Quote Originally Posted by thevorpalbunny View Post
A mac mini. Don't remember the version of it. but I know it's an Intel processor. Also, what is this "production graph" of which you speak?
If you go to the ExtremeOverClocking site (now that we're one of the top teams, outside sites report stats on us) here -- http://folding.extremeoverclocking.c...php?s=&t=82447 -- you'll see production stats for the team. Down near the bottom of the page are stats/links for the top producers. Click on your link, and you'll get a production history graph. You get a job done about every 36 hours (2 out of every 3 days, one completes.Those jobs are worth a tremedous number of points... more than I'd expect from a "normal" day-and-a-half job. So I was wondering if you were running a quad- or eight-core box, and the SMP client, or something.

mport2004 asks:
What type of computers do you have and can it be ran on a dual core machine with out any problems, will it take up my internet?
Ive got about 2-3 computers that are fairly good and are almost never used but almost always on and 1-2 very good computers that are used slightly more often.
also how much will it help the gitp team if i join?
Zargon covered most of what you asked. I'm running on a quad-core now, and have run on a dual-core, with no problems, other than self-imposed ones. It took me a while to get the switches set right so the multiple sessions didn't fight... it's all in the documentation, but I think documentation is a crutch for the weak-minded.

AngelSword asks:
Are there any other PS3 folders who have (or have had) a work unit that was over 1 million? This is the first time I've had an estimated end time of over a day.
I'm not sure whether it was over a million (frames, I assume), but I've had a PS3 job take more than a day. Most of them seem to run about 6-9 hours, but every now and again, a real long one comes in. You'll get more points for it when the WU completes.