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Thread: Where to get into fallout series?

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    Bugbear in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jul 2023

    Default Re: Where to get into fallout series?

    Normally I'd say start with the first games, but they're very old and not the most intuitive and I can't say I started with them either. Still, worth trying if you feel up to it

    The 3d ones are all pretty self-contained, you could go in basically any order. New Vegas is generally considered the best one, which I agree with, but I'll go to bat for Fallout 4 as a pretty competent open-world action game if you can ignore the dodgy writing (Far Harbour in particular is excellent, some of the only worthwhile DLC in the franchise). That said Fallout 3 has aged terribly and was never great to begin with, it isn't worth playing unless you're a completionist.

    I'd say New Vegas, personally, but it's your call.
    Last edited by Errorname; 2024-04-29 at 07:23 PM.