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    Troll in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Default Re: Travels amongst the Border Princes (WFRP 2e) OOC

    Those are definitely details that Sir Laurens doesn't want to bother working out! But soldiers can carry a few days rations, perhaps a week's worth. Less if they need fodder for the horses (which they will). If they bring pack horses they'll need people to handle them as well (so more food and fodder) and those people will need to be guarded (or be soldiers themselves) reducing combat strength. It's a very risky proposition, as any of the veterans will tell you. The other option is to take supplies from the locals, assuming they can be found and 'convinced'.

    Yes, that's a possibility. Smaller soldiers would be able to get through, certainly not a knight in armor, though. The path through the mines to the top of the mesa is better, although it does require some gnarly wall-climbing up an elevator shaft. IIRC Harman got real lucky on his rolls and then dropped a rope for you guys.
    Last edited by dojango; 2024-04-26 at 01:22 PM.