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Thread: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future OOC

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    Titan in the Playground
    Quellian-dyrae's Avatar

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    Default Re: [M&M 3e] Defying the Future OOC

    Downtime Actions
    Spending one Hero Point for a bonus Downtime action. The other I'm probably going to spend on an Edit Scene related to Lily's speech if she gives it.
    1x Herbicide, Routine Expertise (Biochemistry) for 35. 3 successes
    5x Cleaning Up the City: Routine Expertise (Architecture and Engineering) for 30. 15 successes

    And uh...while immediately after the DCs for all downtimes get increased by 5 probably isn't what one would call an ideal time to add even more to your downtime plate, there are a few new downtime actions I'd like Lily to start working on (although I'm not spending any actions on them this go-around).
    -Relationship Building (Cosme Muto).
    -Some sort of thing for like inspiring people/keeping up morale/heroic example type stuff.
    -Something for psychological warfare against the League, focusing primarily on making them mistrust each other more and inhibiting their efforts to work together a la the stuff with Green Wizard back in that Cult episode.
    -Something for turning her former coworkers back to at least more-or-less their previous forms, and/or just generally undoing/repairing the damage Manchineel has done.

    +5 Deception, +5 Persuasion {5}
    Add two points to Flower Power array {2}
    Add Benefit (Biological Chemist), which allows Biochemistry proficiency to function fully as Biology and Chemistry proficiencies (basically letting it not face DC increases for being broader than them).
    -2 Perception {-1}
    Remove Humanoid Plant Benefit, I figure with Manchineel off the board it's no longer really a benefit (and even if some of her minions remain active they're...probably more hostile now) {-1}
    Remove Favored Foe (Manchineel's Minions) for largely the same reason {-1}
    ...And then basically just a massive overhaul of her array because yeah. Some of the key changes:
    -No more Limited Persuasion and Deception; she's basically improved her use of pheromones to enhance her social aptitude to the point that it's just part of her raw social skills and works on anyone.
    -Limited Perception has been increased to 12 ranks; she's been kinda rewiring her brain for even better scent processing, at slight expense to her other senses (so now instead of +10 base Perception/+15 for olfactory, she's at +8 base/+20 for olfactory, assuming that slot's active of course.
    -However the Feature to use Perception for Insight with scent is gone, so her Evaluate Insight remains at +15 from Natural Rapport (but constantly now rather than relying on Limits and arrayed stuff).
    -Fiddled with how her Regeneration works. Instead of two separate Regeneration 5s (one in her staff), she has a Regeneration 10 with a Limit that it's capped at the number of RP she gained from the use of her own Healing powers that round, replacing the Self Only Secondary Effect as her "improved self healing" capability. And then with her staff she can buy off the Limit.
    -Took out a bunch of Weaken extras and some Damage extras; she still has access to Weaken and Damage, she hasn't gone full Prophet, but she's focused primarily on Afflictions now in terms of direct offense.
    -Fairly extensive renaming and reorganizing of stuff.
    -And then the biggest change in terms of overall powers, one of her slots is now called Tactical Genius. It includes a number of options for supplementing Aid and Team Attack, reflecting using her powers more strategically in combat, as well as some investigative-style superpowers representing using her powers to directly enhance her ability to process information by, like, using stored solar energy to enhance brain function, transforming more of her cells into neurons, etc.

    I'm also updating her Complications a bit:
    Removed Bees [Disability/Phobia]; this downtime action on Herbicide gets her to the "no longer taking penalties from the downtime action" level, so I'm saying that while she was at it she...basically tinkered with her biology until her allergy went away, and between that and her greater confidence her phobia's gone too.
    Removed Manchineel [Enemy] for obvious reasons.
    Removed What Are You Gonna Do, Smell Good at Them Really Hard? [Reputation]; with a League member defeated people aren't likely to underestimate her at this point.
    Officially removed ...Yeah, It's a New Perfume [Secret] since she hasn't been keeping her secret identity since the first Vesper attack.
    Expanded Heart Is An Awesome Power [Temper] to also reference belittling her intellect.
    Added Well That Was Pointless [Identity] since...she hasn't been keeping a secret identity since the first Vesper attack.
    Added Overconfident [Quirk] because you better believe that beating Manchineel is gonna cause a change.
    Added Heroic Example [Responsibility], Lily's starting to prioritize the whole "be an inspiration to others" bit of being a superhero.

    Full revised mechanics are below; if it passes muster I'll update her main sheet post with the new mechanics, power descriptions, and Complications.

    Spoiler: Mechanics


    Defense: +10.
    Resistance: +10.
    Base Attack: +5 (DC 20 Damage, DC 15 Maneuver).
    Powers: +10 (DC 25 Damage, DC 20 Effect).
    Cunning Assistance: +15 (DC 20 Damage).
    Initiative: +8.


    Deception: +15. Expertise: +20. Insight: +0. Intimidation: +0. Investigation: +0.
    Mobility: +0. Perception: +8. Persuasion: +15. Stealth: +0. Technology: +0. Treatment: +0.

    Fields of Expertise: Architecture and Engineering, Biochemistry, Culinary, Literature, Local, Medicine, Nature.

    +15 Bonus: Academics, Art, Current Events, Criminal, Dance, Gaming, Law, Law Enforcement, Military, Music, Physics, Popular Culture.

    +10 Bonus: Astronomy, Business, History, Magic, Politics, Sanitation, Streetwise, Tactics.


    All-out Attack, Animal Empathy, Attractive 2, Benefit 6 (Biochemistry Experimenter, Natural Rapport, Proficiency Focus [Biochemistry], Proficiency Specialization [Biochemistry], Thorough Researcher, Biological Chemist), Connected, Defensive Attack, Equipment 1, Favored Environment (Forest), Improved Initiative 2, Inspire, Interpose, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Teamwork.


    Modern Smart Phone with Bluetooth: Cell Phone, Computer, GPS, Commlink {4+1}.
    Alternate Applications: Camera, Audio/Video Recorder, Flashlight.


    Biochemistry Experimenter: This Benefit functions as the Inventor advantage, but using Expertise (Biochemistry) rather than Technology, and only to create inventions of a biological or chemical nature (such as acids, explosives, medicines, serums, mutagens, etc).

    Natural Rapport: You may substitute the lower of Deception or Persuasion for Insight to Evaluate.

    Proficiency Focus: You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Expertise checks made using this proficiency.

    Proficiency Specialization: Your circumstance bonus from Proficiency Focus improves to +5.

    Thorough Researcher: You may substitute Expertise for Investigation for purposes of downtime actions.

    Biological Chemist: Biochemistry Proficiency counts fully as Biology and Chemistry proficiencies.


    Plant Biology: Immunity 11 (Mundane Light, Partial Physiological; Quirk [Physiological Immunity doesn't apply against effects that apply to plant physiologies]), Weakness 10 (-5 Resistance vs. Plant-specific Attacks, -5 Resistance vs. Olfactory Attacks), Feature/Quirk (Lily's Physiological Immunity doesn't apply to hunger, thirst, or suffocation effects; however, she can subsist off of sunlight as well as normal food, and she breathes in "reverse", inhaling carbon dioxide and exhaling oxygen, which can be helpful in some situations of limited air, if other people are present) {0}.

    Rebloom: Immortality 1 (Limited [Not if body is destroyed]) {1}.

    Organs What Organs?: Immunity 2 (Critical Hits) {2}.

    Blooming Staff: Enhanced Flower Power Array 10 (Limited [Only while in direct sunlight]), Benefit 1 (Can Aid and Team Attack with self); Easily Removable {6-3}.

    Flower Power: 52-point Dynamic Array, Feature 1 (Powers in this array are treated as having Variable Descriptor, but only to use descriptors available to other powers in the array) {53+11}.

    Flower Girl: Multiple Effects.

    Commune With Nature: Comprehend 2 (Plants), Feature 1 (Plants can draw upon her knowledge for purposes of identifying and recognizing things; for example, if she asked a tree if her father passed by recently, the tree would "know" who her father is and be able to accurately answer) [5].

    Olfactory Clarity: Senses 10 (All Olfactory Senses gain Acute, Analytical, Accurate; Radius Smell improves to All Olfactory; Ranged Smell; Sustained) [10].

    Transmute Plants: Transform 1 (Vegetable Matter into Vegetable Matter [3/r]; Continuous, Increased Mass 3 [12 lb], Precise, Feature [Can increase Mass rank transformed by increasing Time rank spent]), Feature 1 (Can make cosmetic changes to appearance as a free action) [10].

    Scent Processing: Senses 6 (Ranged Olfactory Detect [Emotions, Biology, Chemical]; Sustained), Senses 1 (Tracking Smell), Enhanced Perception 12 (Limited [Only for Olfactory senses]) [12].

    Scent Intensification: Senses 5 (Smell gains Counters Concealment [Overlapping Scents], Penetrates Concealment [Limited to Around Objects], Extended; Sustained) [5].

    Petal Wings: Flight 10 (Wings) [10].

    With Staff - Photosynthetic Regeneration: Regeneration loses Limit [10].

    Produce Nectar: Multiple Effects.

    Healing Nectar: Healing 10 [20].

    Medicinal Nectar: Healing gains Restorative [10].

    Solar Nectar: Healing gains Persistent [10].

    Floral Nectar: Regeneration 10 (Limited [Capped by RP gained that round from her own Healing powers]) [10].

    Utility Nectar: Healing gains Stabilize, Feature 1 (If healing nectar is consumed, it is nutritious and satisfies hunger, or can fertilize plants) [2].

    With Staff - Bonded Nectar: Healing gains Secondary Effect [10].

    Bio Hazards: Multiple Effects.

    Floral Irritant [Physiological] [Malfunction]: Affliction 10 (Vulnerable/Defenseless; Limited Degree [Transformed - All defensive traits lost, defensive stats to -5], Quirk 0 [Cannot combine more than two Afflictions since they all have Limited Degree and being able to do that feels like it does something weird to points]) [5].

    Floral Poison [Physiological] [Poison]: Affliction 10 (Impaired/Disabled; Limited Degree [Transformed - Traits to 0], Quirk 0 [Cannot combine more than two Afflictions since they all have Limited Degree and being able to do that feels like it does something weird to points]) [5].

    Floral Stench [Sensory] [Overload]: Affliction 10 (Immobilized/Stunned; Limited Degree [Incapacitated], Quirk 0 [Cannot combine more than two Afflictions since they all have Limited Degree and being able to do that feels like it does something weird to points]) [5].

    Floral Pheromone [Sensory] [Pleasure]: Affliction 10 (Entranced/Compelled; Limited Degree [Controlled], Limited [May only give one command, which cannot force the target to actively work against* their own goals or interests; targets may ignore Entranced in any round they obey the command], Quirk 0 [Cannot combine more than two Afflictions since they all have Limited Degree and being able to do that feels like it does something weird to points]) [5].
    *It can still force them to fail to contribute to their goals or interests or to do so inefficiently. For example, she could compel targets to attack a heavily defended opponent over a more vulnerable one, or to refrain from attacking at all, but not to attack their allies.

    Floral Weaponry [Physical] [Variable] [Wood]: Damage 10 (Variable Descriptor [Wooden Weapons], Quirk [Cannot crit or benefit from stance advantages while using Physical descriptors; if using her array's Feature to alter her Damage descriptor to something non-physical, it loses its own Variable Descriptor but likewise ignores this Quirk]) [10].

    Floral Acid [Material/Energy] [Acid]: Weaken Resistance 10 [10].

    Floral Compounds: Affliction loses Limited Degree [10].

    Biological Engineering: Improved Critical 4 (Limited [Only against living creatures]) [2].

    With Staff - Enthralling Scent: Floral Pheromone loses Limit, gains Feature (A Compelled or Controlled target has no memory of the scene in which they were affected), Quirk (Language-dependent) [10].

    Biological Chemistry: Multiple Effects.

    Increase Potency: Affliction gains Penetrating [10].

    Extend Dosage: Affliction gains Secondary Effect [10].

    Bind Compounds: Affliction gains Cumulative [10].

    Prolong Exposure: Affliction gains Concentration [10].

    Quicken Application: Affliction gains Reaction (Upon taking an Aid action), Limited Degree, Limited (Only against targets who have no conditions other than Bruises at start of her turn) [10].

    Apply Trap: Affliction gains Triggered 1 (Variable Trigger) [2].

    With Staff - Induce Buildup: Affliction gains Progressive (Limited [Only in turns that she concentrates]) [10].

    Delivery Modes: Multiple Effects.

    Floral Blood: Enhanced Resistance 5 (Reduced Defense 5) [10].

    Phytokinetic Projectiles: Array Powers gain Increased Range; Offensive Effects gain Homing, Quirk [Short Range Only] [10].

    Transmuted Vines [Material] [Wood]: Healing gains Shapeable Area, Affliction gains Shapeable Area [20].

    Floral Clouds: Affliction gains Cloud Area 2, Limited (Full Action) [10].

    Restorative Transmutation: Feature 1 (Healing functions as having Affects Objects modifier for purposes of living plantlife), Feature 1 (Can extend Affects Objects feature to all vegetable matter if Transmute Plants is active) [2].

    With Staff - Phytokinetic Exclusion: Affliction gains Selective [10].

    Tactical Genius: Multiple Effects.

    Cunning Assistance [Tactical] [Teamwork]: Damage 10 (+10/+0; Limited [Aid and Team Attack only]) [5].

    Clever Exploit: Affliction gains Perception (Limited [Only for one-degree miss], Limited [Only while benefitting from an Aid action]) [5].

    Devious Setup [Tactical] [Preparation]: Weaken gains Reaction (Upon taking an Aid action), Limited (Penalty only applies for Aid target), Instant Recovery [10].

    Ingenious Setup: Weaken Defense 10 [10].

    Brilliant Deduction: Senses 8 (Precognition, Postcognition; Feature 1 [Substitute Expertise for Perception for this power], Limited [Available Evidence]) [5].

    Insightful Interrogation: Mind Reading 15 (Subtle 2, Quirk 2 [Requires Interaction, Can only learn thoughts related to current conversation], Limited [Two Degrees Only]) [15].

    Tactics, Tactics, Tactics: Feature 1 (Can divide Aid degrees of success among multiple allies, though only main subject counts for relevant Limits), Feature 1 (Weaken can be used to Team Attack with Damage) [2].

    With Staff - The Light Shines In: Senses 5 (Improve Scent Intensification to Counters All Concealment and buy off Limit on its Penetrates Concealment, Quirk 0 [Can't Penetrate Concealment that is completely air-tight]), Senses 2 (Olfactory Counters Illusion), Quickness 6 (Limited [Mental]) [10].


    Defenses 40 + Skills 30 + Advantages: 20 + Powers 70 = 160 PP, PL 10
    Last edited by Quellian-dyrae; 2024-05-08 at 10:44 AM.
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