Quote Originally Posted by Witty Username View Post
That definitely can happen, although if they pop uncanny dodge that does mean they used an attack, monster runs up to wizard and says boogah boogah is also a thing that happens.
The issue is just making these sweeping claims about how the rogue plays out, which can't be substantiated except in actual gameplay.

When I hear things like (paraphrasing) "there's little value in having Expertise in multiple skills" and "rogues can be tanks because of Uncanny Dodge and Warcaster" it immediately tells me I'm playing a different game than the people making these claims. So it becomes obvious to me that their opinion is limited to their playstyle, as mine are to mine, and we can't go around making these claims about a class.

I would much rather have a rogue that can perform consistently well at the out of combat challenges the party faces, and still contribute to damage/kills in combat, than someone tricked out to the gills with spells/features/multiclassing because they have some weird need to prove to... someone? that they can excel at every role as good or better than anyone else.

At least with the former I know what I'm getting. With the latter, it's whatever their whim is, and inevitably they're going to be checking in on everyone's turn "Well, actually, I can do that, so maybe you can do something else with your turn..."

Thanks, but I'd rather not every turn be a negotiation with Captain Do-It-All. I prefer distinct party roles with some minor overlap, instead of people trying to be Superman asking why Flash is on the team.