Quote Originally Posted by Gerry View Post
Hi. I've just had a horribly upsetting time with my ten year old son. I had gotten him this game for Christmas, and we were looking forward to playing it during Christmas break. I return home from work and he tells me that Durken and Belkar only have one Schtick card each. I get a little upset WITH HIM about whether or not he's misplaced the cards, and then I begin cataloguing the cards in the box. While he MIGHT have misplaced cards, there's no way he could have found multiple copies of other cards. V's Deck had the most cards, so I started there. There were 7 red schticks, 3 of the Fireball, 4 of the Magic Missile, NONE of the other Red schticks. In the black-schtick part of V's decks I found triple copies of two Fireball cards, and quadruple copies of three different Lightning Bolt Cards. Similarly, there were multiple copies , 2-4 each, of almost all the other spells. Going thru the rules, there were NO itemized component lists (ie a list telling us that there are 6 schtick decks, each with 52 schtick cards, 1 Dungeon Room deck with "n" cards, etc.) So I'm getting more upset. But realizing that there were duplicates of many of V's spells, I start assuming there are packing problems.

In the FAQ I found a reference to the web site and forums, and from there found this thread.

THAT quickly confirmed that we've got one HUGE lemon of a packing problem here. At that point I MASSIVELY apologized to my son . He LOVES OOTS (we both do) and was only going thru his present to see how it played.

Allow me to provide a bit of detail:

- 1) There is no "detailed box contents" anywhere in the rules. (upsetting item #1)

-2) We have the following booklets:
- Rules
- Quick Start Comic / rules

- 3) 2 12-siders, red and blue

- 4) Many card decks of different sizes:

a) Xykon's Lair - 8 cards
b) Entrance to Dungeon - 1
c) Quick Ref cards - 6
d) PC cards - 6, 1 each
e) Dungeon Rooms - 54
f) Battle Deck:
(i) 44 Screw this cards
(ii) 115 other cards
g) Stairs : 8 - all different colors
h) Loot deck:
(i) 26 traps
(ii) 97 non-trap cards
i) Belkar's Deck : 1 black schtick
j) Durken's Deck: 1 black schtick
k) Elan: 2 red, 5 black for a total of 7 cards
l) Haley : 3 red, 8 black for a total of 11 cards
m) Roy's Deck: 5 red (4 different cards, 1 repeated), and 25 black for a total of 30 cards
n) V's Deck: I provide more detail here:
(i) 7 Red start cards: 3 Fire balls, 4 Magic Missiles, none of the other two starters
(ii) Black cards as follows:
- 6 Fireballs - 3 copies of 2 different cards
- 12 Lightning bolts - 4 copies of 3 different cards
- 4 Magic Missiles - 4 copies of 1 card
- etc.
- 46 black cards in total.

By the time I had finished going thru V's deck I realized that I had made an idiot of myself with my son. As I said above, he might have lost cards, but he could not have created multiple copies of cards. To say that this has put a damper on our hopes for this game is an understatement.

SO, what is supposed to be in the game box?


ps: Using his smiley here just cause I LOVE his character! ghs2
Hey, don't worry - there's a list of the cards right at the top of the page.