Quote Originally Posted by Jason View Post
Chances are that someone will make a decent roll, especially if you have a group of twelve (that's a bigger group than I would run by choice).
I'd phrase that much stronger. A group of twelve players, in tabletop, is doomed, full stop. A group that large will not function.

If Talakeal is running groups of that size it explains a great deal, such as the lack of input and attentiveness noted from all but one or two players, because those one or two players are the only ones that matter, everyone else isn't a real participant and only takes actions when their turn comes up which is probably once an hour at best, so of course they spent all their time checked out on their phones, have nothing to contribute to the active circumstance because they aren't paying attention, and can barely recall the rules.

In general the soft cap for a tabletop group size if seven: one GM and six players, and even that requires a lot of rapid juggling by the GM and fairly simply game systems (admittedly, the WoD is much better suited to larger parties than D&D). Any move above that introduces substantial instability into the game simply as a result of group size.