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Thread: New Star Trek Movie

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Default Re: New Star Trek Movie

    Quote Originally Posted by terrant View Post
    What did annoy was Spook's ship. It moved like a Star Wars craft and sounded like a Star Wars craft. I suspect some crossover of effects people who should have been roundly beaten on.
    Not the only thing that was star wars ish. The warp drive and how it works was totaly remade into star wars hyperdrive. Also back then you dont go to warp that close to a planet. Pike should have never been suprized by the junk yard he flew into. He would have been able to see it comming. You can see things out side the warp bubble.

    the more I think about it the more I dislike this movie. Sorry Dervag I tried to accept your argument for why Nero's dump truck was armed like a battle ship. I just cant. Its a dump truck. Albeit with a back ho lazer drill attachment. Its still a damn dump truck. 150 year old weaponry should still rip it appart.

    As for the comic. It brakes the plot even more. When did Nero have time to go off for who knows how long to have his ship refitted into a killing machine? He was doing his job then bang Romules is destroyed he goes ape **** and attacks spock. NONE! No time at all. And how does a minor know whare a secret base that has borg tech is?
    Last edited by Hawriel; 2009-05-21 at 05:58 AM.