Well, working full time (on one of the cores), my Athlon-64x2 4800 takes 2-3 days for a work unit. If your computer is on for 1/3 to 1/2 the time (8-12 hours each and every day) that'd be around a week, with a respectable processor. (You could have a faster cpu... mine is about 18-24 months off leading edge... on the other hand, you have a laptop, which generally means slower.)

Some things to check, though...
1) You may want to do smaller projects.
2) You may be set to have FaH not run when the laptops on battery power. (This may be desired or essential, though).
3) Depending on how often you turn the laptop off/on, you might want to shorten the time interval for when FaH saves intermediate results. I'm not sure whether it saves on a shutdown request, or if it just saves every X minutes, and restarts from there.