial features bearing it. ****, it was hot. His long hair in a bun didn't make things any better.

  4. - Top - End - #4
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Vinc showed a little bit of uncharacteristic haste as he hopped out of the merchant's wagon behind Nomis and Sin, a scarred hand rubbing at his bare, marble-white chin. "Now let's see, bell tower, bell tower... there it is!" Shifting the package that held all of his armor, weapons and travel gear on his back, he made his way towards town hall. "Let's see the mayor, and see if one of you can talk us into some free rooms."

    There are a few people still on the streets, including children that ran about between buildings, but the heat keeps the way mostly clear for you. The walk was short, and the shortcut through the park was actually quite pleasant since it includes a pond filled with fish, and after just a few minutes the three of you were in reception room of town hall.

    A two floor building, with a three-floor bell tower attached to its western side, Sheered Wood town hall was a substantial building for a town this size. Once you were past the heavy doors engraved with wood-stained carvings of oaks, you could see there was a large room meant for town meetings just past the reception desk, at least two small rooms attached to it, and a stairwell on the eastern side leading both up to the second level and down to a basement. The meeting room could easily hold seven hundred spectators and had a sunk-in stage with a podium and seating for town councilors, though right now it was empty aside from a pair of lazy cats snuggling atop the podium.

    At the receptionist desk, a sharen woman with bronzed skin and near-black hair sat fanning herself, but when the three of you enter she immediately sits up and closes her fan up. "Oh, visitors! Welcome! What brings you to our town on this... lovely summer day?" Her tone is light, and she seems to be genuinely curious despite the strained cheer in her voice. While it was better indoors, it was still warm enough that even mild work could leave a person sweating.

  5. - Top - End - #5
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Sin remained silent as they made their way to the town hall. It was evident to her companions, these past three days, that she preferred not to engage in idle conversation. However, when discussions turned to their tasks, her voice was the first to chime in.

    Sin took the lead, walking briskly ahead of the group. Her swift pace was driven by a desire to escape the scorching heat and reach the cool confines of the town hall quickly. However, more importantly, she was eager for them to meet the mayor without delay, knowing that time was of the essence in their task.

    As they entered the meeting hall, Sin took a moment to glance around while maintaining her stride. The sight of two lazy cats atop the podium caught her attention, and she paused to observe them for a moment. However, when the lady in the hall spoke, Sin quickly averted her gaze from the cats and focused her attention on her.

    Approaching the receptionist, Sin gracefully removed her hood, revealing her shiny black hair tied in a neat knot. With a respectful bow, she initiated the conversation.

    "A pleasant afternoon, madame. I am Sin Qia Graylight," she began with a polite nod. "My companions and I have been dispatched by Governor Longwood. We are here to meet with the town Mayor regarding a critical matter. Your assistance in arranging an audience with his honor would be greatly appreciated."

  6. - Top - End - #6
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Nomis didn't seem to be in too much of a haste. With people in high positions he always suspected that they had already made up the results of any conversation they were in before it had even begun, let alone predicted. If the mayor wanted them to have free rooms, he's already made up his mind.

    "Oh, yes, count on me from everyone." He said with his usual flat voice
    "But i do find intriguing you don't count yourself in the quest of free lodging." He replied to Vinc. Atleast the heat was good at keeping people distant. As he walked he spent time to see the scenery until they reached the building in question.

    Inside he found it oddly pleasing to look at, from the very size of it to it's architecture. Its nothing he wants to see constantly, but a good reminder that there's always something bigger out there. He spent a bit longer of a time looking at the cats, even as the two women spoke.
    He could practically hear Frost's voice inside his head, that damn old man.

    "Your idea of lovely is unique, Ms."
    He said, spending a time looking at the receptionist when he spoke to her.. and then back at the cats. They were far more entertaining. Sin could handle backhand conversations well enough.

  7. - Top - End - #7
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Quote Originally Posted by GoggleDog View Post
    "But i do find intriguing you don't count yourself in the quest of free lodging." He replied to Vinc. At least the heat was good at keeping people distant. As he walked he spent time to see the scenery until they reached the building in question.
    The dwarf shrugged. "Surprising though it may be, I know I don't make a good first impression. I'm better at scarin' folk then convincing them peaceful-like." Flashing Nomis a harmless grin, the dwarf added, "'Sides, this is supposed to be your mission. Well, you and the lass. I'm just tagging along."

    Quote Originally Posted by GoggleDog View Post
    "Your idea of lovely is unique, Ms."
    He said, spending a time looking at the receptionist when he spoke to her.. and then back at the cats. They were far more entertaining. Sin could handle backhand conversations well enough.
    "Kari. Mrs. Kari Foreman." Clearly noting his interest in the cats she adds, "And their names are Paws and Claws. I'll let you figure out which one is which."

    Quote Originally Posted by GodEye Galatea View Post
    "A pleasant afternoon, madame. I am Sin Qia Graylight," she began with a polite nod. "My companions and I have been dispatched by Governor Longwood. We are here to meet with the town Mayor regarding a critical matter. Your assistance in arranging an audience with his honor would be greatly appreciated."
    "Oh, you're the city inspectors! It's so good to finally meet you!" The forced cheer in her voice vanishes as she perks up a bit more, and she nods. "Mayor Foreman has been expecting you and would be happy to welcome you to the city. His office is upstairs, at the end of the hall. He should just be finishing a meeting with the local smith masters about the recent troubles with iron shipments, what with the Red Fox banditry going on their trade materials are being squeezed, so just make sure you knock before entering." After a moment, she added, "A lot of people will be excited that you are here."

    The second level had a short passage at the top of the stairs that opened up into a wide, almost studio-like hallway studded with side rooms and podiums displaying sculptures and plaques with town history and information. One of them displayed a mischievous fox wearing a tricorn hat, with a small plaque calling it 'The Red Fox,' and a short series of podiums that displayed the town at various points in its history.

    At the end of this hall there was a pair of thick, oaken double-doors which had a small knocker on it to make sure anyone inside would hear you. The muted sound of voices within the mayors office could also be heard, though the wood made them indistinct.

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    After offering Mrs. Foreman a courteous bow, Sin proceeded upstairs. Occasionally, she would glance back at her two companions, ensuring they were following suit.

    Upon reaching the hallway, Sin took a few moments to admire the decor and architectural details. The intricate designs and craftsmanship fascinated her, as architecture was one of her keen interests.

    Sin's gaze lingered on the plaque depicting the Red Fox, her mind delved into the rumors she had heard about him. The stories passed down through word of mouth and the legends that surrounded his name filled her thoughts.

    Growing up with tales of the Red Fox, the guard had admired his fame and cunning since childhood. However, as she matured, her perspective shifted. She began to question and analyze the man behind the legends, pondering his actions and character. Her admiration evolved into a complex mix of admiration, curiosity, and a hint of skepticism as she formed her own opinions about this enigmatic and sly individual.

  9. - Top - End - #9
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    He raised an eyebrow at Mrs Kari, and then the cats in acknowledgement. Well, he was always willing to take risks. But before that, they had work. He didn't spare any bows for the mayor's wife, leaving to Sin to bow for him aswell.

    "At last, our target's face."
    He said looking at the plaque fox, in this heat, his humour was as dry as his voice.

    As they walked he had seen already enough architecture. Going up to the next floor he glanced at Sin as she looked at them with that look of hidden superiority. Those people were useful if you didn't care about ego. Got everything done for you and gave away all attention to their ass.
    Now on the next floor, not caring much about admiration he walked straight and knocked on the door.

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Sin regarded Nomis with a serious expression as he attempted his dry humor. She didn't find it amusing nor serious, seeing it more as a frivolous use of resources.

    However, she was mildly surprised by his initiative to knock on the door. Sin followed behind him, straightening her Sand Silk attire to appear presentable.

  11. - Top - End - #11
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Conversation stopped when Nomis knocked, and a few seconds later a barrel-chested thirty-something year old human male opened the door and adjusted a pair of compact spectacles to get a good look at you. The buttons on his dress jacket had been undone, leaving his undershirt exposed to try and help him get through the the heat in the closed-off space of the office, and he had two golden cuff links on his sleeves imprinted with stylized oak trees. Looking between Nomis and Sin he asked, "Can I help you?" His voice was just as solid as the rest of him, and it projected through the hall even though he didn't seem to be yelling.

    From the Red Fox statue, Vinc piped in. "These two are here about the problems, sir. City inspectors." And of all things, he saluted the man in the local style.

    "Oh." The mayor looked over your dwarven companion for a second, as if trying to place him, but seemed to decide that this must be a member of his guard and dismissed him with a, "Well, thank you for showing them in. As you were." To Nomis and Sin he said, "Give me just a moment." Then he closed the door again and you can just barely hear his voice telling his current guests to clear out.

    Vinc manages to give you a wink and a, "Good luck in there," before the door opens up again and a group of three well dressed middle aged men filed out, each of them bearing the tell-tale builds and scars of a life-long smith. They look you over a bit in passing, curious, before filing down the hallway and mumbling to themselves about what they'd seen. You can hear some chairs being shuffled around, a window opened, and some cabinets being closed before Mayor Foreman's voice calls, "Come in, come in!"

    Within, the office was effectively an overly-large manor study. There were shelves with various books and trade manifests cluttering them, a set of three cushioned armchairs, an unlit fireplace, a desk upon which a map of the town and its surrounding area had been laid out, and a small carving station off to the side, which had a few blocks of roughly carved wood just starting to be shaped. It had been warmer in here than outside, so a cool breeze was drifting from the two open windows as all the body heat from the previous petitioners drained out. Gesturing at two of the chairs with a glass of brandy, which had been pulled away from the fireplace and set next to his desk, the Mayor said, "Please, take a seat. I trust you'd like a bit of refreshment after your journey? A bit of brandy or some of the wine from our vineyards?" There were a few bottles on his desk and a pair of glean glasses beside them. If the smiths had taken advantage of the mayor's hospitality, their cups had already been put away.

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    The human would execute a courteous bow the moment she realized it was the mayor standing before them. This act was ingrained in her, a reflection of her training as a guard to be respectful and deferential to these political figures.

    As the smithies passed by, Sin also offered them a slight bow. This time, it was a gesture of respect towards fellow individuals.

    She wasted no time once the Mayor extended the invitation to enter. Before taking her seat, she took a moment to scan the interior of the office, noting any details that piqued her interest.

    Sin's prim and proper demeanor was evident in her every movement as she gracefully took her seat. It seemed second nature to her, embodying grace and etiquette effortlessly.

    "Thank you for your kind offer, Honorable Mayor. However, I must respectfully decline. I do not partake in alcohol, particularly while on duty."

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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Unlike all other times, when they met with the mayor he did, to the world's suprise, bow slightly, mimicking whatever Sin has been doing for the duration of this trip. The blacksmiths and anyone else really didn't get the same treatment.
    He decided to enter after Sin, she's the one that talks fancy, better have her in the spotlight.

    The map was intriguing, so was.. wood carving? Everyone needed a hobby after all.

    He almost rolled his eyes to how Sin spoke, but again, it was all part of the disguise. Just how he could hide in the dark, she could hide in plain sight.
    Once they were given the okay to sit, he indeed had a seat. There was no flavour to it, the man simply just sat down after a long time of having his ass on wagon.

    Also unlike Sin, he had no such weakness to alcohol.
    "Some brandy sounds nice." Was the response that came from him.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    The Mayor poured Nomis a glass and pushed it to the sharen, then put everything else away in a cabinet under his desk. Leaning above that hardwood surface, he studies the town map for a moment and sighs. "Thank you both for coming. I'll get right to it so that you can ask any questions you have and settle in: We've had a problem recently with a bandit calling himself the Red Fox. If you grew up near here, you might have grown up with stories of the original Red Fox and his exploits, but those happened decades ago, back when my parents were children. He became kind of a local legend after he disappeared, and there have been people every decade or so that try to emulate him, mostly kids that get caught, spend a night or two in jail and get released to their parent's custody without any real harm done. I'd almost call it an unofficial right of passage at this point, if I weren't the mayor and wasn't in charge of keeping and enforcing the law here." He smirked at that, took a sip of his brandy, and resumed frowning.

    "This Red Fox is different. Unlike the others, he doesn't seem to be content to bloodlessly rob from the local nobles and their vaults, and he isn't working alone. He and his band have held people at knife point in the streets, robbed merchants on the road at the outskirts of Sheered Wood, and sometimes leave their victims dead." Another sip, an he sets his glass down. "Surviving witnesses have reported that this band's leader wears a red silk mask, a scarlet cape, and a red tricorn hat like the one you saw on the fox statue in the hall. His men also wear masks, though none of their attire is quite so colorful. My guards haven't had any success with tracking these bandits down, which is why I've posted the bounty and called for help from Longview. I'm hoping you'll be able to make some headway where my men did not."

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Sin leaned slightly forward from her seat, "Have there been any recent sightings or encounters with the Red Fox or his band that we should be aware of?"

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    "The most recent one was two, maybe three days ago. A small merchant ship on the river was boarded and burnt. As far as we know, all hands on board were lost. This was to the north, at the edge of our forests, perhaps a day's travel from here." Shaking his head, the Mayor added, "Whoever this group is, they've been smart enough to either sell their ill-gotten goods slowly, or they've found a shady enough merchant to sell to, because we have not noticed any large influxes of materials or valuables in any particular stall. What they sell is just vanishing, as far as we can tell."

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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    As the mayor and sin spoke, he had a sip and two of his newfound alcohol.

    "Perhaps they don't plan to sell anything, but gather it up.. sent elsewhere.." he murmured in assumption, not directly bringing it up.

    Well, atleast this fox killed nobles, there's something to respect to that. Even went out of his way to design a charlatan costume? Cheers.

    "Have you considered a pattern on his attacks? The time to get the information of the shipments and to plan the ambushes must take him a certain amount of time. Let alone figure out if the shipments are of his attention. Other than metals, has he targeted anything else? Are there going to be any new shipments any time soon? And.."
    He took a sip
    "From the nobles, who haven't been targeted yet? Has he targeted one twice?"
    He seemed.. fairly layed out, relaxed but his eyes were sharp. For someone that until this point only made jokes and jabs in the air.. he seemed to understand the difference between free time and duty, despite those two blending more than they should when he's involved.

    (“Skullduggery to sus out any hints: 119”)
    Last edited by GoggleDog; 2024-04-22 at 03:51 AM.

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    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    The guard cast a sidelong glance at Nomis, nodding slowly with a hint of contemplation in her expression.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Pointing at Nomis, the mayor said, "We've looked at it, but haven't been able to determine a pattern. They started like the Red Foxes in the past; the first two times he struck he announced his intentions ahead of time with an anonymous paper pasted to the fountain, though who he chose was rather strange, now that I think about it." Tapping his glass of brandy, he goes to the map of the town and points at two parts on near-opposite ends of town. "Normally a new Red Fox will try for one of the larger noble houses, the whole point is the spectacle and daring, after all, but this one started with two minor houses. The first one was a newly landed aristocratic house on the eastern end of town, and the Fox stole from them bloodlessly. The second was an old family that had fallen from high status when they defaulted on too many loans, without an heir to their name... not only were their valuables taken, but the family line was ended and their property burnt down."

    Frowning, he begins pointing at various streets and areas around the town. "Since then, they've stopped following the formula and instead picked victims seemingly at random. Iron carts, merchants staying late in the markets, loggers in the Silvervine plots, fishmongers, people wandering through an alley, the only thing they don't seem interested in is live merchandise, like cattle or chickens. Too pedestrian for them, perhaps?"

    "And I haven't heard reports of anyone being hit twice by this new Fox. In fact, since the incident with the Vanderbilts, I haven't gotten a report that he's targeted any nobles at all. His crime spree has changed from larceny to banditry, though we don't know exactly why. Any noble houses that could afford to hire more guards have done so and are ready to protect their neighbors, so he might just be going after softer targets?"

    Spoiler: Nomis's Skullduggery roll
    From what he's describing, whoever is running this operation is either extremely clever and using their random hits to disguise what they are really after... or they're new to this and don't actually know what they're doing, and just doing what they are doing to cause general mayhem. There might be other possibilities, but from the information you have, those seem like the most likely situations.

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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    This was... Messy. He expected to be fighting some kid that decided to spare a few people the loans the noblemen hold, but this..
    *Or trying to take down competition.* He added to himself as the mayor finished.

    "Whoever is doing those operations is smarter than we give him credit for."
    And after a second of silence
    "Or stupid." He left humour to settle in.

    "The animals would be too much bother to handle, to take away, keep, or sell." He got himself to look at the map, trying to find any areas of high activity.
    "If they just wanted valuables, two noble families, no matter how minor, would have done the trick. He's after something else. He's preparing something else. Οr acting as a diversion."

    In war, they'd do false attacks on a regular basis, you could never keep your enemy from thinking it's safe, or that you're planning something. You had to keep them guessing. But what was his deal? If he wanted more nobles, he'd just go silent for a while and strike again, right?

    "I heard you mention of survivors that have witnessed the red fox himself? Where can we find them? What were they carrying? It'd be tough for anyone to be on all ambushes. Unless anyone could wear the mask."

    "Where are the rest of the minor royals on the map?"
    He asked and asked on top more questions, he was sharp and straight to the point, the man had an odd bruttish attitude to how he spoke, it almost did not fit the rest of his body, but it was carrying it's own charm nonetheless.
    In his head he was trying to connect the royal residencies with the attacks around the map. Perhaps there was something there. Even if it was random, it was definitely to have a pattern of thought. Even international chaos could be analysed. But this..

  21. - Top - End - #21
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Sin remained silent, allowing the conversation to flow uninterrupted. The guard was in complete agreement with Nomis' questions and conclusions, finding herself aligned with his thoughts and inquiries. In fact, she would have asked the same questions herself. Without a word, she rose and approached the map, her curiosity evident in the way she studied it. She took meticulous mental notes, absorbing every detail while she pondered on how to narrow down this seemingly chaotic puzzle.

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    The mayor nods along with Nomis's observations, but doesn't interrupt. At the first question, though, Mayor Foreman says, "Actually, I'll be letting you ask them about that yourself. I'll be calling an emergency town meeting tomorrow, now that you two are here it won't do to delay the announcement of your arrival. The members of the town council and many of our more active townsfolk will be present, and at least a few of those will have first-hand experiences." Saying that, he tosses back the last of his drink and finally sits in the chair behind his desk.

    "As for where the nobles are..." He gestures to the map. "About seventy years ago, there were two greater families that had purchased land here and sold titles and properties to other nobles and their laborers, basically making them the founders of Sheeredwood alongside my family. They didn't get along much to start with, but when the town grew large enough my family was still able to bridge the gaps between them and unify the two neighboring villages into one town. Still, how the town developed was highly influenced by that rivalry, and the nobles and other old families still mostly have their properties around the two great houses: Forwins to the south and the Veronas to the north." On the map, there were actually two different colors of ink that displayed the different districts; A red-laced black in the south, and a silver laced grey in the north.

    Tapping the center of the northern nobles district, the mayor adds, "The Veronas were actually the primary victims of the original Red Fox, I think mostly because they kept rising to his challenges rather than any kind of personal vendetta, and the current head of their house doesn't enjoy his grandparents being cast as the villains of most of those fables... Kal Verona is probably going to have a few things to say to you." Frowning again, he taps the southern district. "Oddly, both of the noble houses that the current Red Fox attacked were in the Forwins part of town. Most Red Fox mimics go after a Verona-associated house, to keep with tradition, though attempting to rob a Forwin isn't completely unheard of..."

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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Nomis nodded, this was a messy. All in all, what could the fox want? He went to have a sip, and realised that he run out and let his eyes trail on the map.

    "The red fox could very well be a disguise and that alone. I'd also like to know of any new shipments coming your way, tomorrow. This behaviour is bait. Sometimes it's best to bite."
    He looked at the half finished wood carving
    "We'll have to make our decisions then."
    He frowned to himself as a realisation came to his mind..
    "Until then, I'll need rooms for me and my companions."

  24. - Top - End - #24
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    "We deeply appreciate the opportunity to speak at the meeting tomorrow. I'm sure their insights will greatly assist us on this matter.” She nodded at the Mayor.

    “But for now," Sin turned to Nomis, exchanging a knowing glance, "He is right. We could use a break."

  25. - Top - End - #25
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Nomis's request came at just the right time, as the alcohol from the drink was just enough to make him start to feel a bit bubbly. Not drunk, but there was certainly a buzz making it a bit harder to concentrate and fuzzing at the edge of his thoughts.

    The mayor seemed to be thinking things through himself as the conversation winds down, before blinking at the mention of rooms. "Yes, lodgings, of course! We'll see about arranging you a room in one of the inns tomorrow, at my expense, but tonight you can stay here. We have some rooms on this floor for dignitaries and such, and my wife and the staff make sure they stay in living condition. Will you be needing one room or two?"

    Spoiler: Nomis getting buzzed
    Nomis drank a full dose (a shot) of bourbon, and this stuff was brewed strong. So after 10 minutes it makes an attack against his Fortitude.

    Nomis's Fortitude defense: 88
    Bourbon's attack roll (1d100+50): 99, hit!

    Nomis has suffered 1 level of exhaustion due to intoxication for 3 hours, at which point the effects of the drink end.

  26. - Top - End - #26
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    "Three rooms, if that's not too much trouble. The dwarf is with us," Sin requested.
    Last edited by GodEye Galatea; 2024-04-25 at 05:34 AM.

  27. - Top - End - #27
    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    He blinked again and said, "Ah. I thought he wasn't familiar... we have enough rooms, and one for the guards of dignitaries as well. I'll make sure to tell my wife we'll have guests, and we'll make sure there's food for you at dinner. Now," Standing up, he gestured for Nomis and Sin to follow him and he said, "Let me show you to your rooms tonight, so that you have a chance to unpack and relax."

    With that, he leads you into the hall and two doors down from his office. When he spots Vinc, he points at the dwarf and says, "You. I'll want to talk with you as well. Your room tonight is at the end of the hallway, first door past the stairs on the right." When the guard nods assent and moves to his bunk, the Mayor says to the two of you, "And for you, these two rooms are yours. No keys, but there is a deadbolt that can be slid if you desire privacy, and a bell string beside the bed if you need a servant for anything."

    Seeing Vinc already leaving the guard bunk room, Mayor Foreman nods to you and says, "I'll give you some time alone. Excuse me." With that, he steps away from you and gestures for the dwarf to join him in his office.

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    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    He exchanged glance with Sin, and suddenly he felt something.. yes..he knew what it was. The drink.
    Nomis tried to keep his focus, he really did. But all in failure. Silently glad Sin took the lead he followed to see themselves to their rooms.
    Huh... He felt he needed to inform the Mayor that the dwarf holds more of a babysitter role but decided his mind would not comprehend any more talk from someone with more money than fingers. Once the mayor was out of the picture, he rubbed his temple.

    He closed his eyes, opened them, looked at Sin.. and with full certainty started making steps to a general direction, there was still a task at hand he had not done.

    His mind clear, he knew what he had missed.

  29. - Top - End - #29
    Pixie in the Playground
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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Sin's glance lingered at Vinc with a certain depth until he entered the mayor's office, sensing that something was off about how the Mayor treated the dwarf. Once the door closed behind Vinc, Sin turned to Nomis, her gaze holding the same depth.

    "As intricate as it may appear, I dare say this boils down to a mere 'family dispute' case. Would you care to share your assessments?"

  30. - Top - End - #30
    Pixie in the Playground

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    Default Re: Demonborn d100 Playtest: The Clever Fox

    Having made a considerable distance now, he turned to face her

    "Best case scenario, it's drama between the families. Worst case scenario, we're not getting damn paid. Whatever the case, you can handle them tomorrow, can't you?"
    He sighed, he seemed.. tired? Did he really get tired from the talk or perhaps the hints of his alcoholism came fourth?
    "I'm off to challenge the Fae themselves." He said as he started making his way back to the cats.

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