Spoiler: beatrice
Aye captian we are clear... least as clear as 'dont be something i gotta kill' thing is... I know nothing bout any of this since you do... maybe we can speak on it in private sometime or perhaps you can direct me to someone who can help me learn. Guess me secret is out... do i need to worry bout others that maybe not so understandin? The long dark kinda sorta helped me with this before... perhaps i should speak to the priest of the maiden... thats what you know er by right? By the way thank you for the coin in me homeland if you didnt have this on hand someone that found out either made you buy them a drink or make you drink a shot. Lots of variations ta the game. Same here?

To aupti ah come on lad are ya trying to watch yer figure bwahaha. The lass offered so it be rude to turn er down right? Shad id be glad to eat with you once more.

When he notices shad fall to the ground he doesn't really get it but does his best to console her. If she let's him he picks her up and puts her in some seat somewhere private to calm down. Aye lass let it out all steel bends and breaks sometime. Or are ye sick? I dont know what ta say but i be here if you need me he continues to hang around with her as long as he needs to.