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    Titan in the Playground

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    Apr 2012

    Default Re: [WFRP2e] The Power of One - Part 2 - "Transire Benefaciendo"

    Taalia Giovanni

    Though for most in the larger cities of Bretonnia the prospect of dwelling within the Brienne-side fishing village was the uncouth profession of rubes, Taalia found it quite relaxing. There was something about the rural air that she enjoyed, the peace and presence of the slower life that was marked by hard but honest labour. Sitting upon the grassy shores and watching the current move by, the shepardess found her mind wandering back to Tilea, and her adopted family within Bella Collina and its idealic tranquility. She had started off with so little and had acquired so much, yet in ways it wasn't the having that was the excitement and thrill - it was the getting. The gentle sway of the trees around her, the slow pace of the river, the grass between her fingers as she leaned back upon the gentle bank. Still carrying some of the hall-mark injuries from their fight with the possessed Lady Donallo, Taalia knew they were healing up just fine, but she could feel each crease against her body when she took on certain positions that caused her muscles to clench in retention.

    It was a familiar pain, and not too unwelcome. After all, she had to be reminded of her limits some times.

    It was when Bella suggested that they try fishing for themselves had Taalia jumped at the idea. The last time she had witnessed the practice had been Gaulfredo's demonstration on their first ever trip to the little Bella Collina market. What few words of Tilean she understood at the time had mostly been for the purpose of receiving her adopted fathers assurances that the men of Estalia were bastards and not to be trust - a memory that brought a smile to Taalia's lips when remembered. However, Gaulfredo had used a little trap that had been strategically placed at the mouth of a river chokepoint, its cunning position snaring several fish that were channeled right into its embrace by the current of the river. This? This reel and bait and hooks, it was all new to her. And it showed.

    Bella was a patient teacher, but try as she might, it never could quite stick with her taller friend. Perhaps it was true, everyone had innate talents, and fishing was not one of hers.

    "If I do come from a fishing village up north, they'd all starve if they relied on me..." Taalia snickered to her shorter friend, the two girls standing on the river bank, Bella's eventual frustration giving way to resigned amusement as she watched her companion cast the hook out with bait wriggling upon its talons, only to soon draw back in naught but an empty line.

    However, fate seemed to have nothing but a sense of humor for the girl. Finally gathering a modicum of temporary ability for the practice, Taalia cast her line out into the river and held it in her gloved hands, the gentle movement of the stream in her ears and the birds sharing their songs amidst the trees.


    Taalia yanked. The line struggled, something fighting against it.

    "Bella - I got something!" the much taller girl exclaimed, excited, her hands wrapping around the line and eagerly drawing it in. Through the mirror currents of the water the two could spot the emerging, blurred crimson mark of a red streak along the side of dark brown scales merging down to a pale underbelly. Its features became more defined and the fight drew fiercer still the closer it was drawn to the surface, before the shepardess was gawking wide-eyed at her catch, hauling it out of the water to hold it up triumphantly for all to see -

    A black flash, a little canine "Ruf!" and the dog had snatched fish from her grasp and high-tailed it away, the furry little bandit panting heavily through lips and scales as it scurried off with its prize.

    "Hey! Hey you little devil - that's mine!" Taalia barked, Bella laughing into her palms at her side as he watched the taller girl initiate chase, but give up such a hopeless cause only a few strides in.

    "Maybe he was hungrier than you?" Bella offered through a blushing laugh behind her, reaching a hand up to rub it along Taalia's shoulder comfortingly. The white-blonde haired shepardess was not so amused, as she stood there glaring at the diminishing little black-furred shape of the thieving dog, wishing she could strike it down with a look alone as it fled with with evidence of her new-found mastery over this skill.

    "Little bastard. I hope he chokes!"

    Bella just snickered and laughed beside her.

    When it came time to cross the river on the barge, Taalia seemed normal at first. She stood upon the banks in waiting with the others, dressed once more in her mail, helmet, shield, guns, sword, backpack, a traveling foreign mercenary perhaps to the uninitiated onlooker! But as the wooden structure of the vessel moved closer towards them, the pointed tip of its bow seemed to penetrate something within her thoughts, an intrusion she had long thought buried, memories that were from a lifetime ago of the cold sea spray of the Sea of Claws upon her face as fires within her town pockmarked the disappearing horizon, and those who could not endure the frigid environment were tossed overboard to doubtless wash-up on distant shores as markers of the Norscans cruel passing. As cold as they were beautiful, the blanket of stars above looked down pitilessly at the mixed fate of mortals, villainy rewarded and innocence punished.


    "Hey - Tarly?"

    A hand on her elbow. Taalia inhaled sharply, yanking her shoulder away, before blinkign away the past and seeing what was before her. Bella stood beside her, eyes widened with surprise, while the barge awaited only them to initiate its transfer, all others having loaded themselves upon it.

    "Oh...sorry, yes, sorry," the shepardess said weakly, offering a faded smile to her friend and reaching over with her hand to affectionately rub her forearm in physical apology, before slowly moving onto the wooden floor of the river-crosser. The tall girl moved immediately in a few long strides towards the railings, where her strong hands encircled the protective wooden poles and gripped them tightly, her feet apart as if braced for an impact that could throw her overboard. There, she stared into that water, a glazed look crossing her blue and green eyes as time seemed to wink past and all possible intrusions failed to get through.

    "Oh - we're here already, that was quick!"
    she piped up when the barge met the other side, her hands finally letting go as she hurried off the wooden floor of the vessel and back onto dry land, where she inhaled deeply, swallowing down fresh air and breathing it out, shaking her head and rolling her shoulders.
    Last edited by BananaPhone; 2024-05-13 at 08:59 PM.
    "Of all the words by tongue and pen, by far the saddest are "I could have been...""

    "The first rule of success is to have a vision. You see if you don’t have a vision of where you are going, if you don’t have a goal for where to go, you’ll drift around and never end up anywhere...can you imagine a majority of people don't know where they are going? I knew where I was going!” – Arnold Schwarzenegger