Mystery's mighty yawn let's both guards be heavily burdened, they're gear suddenly way too heavy for them. The bees do they're stinging work, damaging one guard and with Faith's horn, and some stings, the heavenly music makes him unconscious.

The other guard, battered and weak, still try's to strike at Faith weakly, but Brakq is faster and strikes him down with one hearty punch.

The big guard sighes. "Why do I have to do everything myself?!"

He lurches forward, ignoring the hurtful sting of the bees.

Spoiler: Bee damage.

Without further discussion he swings towards Brakq, trying to get him down.

Spoiler: Attack against Brakq
Damage (1d8+5)[13] and DC 13 Fortitude save for half (3d6)[7] Electricity damage, all damage is subdual.

Spoiler: Map