I'd bet it was an error in the shipping information. Probably an incorrect zip code, or something similar. They haven't failed you, they'll get it to you eventually. They probably don't know what's weird because the people you talked to are operating on the same incomplete information you are, in the absence of the actual shipping label. The post office does make the occasional goof, but they're one of the most efficient organizations I know of.

The other one is actually the DMV. Don't laugh, I'm serious. People complain about the long lines, but they also complain about inefficiency in the government, and the DMV is pretty much the perfect solution to the latter. The long lines are there because the efficiency is about 0.96 (on a scale of 0-1) measured by

Rate of New Arrivals/Rate of Customers Served

As that ratio approaches one, lines approach infinity because any slight uneven spacing in new arrivals causes a line to form. For comparison, human beings tend to have a nervous breakdown if they maintain a queuing theory efficiency over about 0.93-0.94 for sustained periods, so I'm mighty impressed by the DMV.

Remember folks, if you want shorter lines demand more inefficiency in government. And cut the post office some slack, think how many letters you got last year no problem.