R3T12: Aasgar concentrates and calls on the spirit of Uskroth to infuse him with power. Though he doesn't have the focus to try to get out of the grapple, the bramble strains to keep him held as the dwarf is now 8'10" tall, and weighing in well over 3/4 ton!
Spoiler: Inspiration
Warning Roar.

R3T10: Galakhar brilliantly tumbles away from his animated bramble and downs an extract which causes his entire musculature to swell up.

R3T9: Cici recovers from the blighted aura's sickening effects and concentrates on a spell, and a blast of golden particles covers two of the servitor brambles and the main one. It appears both servitors are wiggling more erratically. Unfortunately, even though Phaevin technically was outside the effect, his grappled condition and being brought close to an animated bramble means he is blinded as well. She then repositions to the east.

R3T6: Ivilva's voice is heard casting right next to Aasgar, but she is not seen. It is not a quick incantation, for she continues it ....

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

Phaevin, roll a Fort save to get over being sickened. You have a bow in hand and are currently blinded by friendly glitter. What do you do? At the end of your round, you then get a Will save to no longer be blinded.

Enemies on deck and in the hole ...