Quote Originally Posted by Cptn Whoopass View Post
Initially, I though it would be a decent city to pickpocket in. But, the DM disagreed. I found that all of the information he shared can be found on the Forgotten Realms Fandom Wiki although we were texting so I'm not sure if this was the exact source he used.

Not only do they have both a City Watch and a City Guard, he said many entrepreneurs in the city look out for each other and members of the justice system can be tough on crime. I'd love to develop this story arc for my character but I'll hold off for now.
The City Watch is no joke (the City Guard only concerns itself with guarding the walls), and the justice system is pretty immediate, but that doesn't mean the city is bereft of crime by any means.

As stoutstien mentions, there is Skullport, the town-under-the-city that's a well known den for all sort of criminals, clandestine agents and ne'er-do-wells. The Xanathar's Guild is an active and powerful group of mobsters, and the Zentharim criminal syndicate has been muscling its way into the city too. There's also the legendary rich-people-robber called the Black Viper, devil cults, savvy street urchins, and the like.

Even if you go with factions who aren't outlaws, you have the Harpers and the Force Grey agents, both of which would have more than one member who can boast about being a big name in the Sleight of Hand business.