Quote Originally Posted by stoutstien View Post
I might have just dodged delayed them if I wanted to give the party a round to get in position if I had that kind of AC. Without pack tactics you could probably safely eat more actions then you'd save by trying to bring a few down.
I thought about it.

I had 4 wolves next to me when my turn came up. We all agreed to get into trees (there are 26 wolves in total), but artificer failed her Athletics check and was still on the ground. So I thought I'd move to another tree and try to draw the wolves away from her direction. Dodge probably would have been the better move, but I was worried that a lucky hit would keep me from moving. Would up being too conservative in the end.

Quote Originally Posted by Skrum
It is in the barb handbook....First, rage xD
I know, I know! I think I got greedy, hoping to escape up the tree and avoid spending a second Rage use.
My barb died once in similar circumstances. Surrounded by harpies, already pretty hurt, I used Reckless for (well I can't even remember my reasoning, but it was bad reasoning, even without the benefit of hindsight). Harpies attacked me back and the advantage they got turn what would've been like 2 hits into 4 hits and 2 crits. Died immediately.
Oof, it happens. One of my DMs LOVES telling me when an attack hits/crits specifically because of Reckless Attack. It makes him so happy. Unfortunately I don't get anything in return for delighting him in this way, except deducting hit points from my HP total lol.
Totally agree; an easy way to vastly improve barb would be to give them extra ASI's. They are feat AND attribute starved relative to fighter and even paladin.
Quote Originally Posted by Stoutstein
It's also why I consider alert or increasing your Dex modifier low key one of the best things you can do on a barbarian. Going first pulls double duty in getting someplace to be annoying and getting your primary ability online before they eat into you.
Also agreed. I am very much looking forward to level 7 for Advantage on Initiative and moving as part of Raging.

With regards to Rogue, I'm not convinced that they need to cover ALL matters in order to be a valuable member of the party. I'm perfectly fine with the Rogue excelling at most checks and the spellcaster having to cast a spell here and there to overcome a harder challenge. That's fine.

I'm not convinced that 1. the rogue can't beat Websense with a mundane Stealth check, that's totally within the purview of the DM. Just like it's in the purview of the DM to use mostly challenges that REQUIRE spells to overcome. This is a game/play style, not a RAW thing.

"High OP" games are fine, but they're not a standard. Tables that want to use all the supernatural and magical things at their disposal that require all spells to overcome are fine, but that's not every game. And we have to remember that some of these opinions are coming from exactly this style of play where if you're not optimized to the gills, you're not going to do well. Like... I play regularly weekly and in PBP. And I haven't come across websense. And it's not to say that it will never happen or doesn't happen in other games. But an exception to the Rogue's ability shouldn't be used to denigrate the rogue's abilities.