Loxodon Rune Knight Fighter
AC: 18 HP: 22/64
PPer: 12 PInv: 10 PIns: 20
Second Wind: 1/1 | Action Surge: 1/1
Frost Rune: 0/1 | Stone Rune: 1/1
Giant's Might: 3/3
Traits: Darkvision 120ft
Conditions: --

Go, go! Ondros says to Nolwenn, I will take them both. The loxodon throws Draelin over one shoulder, and the former prisoner, now draped in Nolwenn's cloak, over the other. He moves to the pole and grasps it with his trunk, moving up through the tower.

Loxodons count as a size larger for carrying capacity, so Ondros can carry 600lbs before being encumbered.