R1T17: Kaen nods to himself. He was reasonably certain that his defenses were adequate against the swarm, but it was reassuring to have confirmation. He shifts his astral suit to its most flexible form and strikes at the swarm with the torch, trying to slay what bugs he can and safely disperse the rest. Mind you, this is the first battlefield test, and he finds that his torch simply pongs against the inside of the barrier for little effect ... he is on the outside, and bugs are on the outside with him sealed in the barrier. It is also at this time that Kaen notes that his hand is feeling very warm right now.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

Cockroaches completely unable to do enough damage to matter ...

R2T17: Kaen, your whole upper body is starting to feel very warm, and the air quality is fast eroding. What do you do?