Spoiler: The Questioning of Me!
"But yeah. Newness and quietness are not alignment indicative.
Reasonable interpretation of facts, I guess. If it was a more experienced player I'd suspect this since it's a Bad Idea(TM) to reveal who has and hasn't been blackened to wolves, but I wouldn't be surprised if Moss didn't realise that at the time.
Moss is definitely a confused newbie regardless of alignment. My gut says they could be playing their confused-newbieness for effect, but I am generally bad at reading newbies.
Would like more opinions here. And Moss: who do you think could be a wolf, and why?"

ALRIGHT I HAVE HEARD THE CALL TO ACTION: DEFENSE OF ME! (featuring: more honesty than is probably safe?)

I wanted to figure out who's blackened so we can keep just blackened players voting in future rounds, since by my count there's not a lot of us here and I'd like to avoid a blackened win condition. Though that does paint a big ol target.

As for who could be a wolf, Caoimhin immediately went for Book Wombat. And then many are following suit. In a desire to obscure who's going to be blackened this round I'm joining the band wagon, but if Book Wombat is innocent that's where my mind goes immediately to be suspicious of. I still don't really "get" the investigations, and was pretty surprised that ANY of them showed information after we'd mostly determined the investigations turned up nada, so I'll stick where I am.

Other thoughts: most frequest posters in the whole game so far are Snowblaze, Caoimhin, Bladescape, Batcathat, Athedia. Though I don't want to punish activity so idk what to do with this information. But I spent an hour and a half making a spreadsheet :3

Current Votes:
Book Wombat: Batcathat, Bladescape, concobweb, Caoimhin
Snowblaze: Zelphas