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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Jan 2014

    Default Re: The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Stories (3.5, Discord)

    Quote Originally Posted by Gondolin01 View Post
    If I’m understanding this right, I’d need to choose whether I’m wielding or casting in a turn? Would that restriction apply just with the Greatsword? Also how would that interact with Arcane Channeling? I’ll get my character a Longsword so I have one hand reliably free for casting. If I understand the spellcasting rules correctly, all I need is one hand, so I won’t need to choose.
    Yes, I believe we were saying the same thing. The big issue with taking hand off of a 2handed weapon was you lose the ability to wield it. The issue shouldn't exist with the longsword.

    Here’s my character’s sheet and backstory:


    Ruven, Level 3 Hylian Duskblade (Link)

    “Growing up on a farm, you don’t see the world much. Hard work sunup to sundown, same fields, same familiar faces, same cows and pigs. The only escape you have is at night, when dinner’s done and the lights are dim, an’ someone starts up a story. The kids love stories. ‘Da, tell us about the Sleepy Goron!’ or ‘I wanna hear the Hero and the Angry Cuccos!’ They take you to a different world for a while, far away from the manure and the fields. In fact, lemme tell you a story now.

    There was a little kid on a farm far from the city who loved hearing stories about the Hero. Always arriving in Hyrule’s greatest need, not sayin’ much, and banishing evil. That kid wanted to be just like the Hero when he grew up, and banish all the bad guys far from his home. He’d sneak off into the woods with his trusty Stick of Evil’s Bane, whacking evil trees and driving off evil squirrel-blins. Well, one day that kid got it in his head to join the Knights of Hyrule and protect the kingdom, just like the Hero did. The village sent him off, and he became a squire.

    Wish I could say that’s the end of the story, but seems like that kid’s got a long road ahead of him. I reckon he’ll have a great story at the end of it.”

    Just need to finish his gear and MP, I think. Would his MP scale off his Intelligence since that’s his spellcasting ability? Can’t access the Google doc for whatever reason.
    I'm not so sure why it would be giving you issues. Permissions are set to be open to anyone who has a link. Maybe try opening it on a different device?

    As written, all mana dice have a charisma mod, specifically for balance reasons. It is an incentive to not just super dump charisma. I am still working on adding PHB2 classes to the list, we will get you a die to roll shortly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Gunsforhands View Post
    Okay, cool! I'll try not to overthink it!

    Spoiler: Rolls
    HP: [roll0] + 8 (1st) + 6 (Con Mod)
    MP: [roll1] +4 (1st) + -3? (Cha Mod)

    Come to think of it, do you get maximum MP at first level? And can you get 0, or even a negative amount, if you have a charisma penalty?
    I don't believe I put in a stipulation about either, although there definitely should at least be the memo similar to HD about minimum +1 hp/die. I will work that into the guide shortly. Please, do roll your mana die for 1st level. Scratch that. Max at 1st. Otherwise we run the risk of a sorc with 4 spells total. That would be sad.
    Last edited by Buufreak; 2024-04-26 at 11:49 AM.