The party hurriedly gives chase, sprinting from the small office back into the hall, where they see the xvart rushing towards and open door. Sam's spells go wide in his haste, but Leaf lines up an attack for just as Grok and Caelyn reach him. The blue-skinned creature quickly incants another spell, surrounding himself in flames, and though they beat back Grok's glaive, Caelyn's club finds its mark, caving in the small creature's skull just as surely as she did Nortuary. The flames lick at her arms, but die down just as quickly.

The encounter ends with you standing victorious, if a little banged up, but you are in the heart of the Iron Throne. It's impossible for someone not to have heard what's going on...isn't it?

Spoiler: OOC

Senna moves forward.
Save made vs. Mind Thrust and EB's missed from Sam.
Leaf moves in and attacks readies an attack.

Grok double moves in. Leaf's attack triggers, dealing SA damage.
Caelyn double moves in.

The Xvart casts Fire Shield and moves away. Grok's OA misses, even with BI. Caelyn crits for 22, finishing the Xvart off.

Combat over, with another kill for Caelyn. Oh me oh my. She does take 11 fire damage from Fire Shield in the process though.

That was a Deadly encounter, so 15 experience earned.

Time to decide if you're going to immediately move on or if you're going to spend time ransacking the offices first. Also if one of you wants to pop a Short Rest, now might be the time to do so.