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Thread: Is wireless charging bad for phones?

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    Ettin in the Playground

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    May 2009

    Default Re: Is wireless charging bad for phones?

    Quote Originally Posted by Trafalgar View Post
    All conductors have have some inductive capability but it takes an induction coil to gather enough current to cause problems. If something else on your phone could act as an induction coil, it too would receive an AC current. Transistors are not compatible with AC and would possibly become damaged.

    I assume phone designers take this into account when designing a wireless charging phone and I am not sure of a scenario where a damaged component could act as a coil. Maybe one of the antennas? I don't know.
    I'm sure that phones that are designed for wireless charging are properly tested. But this one wasn't. Wireless charging is a pretty recent thing, and the phone itself is more than five years old, the actual design even older.

    Yes, the antennas must also pick up some current, but they'll be doing that all the time, it's how they work, so I'm reasonably confident they're specced and tested to cope with that up to, probably, quite a reassuring level.

    The transistors are all on microchips, which I should think are simply too small to pick up any significant amount of current. Anyways, all commercial microchips for decades now have been specced to tolerate quite a robust level of EM interference, on general principles.

    But the display controller is none of these. I don't know for sure, but I suspect it involves carrying currents the full length and breadth of the phone. And I'm *not* confident that it's as robustly hardened as the smaller components.

    Edit: as for Google, I'd say it's a victim of what Corey Doctorow calls en****tification - the inherent conflict between "being useful" and "making money". It's travelled way down that curve by now, and shows no sign of wanting to back up.
    Last edited by veti; 2024-04-29 at 02:54 PM.