Jericho was getting annoyed, yes, Tress was being barraged with questions, which would put anyone on the back foot, but it was like squeezing acid from an earth elemental, too damn hard for what it's worth. But finally, after some coaxing she managed to give them some actionable intel. Perhaps she was this way due to the local 'law enforcement', he frowned thinking about that, this would go towards clearing those bastards from this place, and maybe the good citizens would be more amenable.

Maybes and wants are like wishes and wind, can't hold either and neither does any good.

he grunts "Well then, seems like we have a location. We thank you Tress, hopefully we can get this whole thing sorted out. Which way is it?" he nods to her with a smile and then moves outside, not wanting to be inside any longer.


M NG Half-Orc, the Dalelands Barbarian 1/Druid 4/Warhsaper 1
Level 6, Init 9, HP 49/49, Speed 40, 60 (in predator form)
AC 19, Touch 13, Flat-footed 16
Fort 7, Ref 5, Will 6
Stats Str 18, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 6
Condition Immune to stunning & critical hits
Abilities Animal Devotion [1/1], belt of healing [3/3], anklets of translocation [2/2]