Quote Originally Posted by CaoimhinTheCape View Post
The other thing I might have expected mafia to have done is to spread out - if there are 3 maf and they all go to the Lounge, there is a very good chance they get caught if the investigation turns up Lounge.
Speaking of spreading out, I wonder what the best spread for investigations is. On one hand, spreading out as much as possible so there's only one person per investigation would limit the wolves' ability to disrupt the investigations and a wolf investigating something couldn't claim their investigation was disrupted, forcing them to either lie (and potentially get caught) or share real information (if we do this setup, there probably won't be enough investigation targets this time, unless people have knowledge of some talents, in which case we'd have to figure out whether it's worth some people not investigating at all). On the other hand, some investigations are likely more useful than others, so it might make sense to have multiple people on them, even if it risks disruption.