Quote Originally Posted by Mechalich View Post
It's mostly a late game thing, admittedly. Once you hit a level ~75 or so, quest XP just kind of stops making any difference. At that point only the XP from high-level enemies moves the needle anymore, and since level-equivalent enemies are only found in a small number of high-level areas, it encourages repeatedly hitting those areas. FO76 has a similar problem, where the most efficient way to spend your time is murdering your way through the ghouls at the Whitespring over and over and over.
That sounds a lot like complaining that it's hard to get XP long past the point where XP can provide meaningful value to your character. The player power curve in Fallout 4 plateaus long before level 75. The last tier of perks is 41+ and the loot tables stop scaling at 50.

Judging the loot goblin experience by something which is clearly beyond the scope of intended play is like complaining that Dark Souls is a bit hard if you play naked onebro with a club. Sure people do it but it's not normal.