As the Wintertide day drew closer, Shad reflected on her year in her new... home? She tenderly traced her fingers along the now only slightly raised skin along her shoulders and neck, where Thuma had etched a series of runes into a tattoo.

*2 weeks earlier*

Shad winced from the pain, but kept her body still under Thuma's needle. "Almost done back there?"

"Patience, Shad. Endurance. These were the first runes I learned from my teacher; I am well used to their shape. I will not miss."

"Still doesn't feel great though."

"No, but pain endured leads to greater strength. And these runes carry their own strength as well."


Shad could feel the low thrum of the power coursing through her tattoo, grateful to Thuma for her help. She reminded Shad of her old governess, Ms. Trenter. Even though Shad had been terrible at everything she tried to teach, she could feel that Ms. Trenter cared for her. Except that Thuma hadn't really taught her anything, or at least not anything she could figure out yet.

Shad splashed some water in her face from the washbowl at her bedside and finished dressing for the battle ahead, settling her chainmail over the leather underarmor and hefting her halberd. Then she headed out to the street and joined the streaming crowds, seeing many others like her prepped and heading toward the keep for assignment.

It felt right to do this again. The first time had been largely involuntary, and most likely an actual attempt by her family to leave her for dead. But now? Now this was something like home, and even if she felt nothing for Coldwater, she had seen the horrors the world would face if someone did not stop them here. So she would do her part.

She calls out to the others as she spots her battle brothers from last year among the crowd.
"Hasgraek! Good to see you again! Anything new from the harbor lately?
And Aupti! Glad to see you're alright. You said an owlbear???"