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Thread: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Re: Iron Station Savage Masks IC IV

    Quote Originally Posted by InTheMachine View Post
    December 5th
    Mall Walking
    Hope’s smile softens. “See, I knew you could come up with something more than just ‘cute’.”

    “I don’t necessarily only like space operas, but they do need to be exciting,” she explains. She rolls her eyes a little at his question about The Martian. “Yeah, I wasn’t impressed. I didn’t like the main character at all. Way too many dad jokes, not enough existential crisis. I know everyone is saying that it’s really good, but I have to disagree. And obviously, something that rooted in more ‘real science’ is different, but I’m way more interested in space ship battles, intergalactic travel, and crazy advanced tech.”
    Keith's smile turned much less nervous after that. Seems that following a certain someone's example would pay off. Now if only he could keep his brain from stopping again.

    "My inner thesaurus is running rampant now, thankfully." Ok, that was dumb.... Why am I like this?

    He nodded at the first bit and then thought some while she explained her distaste for The Martian. He hadn't exactly enjoyed it either for that matter, but it was a bit more grounded in reality for him to connect to. Epic operas of good versus evil hit a bit close to home. Especially thinking back to movie night at the facility when Don decided all of Star Wars was a good idea.

    "I second that, they do need to be exciting. Just enough drama and angst to keep things entertaining and all the advanced tech," he chuckles. "Man if only some of that existed." Maybe Aeryn would be able to answer some questions on that. His smile softened again. "And, I'll agree with that too. Based in ‘real science’ is nice, but we just don't get that wonder from picturing these fantastical battles or tech. Even then just pondering how other life out there could react to us, or how we would them."

    He shrugged. “Then again, could also have been a coping mechanism for being stranded. Can’t say I wouldn’t have tried to make terrible jokes in that situation.” He remembered the entire walk back in the Void where that was about all he and Stolas had to do.

    “Still, could have done more on existential crisis.”

    Then again, he had enough existential crisis for them both on his trip.

    Wonder what she would do finding out I'm technically an interdimensional being? Eh, that's not important now. Or that one of my best friends is an actual alien. Ah crap, I should tell Grayson that. He found his thoughts wandering a bit, but still focused on the moment at hand. He should really write down the story of his journey through the Void. Might make a decent work.

    "Space operas and sci-fi, high fantasy, the supernatural, those are more my speed. But I'm open to nearly anything." He chuckles a bit. "Now I want to read Red Rising to compare notes and thoughts.” He blushed a bit. "I-I mean if that would be cool with you."

    He tilted his head to the side. “Are you at one of the colleges? What are you studying, if you don’t mind me asking?”
    Last edited by Roguewolf; 2024-05-12 at 08:40 PM.