Osarin Mol, Favored Soul of Bane

Spoiler: Concept
A perfectionist with an unquenchable ambition, Osarin Mol is the sort of despot that will squeeze a nation dry to further his quest for nothing less than total domination of known existence, and now, the Noctuary calls to him.

Spoiler: Quote
If I worried about the ants I crush beneath my feet, I wouldn’t be able to walk.
I have long since come to see those ants as creatures in my way.
Obstacles to be ignored or destroyed in my relentless pursuit of power and glory.
Some may call it a cruel mentality, but it is a necessary one.
The weak call it cold and heartless, but I have seen the truth.
In this world there is no room for pity, no time for remorse.
Every being must fight, by tooth, claw, or spell, to shine in their brief twinkle of existence.
Or be left behind in the oblivion of mediocrity.
I will not be left behind.
I was born with something inside me that refuses to settle for mediocrity.
I am grateful for this.
I am a warrior, a conqueror,
A force of pure violence
And all I desire is the sheer glory of victory.
Mercy is for the weak.
Surrender for those lacking conviction
I am coming for world and all it has to offer.
Nothing will stop me
I care for nothing more than to see my name etched in the annals of history
and for the world to acknowledge my greatness.
Those that bow before me shall bathe in the glory of my wake.
Those that oppose me shall be known by the lamentations of their kin.
I shall shine so brightly that the gods themselves are forced to acknowledge me.
I am coming.
I am coming for it all!