---------------------Faith and a horse-------------------

Despite a nekid kitty-person Faith goes towards the "horse experiment" where a horse with a tentacled... Face? Maw? Munches on one leaf of a Dandelion. When Faith introduces herself the horse happily goes towards here and she hears a clear distinct voice in her head.

Oh, hello! I'm horse! You got kidnapped? Oh no, where did you're kids got napped? Are they sleeping soundly?

My life here is pretty nice, I can munch on a lot of grass and leaves, I have that very tasty dandelion over there! And I regularly get snacks!

The tentacles move in a weird pattern and the squid-like head seems to look a bit confused? or angry?

What do you mean, became? I always looked like this.

-------------------------Guard room-----------------

On the other room a letter got some new words written on it, but that is not the only writing available.

On the door where the party emerged from is a plaque with the words "new arrivals" written on it.

On the door opposite this one is a "Water experiment."

On the north is a "Big glass chamber."

and it seems to the south is the "Transport chamber."