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Thread: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Default Re: Chult Hex Crawl - IC

    "She walked through it without harm," Nolwenn explains, "it could have just been a powerful illusion. And who would build a cage that could potentially kill your prisoner? That's against the whole point." For all her arguments, though, she knows Red is right, and, even if her gamble was one she was confident in, it was selfish to do so without consulting the others.

    "Okay, sorry, I thought we were more rushed than we were," the wizard apologizes. She taps her finger on her lip. "Why try to get it open at all, though? All we wanted was to get her out, and she can do that on her own. If she wants to stay, that's just a case of her knowing something we don't or not trusting us or just being wrong." She focuses her attention on trying to communicate with the caged woman once again.
    Last edited by The Hellbug; 2024-04-24 at 12:20 PM.
    Coach and Owner of Hellbug's Heroes, Sneak Kings, Sultans of Slaughter, and Commercial Cast-Offs. Season II and III runner-up. Season IV league champion. Season VII division champion.