Sabian Skellegue
Half-Orc Barbarian
AC: 21 HP: 1/41 HD: 4/4
PPer: 13 PInv: 10 PIst: 11
Raging: Yes
Reckless: Yes
Resistances: Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing, Cold, Fire, Necrotic
Conditions: --
Rages: 1/3

More claws and fangs gash him; the children of Dracula are ferocious. Sabian fights off the wolves and gets back to his feet somehow and continues his assault, impaling another wolf, and bashing another one into the burning underbrush with his shield.

Spoiler: Turn 3

Move - Stand up (15ft)
Action - Attack W21 Recklessly
Attack - [roll]=1d20+6[/roll], (1d20+6)[10]
Damage - Magical Piercing - (1d6+6)[7] + Radiant - (1d6+2)[3]
Bonus Action - Shield Master Shove W5 to Y308
Athletics w/Rage Advantage - (1d20+7)[8], (1d20+7)[26]