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Thread: Tomboys and Troublemakers pt 3

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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Brisbane, Australia

    Default Re: Tomboys and Troublemakers pt 3

    The two toughs on the bridge straighten up a little as Bruno leads the approach, and they let him say his piece. One of them - the slightly larger one, whose shoulders slope right rather than left, crooks an eyebrow at the accented Breton in the air, but bobs his head somewhat amicably.

    "You have the right of it. And there is a normal fee - for a group of your size, it's not so small. But given that you have come so far, perhaps you are right ,and we can find an arrangement. Goods are better to us than coin, right now. The dwarf's hammer is very fine, but expect he would be loathe to part with it. Maybe... A different instrument."

    He gestures with his empty hand toward the scabbarded Company Blade on Bruno's hip.

    Spoiler: Another Perception Check, sight based, +0 for Bruno, -20 for everyone else
    While Righty is talking, Lefty reaches up a hand to scratch slightly at the stained red scarf. You catch a glimpse of a mark on his neck - a scabbed over puncture wound that could very well have another just below it.

    Bruno is quite sure he didn't say anything offensive or fumble the approach - for some reason, these bridge 'guards' are more interested in hardware than lucre.
    Last edited by MrAbdiel; 2024-05-12 at 12:53 PM.