I think the correct answer is "play Wasteland 2/3 instead." Fallout 1/2 have, at least to me, fallen past the Interface Event Horizon, the point at which old games are substantially unpleasant to interact with sans pre-existing nostalgia and familiarity. Fallout 3 is... well I haven't played it in years, but the shooter bits weren't good at the time, and are going to have aged like tuna salad in the sun on a hot July day. Never bothered with New Vegas, because I really do not want to deal with Fallout 3 era gameplay again, like, at all. And Bethesda, in their infinite Bethesda-ness, just kinda broke Fallout 4 so as to quickly onboard people crossing over from the show into what Bethesda games are actually like. Broken, Bethesda games are broken.

Wasteland 2 and 3 by contrast retain the turn based combat of the OG Fallouts, but with a modern and tolerable interface. Also the entire games are squad based, and turn based gun combat works much better IMO with a fireteam sized unit instead of one or two dudes. Since Fallout was originally a spiritual successor to the original Wasteland (now waaay below the Interface Event Horizon) it's basically just tapping directly into the original Fallout wellspring. There's less overt fifties-ness, but that's always struck me as one of the less engaging bits of Fallout; the fifties sucked actually, I know. This isn't exciting social commentary anymore.