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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Jun 2022

    Default [New Class] The Tactician, aka the mundane caster


    What if a martial classe could wield the versatility of spellcasters? Enter the Tactician.

    They possess a diverse array of gambits, each akin to a level-1 spell in complexity (at least that's what I would like). But how do they stay competitive as levels progress? Simple: they blend multiple gambits in a single turn, maintaining pace with other classes as they weave intricate combinations of tactics on the battlefield.

    Essentially, from a mechanical standpoint, it's as if a spellcaster had magic building blocks and by combining them could create progressively more potent spells. However, thematically, the Tactician's gambits are purely mundane. No type of magic, hence no: teleportation, summoning, flight, and the like.

    Spoiler: Spell Points adaptation
    As you can see, the progression of the Tactic Points has been directly taken from the "Spell Points" variant. The only difference (purely formal, while substantively unchanged) is that, in order to simplify the gambit system (where a gambit should correspond to a 1st-level spell), a gambit has a value of 1 instead of 2. So all the points have been halved.

    This is my first draft, so it's still highly subject to change. In fact, I've posted it here specifically to gather as much feedback as possible and improve it. Please let me know if there's anything to adjust for balance or general improvements.


    In a world where battles are fought with steel and magic, the Tactician embodies the essence of strategy and cunning. They emerge as the mastermind behind every move, orchestrating the flow of combat with precision and foresight. Armed not only with weapons but also with intellect, the Tactician navigates the battlefield like a chess grandmaster, always several steps ahead of their foes.

    They are the architects of victory, turning the chaos of battle into a symphony of calculated strikes and gambits.

    Spoiler: Table
    Level Proficiency Bonus Features Gambits Known Tactical Points Max Tactical Points per Turn Tactical Recovery
    1st +2 Tactical Combat, Analytical Fight 4 2 1 -
    2nd +2 Mental Recovery 5 3 1 1
    3rd +2 Warfare Philosophy 5 7 2 1
    4th +2 Ability Score Improvement 6 9 2 2
    5th +3 Weakness Assessment 6 14 3 2
    6th +3 Warfare Philosophy Feature 7 16 3 3
    7th +3 - 7 19 4 3
    8th +3 Ability Score Improvement 8 22 4 4
    9th +4 - 8 29 4 4
    10th +4 Warfare Philosophy Feature 9 32 5 5
    11th +4 - 9 36 5 5
    12th +4 Ability Score Improvement 10 37 5 6
    13th +5 10 42 6 6
    14th +5 Warfare Philosophy Feature 11 42 6 7
    15th +5 - 11 42 6 7
    16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 12 47 7 8
    17th +6 - 12 53 7 8
    18th +6 Master of the Battlefield 13 57 7 9
    19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 13 62 8 9
    20th +6 God of the Battlefield 14 67 8 10

    Hit Dice: 1d10 per tactician level
    Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
    Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per tactician level after 1st

    Armor: Light Medium armor, shield
    Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
    Tools: None

    Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
    Skills: Choose three skills from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Medicine, Perception, Stealth and Survival

    You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
    • (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor, longbow, and 20 arrows
    • (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial weapons
    • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two hand axes
    • (a) a dungeoneer's pack or (b) an explorer's pack

    Beginning at 1st level, your mental acuity allows you to utilize various tactics during combat. Your calculating genius is represented by a pool of Tactical Points.

    The Tactician table shows how many tactical points you have to use your tactical abilities, called “gambits”. To use these gambits, you must expend those points: 1 tactical point for each gamble.

    You can combine gambits together in the same turn with these constrains:
    1. The column “Max Tactical Points per Turn” show how many tactical points you can use in singe turn of yours.
    2. A gambit can force a Saving Throw to a specific enemy only once per round.
    3. A specific water gambit can only be used once per round.
    4. Only one gambit requiring a reaction is possible to use in a round (exception: “God of the Battlefield” feature).

    In general gambits don’t expend actions or bonus actions; but some gambits can use a reaction.

    You regain all expended tactical points when you finish a long rest.

    The “Gambits Known” column of the Tactician table shows how many gambles you know at each level.

    Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the gambits you know and replace it with another gambit.

    Some of the gambits require your target to make a saving throw to resist the gambit’s effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

    Gambit save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier

    At 1st level, when you attack with a weapon, you can use your Intelligence modifier, instead of Strength or Dexterity, for the attack and damage rolls.

    Your analytical mind is so focused that if you use this feature, you can’t cast spells or concentrate on them for 1 minute.

    Starting at 2nd level, once per long rest when you finish a short rest, you can choose to recover an amount of tactical points as shown in the Tactical table.

    At 3rd level, you choose a warfare philosophy that shape the way you see your enemies and the battlefield. Your choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 6th, 10th, and 14th level.

    When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

    At 5th level, if you don’t spend any tactical points in your turn, you add 1d10 to the attack's damage roll. You cannot use this feature as a reaction or with the "Extra Attack" feature.

    The feature improves at higher levels. This damage increases by 1d10 when you reach 11th level (2d10), and 17th level (3d10).

    At 18th level, you have achieved great mastery over the battlefield. You may use a gambit belonging to your Warfare Philosophy even if you don’t know it.

    You can use this feature once per round.

    When you reach 20th level, your ability over the battlefield becomes unparalleled. Your speed is increased by 10 feet and you have +3 to your AC against opportunity attacks.

    In addition, when you use a reaction, you can combine two gambits requiring a reaction in the same round.

    While many adventurers excel in combat prowess, tacticians immerse themselves in the complexities of warfare, aspiring to dominate the battlefield much like a skilled chess player commands the board.

    Through their rigorous studies, they develop unique ideologies regarding combat, known as Warfare Philosophies. Among these, two stand out: The Fire Philosophy and the Water Philosophy.


    The Fire Tactician epitomizes the art of direct warfare, honing their skills to deliver devastating blows with unparalleled accuracy. They favor straightforward tactics that prioritize dealing maximum damage to their foes. Armed with keen insight and unwavering determination, they strike fear into the hearts of their enemies with every calculated assault.

    Starting at 3rd level, when you didn’t hit with an attack roll against a creature, you can reroll and keep the result of the second roll.

    You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

    At 6th level, you gain proficiency in Constitution saving throws. If you already have this proficiency, you instead gain proficiency in Dexterity or Charisma saving throws (your choice).

    In addition, you have resistance to bludgeoning.

    At 10th level, you add +2 to each attacks and damaging gambits.

    At 14th level, when you use a fire gambit you can use it without spending tactical points.
    You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.


    The Water Tactician embodies the principles of indirect warfare, utilizing cunning strategies and astute defenses to outmaneuver adversaries with finesse. They manipulate the battlefield like a masterful tactician, employing devious tactics and shrewd defenses to secure triumph.

    Starting at 3rd level, when a creature makes an attack roll and hit you, you can force it to reroll. It keeps the result of second roll.

    You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

    At 6th level, Your Gambit save DC increases by 1.

    At 10th level, you have a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to +5.

    At 14th level, when you use a water gambit you can use it without spending tactical points.
    You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus.
    Last edited by yisopo; 2024-04-30 at 10:28 AM.