This was... Messy. He expected to be fighting some kid that decided to spare a few people the loans the noblemen hold, but this..
*Or trying to take down competition.* He added to himself as the mayor finished.

"Whoever is doing those operations is smarter than we give him credit for."
And after a second of silence
"Or stupid." He left humour to settle in.

"The animals would be too much bother to handle, to take away, keep, or sell." He got himself to look at the map, trying to find any areas of high activity.
"If they just wanted valuables, two noble families, no matter how minor, would have done the trick. He's after something else. He's preparing something else. Οr acting as a diversion."

In war, they'd do false attacks on a regular basis, you could never keep your enemy from thinking it's safe, or that you're planning something. You had to keep them guessing. But what was his deal? If he wanted more nobles, he'd just go silent for a while and strike again, right?

"I heard you mention of survivors that have witnessed the red fox himself? Where can we find them? What were they carrying? It'd be tough for anyone to be on all ambushes. Unless anyone could wear the mask."

"Where are the rest of the minor royals on the map?"
He asked and asked on top more questions, he was sharp and straight to the point, the man had an odd bruttish attitude to how he spoke, it almost did not fit the rest of his body, but it was carrying it's own charm nonetheless.
In his head he was trying to connect the royal residencies with the attacks around the map. Perhaps there was something there. Even if it was random, it was definitely to have a pattern of thought. Even international chaos could be analysed. But this..