Dwarf Paladin 8
AC: 22 HP: 39/86 PP: 10 PIv: 9 PIs: 10
SR 2/2, Conditions: Shield of Faith, Concentrating, Haste

In a moment of foul rage, Grok pulls out his Wand of Magic Missiles, and proceeds to unload it into both the cleric, and the rogue, ensuring that neither would be an immediate threat for the near future. As the pulses of magical power dart out, he spits on the corpse of the rogue before shifting his hands to bring his glaive down on the halberdier, reminding him what was the superior long weapon.
Spoiler: OOC

Action: Pull Wand of Magic Missiles, cast Magic Missile(Level 3), for 5 missiles.
4 missiles to the cleric(Kills him), 1 missile to the elven rogue(Bonfire will kill him at the start of his next turn)

Haste: Strike the halberdier
(1d20+9)[10] Attack
(1d10+6)[8] Damage

Reaction: Attack on the next opportunity
(1d20+9)[25] Attack
(1d10+6)[7] Damage