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Thread: OOC II: DH The Purity of Sacrifice

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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Default Re: OOC II: DH The Purity of Sacrifice

    Quote Originally Posted by Wyndeward View Post
    I think my ideal circumstances would be to catch him far enough from the precinct that he's feeling relaxed. Ideally, if there is a watering hole or similar "rec center" he favors, catch him there.

    Introduce ourselves as being Credit Guild auditors, ask some boring but leading questions, thank him for his assistance and let him stew a bit.
    Sounds good, lets get him at his usual bar.
    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2024-05-19 at 04:25 AM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger