Yeah, this is honestly mostly an exercise in risk assessment and resource management, the first few levels/until you amass enough hirelings and/or magic items/spells. 😹😿 Add to that the fact that Gold converts into EXP -- I thiiink, I know it does in pre-3E D&D -- and the fact that the book's got a section on parlance, more often than not you're going to be smacking around singular bad guys and finding ways around/ groups of them until you get bigger teeth.

For instance, starting out with detect illusion is going to mean that I'm going to look into sharing some loot with a hireling, or at the very least, buying oil and holy water. Once I start to see more levels and can more freely research things outside of what's presumably a spell given by a mentor, is when I can start to really pull my weight. Until then, though...! I'm going to practice my pitching.