Only ever so slightly displeased that she couldn't get a piece of the big guard (in the end, it's not like fleshy things make crunchy noises that satisfying when hit with a blunt implement; Brakq just feels there must be better stuff to hit with a stick in here!), Brakq accepts her treasuredhammer from the weird song-dance lady with the closest thing to a genuine gratitude her face can show and… Oddly enough, doesn't bother to take a good swing yet, no. Instead, using the blocky, big maul as a grotesque crutch, she flops and drags herself all the way to the her chest and looks in. The gauntlests, armour and assorted tidbits are put on without much ado; but the backpack gets some extra attention. She removes, one after the other, sveral pyramid-shaped flasks of clear liquid and two large earthenware eggs with curious little metallic pins sticking out of them, inspects them with an idiotic grin, then places them back in, swinging the whole thing onto her back. There's alightshow for later in there. So good!

It is only then that she equips the big hammer again… And swiftly turns it against the chest with a resounding MOPUNTAIN HAMMER!! It feels so right. I, uh, I have my stuff now. she tells the cat, evidently unfazed by her sudden transformation into a not-cat. Let's go break something.

Spoiler: OOC

Mountain Hammer on the empty chest, because of course: (1d20+7)[12] for (2d8+7)[18] and (3d6)[18], ignoring all hardness.